Mesha Rashi Names for Boy

A list of 1900+ mesha rashi names for boy – aries names for boys, is given below:

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Mesha Rashi Names for Boy – मेष राशि के लड़कों के नाम

About Aries Kid: If your child is an Aries, you probably never get a chance to relax. Aries children enjoy being active, and when they feel restrained, they become irritated and restless.

Since they are so passionate, it’s crucial that they have constructive ways to express themselves, such as participating in sports, arts and crafts, or playing with other kids.

They might experience outbursts of rage and irritation if they don’t have these outlets.

They function best in groups of other kids engaged in exciting activities, including playing on the playground or playing sports.

You won’t have to worry about Aries meeting new acquaintances because they are an extroverted sign.

Lucky Names for Aries Boys

Aries Boys Names Start With Letter – (A, L, E, I, O)

Aries, मेषAabhasFeeling; Virtual
Aries, मेषAabhatShining; Visible; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAabheerA cowherd; Name of a dynasty
Aries, मेषAabirGulal (Auspicious red powder)
Aries, मेषAacharyaA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher
Aries, मेषAachmanIntake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja
Aries, मेषAadamyaApne Dam par (On one's own)
Aries, मेषAadarshIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence
Aries, मेषAadarshaIdol; Mentor; With an ideology
Aries, मेषAadavanThe Sun
Aries, मेषAadeshCommand; Message; Counsel
Aries, मेषAadharBase
Aries, मेषAadhavRuler
Aries, मेषAadhavanThe Sun
Aries, मेषAadhiraiA special star
Aries, मेषAadhirenDark
Aries, मेषAadhiroopHonest, Independent, Original
Aries, मेषAadhishFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled
Aries, मेषAadhyatmMeditetion ( Dhyan)
Aries, मेषAadiAdornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant
Aries, मेषAadidevThe Lord of the Lords; The first God
Aries, मेषAadijayThe first victory
Aries, मेषAadijithFirst victory
Aries, मेषAadikshExpressive; Diplomatic; Refined
Aries, मेषAadimThe entire universe; First; Foundation; Original
Aries, मेषAadinathThe first Lord; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAadiptaBright
Aries, मेषAadishFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled
Aries, मेषAadishankarSri Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy
Aries, मेषAaditPeak; Lord of the Sun; First
Aries, मेषAaditeySon of Aditi; The Sun
Aries, मेषAaditeyaThe Sun
Aries, मेषAadithPeak; Lord of the Sun; First
Aries, मेषAadithyaAditi's son, The Sun, Sun God
Aries, मेषAadithyakethuOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAaditvaA variant of Aditya: the Sun
Aries, मेषAadityaAditi's son, The Sun, Sun God
Aries, मेषAadivDelicate
Aries, मेषAadvayUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
Aries, मेषAadvikUnique
Aries, मेषAadyantInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end
Aries, मेषAadyotPraise; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAagamComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom
Aries, मेषAaghoshLapped
Aries, मेषAagneyKarna, the great warrior; One who is born from fire
Aries, मेषAagneyaKarna; the great warrior; One who is born from fire
Aries, मेषAagnivHonest Person
Aries, मेषAahaanDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light
Aries, मेषAahanDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light
Aries, मेषAahiSoul; Spirit
Aries, मेषAahilPrince
Aries, मेषAahlaadDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness
Aries, मेषAahladDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness
Aries, मेषAahnikPrayer
Aries, मेषAahvaBeloved
Aries, मेषAahvanAn invitation call
Aries, मेषAaishDelight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings
Aries, मेषAakaarShape; Form
Aries, मेषAakalpUnlimited
Aries, मेषAakampanUnshaken; Calm; Determined
Aries, मेषAakankshHope; Desire
Aries, मेषAakarShape; Form
Aries, मेषAaniyaLord Hanuman; Fulfilment
Aries, मेषAanjaneyaLord Hanuman, Son of Anjana
Aries, मेषAanjayUnconquerable; Unbeatable
Aries, मेषAanshPortion; Day
Aries, मेषAanshalStrong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate
Aries, मेषAantyaSuccessful; Accomplished
Aries, मेषAanushBeautiful morning; Star; Following a desire
Aries, मेषAaptReliable; Trustworthy; Successful; Logical
Aries, मेषAapuBreath; Faultless; Virtuous; Divine
Aries, मेषAarLight bringer
Aries, मेषAarabhPatience
Aries, मेषAaradhakWorshipper
Aries, मेषAaradhyWorshipped
Aries, मेषAaranayBeginning; Starter
Aries, मेषAaranyanJungle; Forest
Aries, मेषAaravPeaceful; Sound; Shout
Aries, मेषAardhyA person who is worshiped
Aries, मेषAarianOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent
Aries, मेषAariketLord Ganesh; Against desire
Aries, मेषAarikethLord Ganesh; Against desire
Aries, मेषAarinFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray
Aries, मेषAarishFirst ray of Sun; Sky
Aries, मेषAaritOne who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend
Aries, मेषAarivKing of wisdom
Aries, मेषAarjavHonest; Sincere; One who is steadfast in happiness and sorrow
Aries, मेषAarjithEarning
Aries, मेषAarkshOf the stars; Celestial
Aries, मेषAarnabOcean
Aries, मेषAarnavOcean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea
Aries, मेषAarnav TejOcean
Aries, मेषAarnaviHeart as big as ocean; Bird
Aries, मेषAarochanShining; Bright; Name of the Sun; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAarohUp
Aries, मेषAarohitChatur (Clever)
Aries, मेषAarpitTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated
Aries, मेषAarshBright; Hero; Truthfulness; Dominion; Crown; Pure; Worshipped; Divine
Aries, मेषAarshabhIt's another name of Shri Krishna
Aries, मेषAarshinAlmighty's place; Pious
Aries, मेषAarshviName of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAarthMeaningful; Meaning
Aries, मेषAarthavMeaningful
Aries, मेषAarudhAscended; Risen; Elevated
Aries, मेषAarukshaFinesse, Charm; Elegance
Aries, मेषAarulThe grace of God; Blessing of God
Aries, मेषAarunyaMerciful; Compassionate
Aries, मेषAarushFirst ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun
Aries, मेषAarushfGift from God
Aries, मेषAaryakKind; Honourable; Noble; Wise
Aries, मेषAaryamanNoble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; Belonging to the Sun; The Sun; Friend
Aries, मेषAaryamikNoble
Aries, मेषAaryanOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent
Aries, मेषAaryavNoble person
Aries, मेषAaryaveerBrave Man
Aries, मेषAaryavirBrave Man
Aries, मेषAaryeshThe king of Arya
Aries, मेषAaryikRespected; Masterful
Aries, मेषAasavLiquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine
Aries, मेषAashExpectation
Aries, मेषAashangLoyal; Affectionate
Aries, मेषAashankFaith; Fearless; Without hesitation or doubt
Aries, मेषAashayHawk-like
Aries, मेषAashirvadBlessings
Aries, मेषAashishBlessings
Aries, मेषAashleshEmbrace
Aries, मेषAashrayShelter
Aries, मेषAashraynandanShelter person; A person who gives shelter to everybody
Aries, मेषAashreshClever
Aries, मेषAashrithSomebody who gives shelter
Aries, मेषAashrutFamous
Aries, मेषAashuActive; Quick; Fast
Aries, मेषAashuinatquick-witted
Aries, मेषAashutoshAnother name for Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAashvithOcean
Aries, मेषAasitBlack stone; Not white; Limitless; Dark; Calm; Self-possessed
Aries, मेषAaslunanGem
Aries, मेषAasthikSon of Arjun
Aries, मेषAastikWho has faith in God; Believing in existence and God
Aries, मेषAasviBlessed and victorious; Little Mare
Aries, मेषAatharvaThe first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas
Aries, मेषAathavLord Ganesha's one name
Aries, मेषAathmiyaSpiritual
Aries, मेषAathravAuspicious; Lucky
Aries, मेषAatmajSon; Born of the soul
Aries, मेषAatmanSoul; Another name for Krishna
Aries, मेषAatmanandBlissful
Aries, मेषAatmaramOne who is Happy in his self
Aries, मेषAatmayLong-lived
Aries, मेषAatreyAn ancient name; Glorious; Able to cross the three worlds
Aries, मेषAatreyaName of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory
Aries, मेषAavanshForthcoming generation
Aries, मेषAavegImpulse
Aries, मेषAaveshLord of the universe, Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAaviSmoke
Aries, मेषAavishOcean; Holy incarnation
Aries, मेषAayamDimensions
Aries, मेषAayanSomeone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAayanshThe first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAayansh SaiThe first ray light of Lord Sai
Aries, मेषAayodgiver of life
Aries, मेषAayshDelight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings
Aries, मेषAayuSpan of life
Aries, मेषAayudhShastra (Epics)
Aries, मेषAayusAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life
Aries, मेषAayushAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life
Aries, मेषAayushmanBlessed with long life
Aries, मेषAbadhyaFull of power; Invincible
Aries, मेषAbbhinavNew; Novel; Innovative
Aries, मेषAbbirGulal (Auspicious red powder)
Aries, मेषAbdhiSea
Aries, मेषAbhaidevFree of fear
Aries, मेषAbhaijeetVictory over fear
Aries, मेषAbhasFeeling; Virtual
Aries, मेषAbhavLord Shiva; Having the ability to be different
Aries, मेषAbhavyaImproper; Fear-causing
Aries, मेषAbhayFearless
Aries, मेषAbhaya PradaBestower of safety; Another name of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAbhayamFearless
Aries, मेषAbhayanOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAbhayanandaDelighting in fearless
Aries, मेषAbhayankarPowerful and complete
Aries, मेषAbhayiTrustworthy
Aries, मेषAbheekFearless; Beloved
Aries, मेषAbheetJo kisi se na dare (One who fears nobody)
Aries, मेषAbheyFearless
Aries, मेषAbhiFearless
Aries, मेषAbhibhavaOverpowering; Powerful; Victorious
Aries, मेषAbhicandraWith a Moon-like face; One of the seven Manus of the Svetambara Jain sect
Aries, मेषAbhichandraFearless
Aries, मेषAbhideepIlluminated
Aries, मेषAbhidharmHighest Dharma
Aries, मेषAbhidiRadiant
Aries, मेषAbhidnyaGoddess
Aries, मेषAbhigyaanSource of knowledge
Aries, मेषAbhihasInclined to smile
Aries, मेषAbhihitaExpression; Word; Name
Aries, मेषAbhijanPride of a family; Noble
Aries, मेषAbhijatNoble; Wise; Faultless; Transparent
Aries, मेषAbhijathNoble; Wise; Faultless; Transparent
Aries, मेषAbhijayVictorious; Conquest; Complete victory
Aries, मेषAbhijayaVictorious; Conquest; Complete victory
Aries, मेषAbhijeetLord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Aries, मेषAbhijitLord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Aries, मेषAbhijithLord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Aries, मेषAbhijunExpert; Skilled
Aries, मेषAbhijvalaBlazing forth
Aries, मेषAbhikFearless; Beloved
Aries, मेषAbhikamAffectionate; Loving
Aries, मेषAbhilashDesire; Affection
Aries, मेषAbhileshImmortal; Unique
Aries, मेषAbhimAnother name for Lord Vishnu; Destroyer of fear
Aries, मेषAbhimaanProud; Self-importance
Aries, मेषAbhimanProud; Self-importance
Aries, मेषAbhimandGladdening
Aries, मेषAbhimaniFull of pride; Another name of Agni as the eldest son of Brahma
Aries, मेषAbhimanumPride; Desire
Aries, मेषAbhimanyuSelf-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud
Aries, मेषAbhimanyusutaSon; Abhimanyu
Aries, मेषAbhimathBeloved
Aries, मेषAbhimodaJoy; Delight
Aries, मेषAbhinabhasRenowned; Famous
Aries, मेषAbhinandAcknowledge
Aries, मेषAbhinandaTo rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous
Aries, मेषAbhinandanTo rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous
Aries, मेषAbhinandanaTo rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous
Aries, मेषAbhinashActor
Aries, मेषAbhinathaLord of desires; Another name of Kama
Aries, मेषAbhinavInnovative; Young; Modern; Fresh; Novel
Aries, मेषAbhinavaYoung; New; Novel; Innovative
Aries, मेषAbhinavsriHelpful
Aries, मेषAbhinayExpression
Aries, मेषAbhineetPerfect; Acted
Aries, मेषAbhineethSerene, loving, forgiving
Aries, मेषAbhineshActor
Aries, मेषAbhinitPerfect; Acted
Aries, मेषAbhiniveshDesire
Aries, मेषAbhinuBrave Man
Aries, मेषAbhipujTo adorn; Worship
Aries, मेषAbhirA cowherd; Name of dynasty
Aries, मेषAbhiraamLord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure; Wonderful
Aries, मेषAbhiragA person with pure heart
Aries, मेषAbhirajFearless king; Regal; Bright
Aries, मेषAbhiralCowherd
Aries, मेषAbhiramLord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure; Wonderful
Aries, मेषAbhirathGreat charioteer
Aries, मेषAbhirupHandsome; Pleasant; Pleasing
Aries, मेषAbhisarCompanion
Aries, मेषAbhisekRitual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol
Aries, मेषAbhisheikRitual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol
Aries, मेषAbhishekRitual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol
Aries, मेषAbhishreyAbhishrey the credit of good deed; The dawn of the good
Aries, मेषAbhisokaPassionate; Loving
Aries, मेषAbhisumatRadiant; Another name of the Sun; Mane of Lord Sun
Aries, मेषAbhisumathRadiant; Another name of the Sun; Mane of Lord Sun
Aries, मेषAbhisyantaSplendid
Aries, मेषAbhithEverywhere
Aries, मेषAbhivadanGreeting
Aries, मेषAbhivanthRoyal salute
Aries, मेषAbhiviraSurrounded by heroes; A commander
Aries, मेषAbhiyanshUrge to Understand
Aries, मेषAbhjeetOne who is victorious
Aries, मेषAbhraCloud
Aries, मेषAbhrakasinWith clouds for shelter; An ascetic
Aries, मेषAbhramSteady; Purposeful
Aries, मेषAbhranilaLord Basudev
Aries, मेषAbhuUnborn; Nonexistent; UnEarthly; Another name for Vishnu
Aries, मेषAbhyaTowards the fire
Aries, मेषAbhyagniTowards the fire; A son of Aitasa
Aries, मेषAbhyanAtart a movement
Aries, मेषAbhyankName of God
Aries, मेषAbhyanshFearless
Aries, मेषAbhypsitDesired
Aries, मेषAbhyudaySunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity
Aries, मेषAbhyudayaSunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity
Aries, मेषAbhyudevThe Sun
Aries, मेषAbhyuditaElevated; Risen; Prosperous
Aries, मेषAbhyuktLord Krishna
Aries, मेषAbhyuktaLord Krishna
Aries, मेषAbijitInvincible
Aries, मेषAbilashFaithful
Aries, मेषAbileshAdmirable; Lovable
Aries, मेषAbimanyuSelf-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud
Aries, मेषAbinaashEternal; Immortal, Who has no death
Aries, मेषAbinashEternal; Immortal, Who has no death
Aries, मेषAbinavInnovative; New
Aries, मेषAbinayLord Shiva; Histrionic representation
Aries, मेषAbineshEternal; Immortal, Who has no death
Aries, मेषAbinishHope
Aries, मेषAbiramMy father is exalted
Aries, मेषAbishaiMy father is a gift
Aries, मेषAbishekRitual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol
Aries, मेषAbivanthRoyal salute
Aries, मेषAbjayoniBorn of the Lotus, Another name of Lord Brahma
Aries, मेषAbjitVictorious; Conquering water
Aries, मेषAbrikPrecious like God
Aries, मेषAcalapatiLord of the immovable; Lord of mountain
Aries, मेषAcalendraLord of the immovable; The Himalayas
Aries, मेषAcalesvaraGod of the immovable; Another name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAcandaNot of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle
Aries, मेषAcaryanandanaSon of the teacher; Another name of Asvatthaman
Aries, मेषAcaryasutaSon of the teacher; Another name of Asvatthaman
Aries, मेषAcaryatanayaSon of the teacher; Another name for Aswatthama
Aries, मेषAcchindraFlawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect
Aries, मेषAcchutanLord Vishnu, The one who is without the six transformations, Beginning with the birth
Aries, मेषAchalConstant
Aries, मेषAchalendraThe himalayas
Aries, मेषAchalesvaraGod of the immovable; Another name for Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAchalrajHimalayan mountain
Aries, मेषAchandaNot of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle
Aries, मेषAchapalDetermination
Aries, मेषAcharyaA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher
Aries, मेषAcharyasutaSon of the teacher; Another name for Aswatthama
Aries, मेषAchindraFlawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect
Aries, मेषAchintCare free
Aries, मेषAchintyaBeyond comprehension
Aries, मेषAchitSeparation of newborns hair
Aries, मेषAchutamDevelopment
Aries, मेषAchyutImperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAchyut PragnaLord Vishnu and Lord Hanuman
Aries, मेषAchyutaImperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAchyuthLord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable
Aries, मेषAchyuthaLord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable
Aries, मेषAchyuthanIndestructible
Aries, मेषAcintyaSurpassing thought; Incogitable
Aries, मेषAcyutarayaWorshipper of the infallible; A devotee of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAdalarasuKing of dance
Aries, मेषAdarshIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence
Aries, मेषAdbhutahWonderful God
Aries, मेषAdedevThe Lord of the Lords
Aries, मेषAdeepThe light of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAdenyaFirst
Aries, मेषAdeshCommand; Message; Counsel
Aries, मेषAdeshwarGod
Aries, मेषAdharshIdeal; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdharvLord Ganesha, First Veda
Aries, मेषAdhavanThe Sun
Aries, मेषAdhbudhaRare
Aries, मेषAdheerRestless; Lord Chandra or Moon
Aries, मेषAdheeshKing; Hindu God; God worshipped by Gods themselves
Aries, मेषAdhiAdornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant; Ornament; Unequalled; First
Aries, मेषAdhikGreater
Aries, मेषAdhikaraPrincipal; Controller
Aries, मेषAdhilHonerable juduge; Justice
Aries, मेषAdhinathThe first Lord; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAdhinavIntelligent; Innovative
Aries, मेषAdhipKing; Ruler
Aries, मेषAdhipaKing; Ruler
Aries, मेषAdhirRestless; Lord Chandra or Moon
Aries, मेषAdhirajKing
Aries, मेषAdhirathaCharioteer
Aries, मेषAdhishKing; Hindu God; God worshipped by Gods themselves
Aries, मेषAdhitFrom the beginning
Aries, मेषAdhitaA scholar
Aries, मेषAdhithyaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdhityaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdhiveshGod's creation
Aries, मेषAdhritLord Vishnu; Independent; Supportive
Aries, मेषAdhrithLord Vishnu; Independent; Supportive
Aries, मेषAdhvaitUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
Aries, मेषAdhvaitaUnion of matter and soul; Non duality; Unique
Aries, मेषAdhvayUnique; Original
Aries, मेषAdhvedhInner strength
Aries, मेषAdhveshTraveler; A journey; Sky; Air
Aries, मेषAdhvikUnique
Aries, मेषAdhyanOne who is Rising; Coming Up
Aries, मेषAdhyannCurriculum
Aries, मेषAdhyayanEducation
Aries, मेषAdhyuthIs associated with Lord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषAdiAdornment, Beginning, Perfect, Most significant, Ornament, Unequalled, First
Aries, मेषAdidevThe Lord of the Lords; The first God
Aries, मेषAdikaviFirst poet
Aries, मेषAdikeshLord Shiva
Aries, मेषAdikritGod's Creativity
Aries, मेषAdikyaAuthority; Showing upper hand
Aries, मेषAdimanDestroyer
Aries, मेषAdinathThe first Lord; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAdipurushPrimordial being
Aries, मेषAdipurushaPrimordial being
Aries, मेषAdirajOne who has No Limits
Aries, मेषAdisaiIncarnation of lord Sai
Aries, मेषAdiseshLord Vishnu; The divine serpent
Aries, मेषAdishFire
Aries, मेषAditFrom the beginning
Aries, मेषAditeyaThe Sun
Aries, मेषAdithFrom the beginning
Aries, मेषAdithiyaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdithyaLord of the Sun; The Sun; Sun God
Aries, मेषAditiyaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun
Aries, मेषAditrajKing
Aries, मेषAdityaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdityakiranSunrays
Aries, मेषAdityanandanaSon of The Sun
Aries, मेषAdityavardhanaAugmented by glory
Aries, मेषAdivPleasant; Gentle
Aries, मेषAdiyaJewel; Treasure of God
Aries, मेषAdlinGod
Aries, मेषAdotkaStrength and wisdom
Aries, मेषAdravDispeller of all distresses
Aries, मेषAdrikAwesome
Aries, मेषAdripathiMaster of the mountains
Aries, मेषAdrishInfinite visionary
Aries, मेषAdritBeloved
Aries, मेषAdrityaThe Sun
Aries, मेषAdriyanBlack of Adriatic
Aries, मेषAdrushLike the rising; The Sun
Aries, मेषAdruthaKind hearted
Aries, मेषAdtiyaLord Surya
Aries, मेषAdvaitUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
Aries, मेषAdvaithUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
Aries, मेषAdvayUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
Aries, मेषAdvayaUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
Aries, मेषAdvekFashionista
Aries, मेषAdvikUnique
Aries, मेषAdvitUnique; Focused
Aries, मेषAdviteeyaUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end
Aries, मेषAdvithUnique; Focused
Aries, मेषAdvityaUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end
Aries, मेषAdwaidAn old Puran, like Ramayana, Bhagwat Gita
Aries, मेषAdwaitUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
Aries, मेषAdwaitaNon-duality; One without a second
Aries, मेषAdwaithUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
Aries, मेषAdwayOne; United; Unique
Aries, मेषAdwayaOne; United; Unique
Aries, मेषAdwikUnique
Aries, मेषAdwitVishnu; Unique
Aries, मेषAdyantInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end
Aries, मेषAekanshUnique
Aries, मेषAeshanIn God's grace
Aries, मेषAeyushLong lived
Aries, मेषAgamComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom
Aries, मेषAgamiyaThe karma we perform in this birth
Aries, मेषAganitName of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAgarvBalanced; Not arrogant
Aries, मेषAgarvinSuccessful Man
Aries, मेषAgasthyaName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain
Aries, मेषAgastiName of a sage
Aries, मेषAgastyaName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain
Aries, मेषAgendraKing of mountains
Aries, मेषAghanayaIncarnation of lord
Aries, मेषAgharnaThe Moon
Aries, मेषAgharthaSupernatural
Aries, मेषAghatDestroyer of sin
Aries, मेषAghornathLord Shiva, The Lord of the Aghoris
Aries, मेषAghoshQuiet; Soundless
Aries, मेषAgilanA man who commands everything
Aries, मेषAgilisNimble; Rapid; Active
Aries, मेषAgneyaSon of Agni
Aries, मेषAgniTowards the fire
Aries, मेषAgnibahuSon of first Manu
Aries, मेषAgnihotraThe sacrifice offered to Agni
Aries, मेषAgnikumaraSon of Agni
Aries, मेषAgnimitraFriend of fire
Aries, मेषAgnipravaBright as the fire
Aries, मेषAgnirasOne of the Saptarshi
Aries, मेषAgnitLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAgnivBright as light
Aries, मेषAgniveshBright as the fire
Aries, मेषAgnivoFlame of the fire
Aries, मेषAgrajLeader; Senior; First born
Aries, मेषAgrimLeader; First
Aries, मेषAgriyaFirst best
Aries, मेषAgustyaA name of a Hindu saint
Aries, मेषAgyeyaUnknown
Aries, मेषAhaanDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light
Aries, मेषAhalyashapashamanaRemitter of Ahalya's curse
Aries, मेषAhanDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light
Aries, मेषAhankarSurya, One who causes day, The Sun; Gurmukhi; Pride; Ego
Aries, मेषAharActivity; Defender; Protector
Aries, मेषAharshiThe Sun; King of the day
Aries, मेषAharsiThe Sun; King of the day
Aries, मेषAhemSpecial
Aries, मेषAhijitConqueror of the serpent
Aries, मेषAhilPrince
Aries, मेषAhilanKnowledgeable; Commanding
Aries, मेषAhimCloud; Water; Traveller
Aries, मेषAhinWhole; Complete; Snake
Aries, मेषAhirLast; The devotee and God are one
Aries, मेषAhladDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness
Aries, मेषAhnayAs bright as the Sun
Aries, मेषAhruranLord Shiva; The name of the God Shiva from the place Thiruvarur
Aries, मेषAhsaasFeeling
Aries, मेषAhsinavKing of the universe
Aries, मेषAhtiMyth name of a God of magic
Aries, मेषAidenPowerful
Aries, मेषAifaSmart
Aries, मेषAilFrom the stony place; Originating from the intellect
Aries, मेषAineshThe Sun's glory; Sunshine
Aries, मेषAinitoshHappy
Aries, मेषAiravathWhite elephant of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषAirawatThe celestial white Elephant
Aries, मेषAirishPleasant nature
Aries, मेषAiyappaLord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषAiyyapaLord Ayyappa; Son of Lord Shiva and Hari (Mohini)
Aries, मेषAjahUnborn
Aries, मेषAjahniHe who wins the struggle in African speaking countries
Aries, मेषAjaiSuccess; Unconquerable; Invincible
Aries, मेषAjairajUndefeated king
Aries, मेषAjanmaOne who is limitless and endless
Aries, मेषAjatUnborn
Aries, मेषAjatashatruA name of Lord Vishnu; Without enemies
Aries, मेषAjathasathruA person who has no enemies
Aries, मेषAjatshatruWho has no enemies
Aries, मेषAjaySuccess; Unconquerable; Invincible
Aries, मेषAjayanWinner
Aries, मेषAjdhaProsperity
Aries, मेषAjeenkyaSupreme; One who cannot be defeated; Invincible
Aries, मेषAjeeshLord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone
Aries, मेषAjeetSuccessful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet)
Aries, मेषAjendraKing of mountains
Aries, मेषAjeshLord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone
Aries, मेषAjinkyaSupreme; One who cannot be defeated; Invincible
Aries, मेषAjishLord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyone
Aries, मेषAjitSuccessful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet)
Aries, मेषAjit KumarAlways win
Aries, मेषAjitabhOne who has conquered the Sky; Victor
Aries, मेषAjiteshLord Vishnu; Lord of the unconquerable
Aries, मेषAjithSuccessful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet)
Aries, मेषAjithabhOne who has conquered the Sky; Victor
Aries, मेषAjitheshLord Vishnu; Lord of the unconquerable
Aries, मेषAjjiteshLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAjneeshThe Sun's glory; Sunshine
Aries, मेषAjoyJoyful
Aries, मेषAkaarShape
Aries, मेषAkalinPure
Aries, मेषAkalmashStainless
Aries, मेषAkalpaOrnament
Aries, मेषAkamThe end; Result; The consequences
Aries, मेषAkandCalm
Aries, मेषAkaneSomeone you cannot stop loving
Aries, मेषAkanshDesire; Wish
Aries, मेषAkanshitOne who is desired
Aries, मेषAkarshAttractive
Aries, मेषAkarsh ShubhanAttractive
Aries, मेषAkashThe Sky; Open-mindedness
Aries, मेषAkashajTreasure; Sensitive; Hope
Aries, मेषAkashatworship
Aries, मेषAkashdeepIlluminated heavenly realm; Star in the sky
Aries, मेषAkashikaExpressivity; Desire; Perfectionism
Aries, मेषAkbalHighly sensitive; Idealistic; intuitive
Aries, मेषAkendraName of a God
Aries, मेषAkhaleshName of Shankar jee
Aries, मेषAkhandUnbroken
Aries, मेषAkharshAttract
Aries, मेषAkhilComplete
Aries, मेषAkhilashKing of all (Lord Shiva)
Aries, मेषAkhileshIndestructible; Immortal
Aries, मेषAkhileshwarSupreme being
Aries, मेषAkhileswarSupreme being
Aries, मेषAkhiranshEye; Aparajit or another name of Rama
Aries, मेषAkhsajLord Vishnu; A diamond; A thunderbolt; A name of Vishnu
Aries, मेषAkhurathOne who has a mouse as his charioteer
Aries, मेषAkhyathFamous
Aries, मेषAkilWise; Intelligent; Thoughtful; Sensible
Aries, मेषAkilanIntelligent; Logical
Aries, मेषAkileshIndestructible; Immortal
Aries, मेषAkileshcharanChaste; Virtuous
Aries, मेषAkkammaGoddess name
Aries, मेषAkkrumLord Buddha
Aries, मेषAkrashAttractive
Aries, मेषAkrishYoung Krishna
Aries, मेषAkritHelping others
Aries, मेषAkrutiNature or beautiful; Figure
Aries, मेषAkshDivider
Aries, मेषAkshadBlessing
Aries, मेषAkshagnaLord Murugan
Aries, मेषAkshahantreSlayer of Aksha
Aries, मेषAkshajLord Vishnu; A diamond; A thunderbolt; A name of Vishnu
Aries, मेषAkshanEye
Aries, मेषAkshanshUniverse
Aries, मेषAkshantThe meaning of Akshant is the person who always wants to win
Aries, मेषAksharImperishable
Aries, मेषAkshatOne who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAkshathOne who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAkshayEternal; Immortal; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAkshay KeertiEternal fame
Aries, मेषAkshayaEternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati
Aries, मेषAkshaya GunaOf limitless attributes; A name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAkshayagunaOf limitless attributes; A name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAkshayahEverlasting
Aries, मेषAkshayakeertiEternal fame
Aries, मेषAksheyForever
Aries, मेषAkshitPermanent; Can not be broken easily; Secure; Saved; Guarded
Aries, मेषAkshithPermanent; Can not be broken easily; Secure; Saved; Guarded
Aries, मेषAkshobhyaLord Vishnu; Immovable one
Aries, मेषAkshrajThe King of World
Aries, मेषAkshuEye
Aries, मेषAkshunA significant particle
Aries, मेषAkshyatUnharmed; Uninjured
Aries, मेषAkulA name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAlaapMusical prelude; Conversation
Aries, मेषAlabhyaUnique; Difficult to acquire
Aries, मेषAlaganHandsome
Aries, मेषAlagarasuHandsome king; King of beauty
Aries, मेषAlagiriAlagar Swami
Aries, मेषAlakshendraDefender of humanity; Sanskrit for Alexander
Aries, मेषAlampataEver eternal Lord
Aries, मेषAlankarGold; Ornament
Aries, मेषAlankritDecorated
Aries, मेषAlarkaWhite lotus
Aries, मेषAlekDefender of humanity
Aries, मेषAlekhya NityaConstant picture; A painting
Aries, मेषAlekyaIn Indian origin it means which cannot be written in general; It means a beautiful painting
Aries, मेषAlhadJoy; Happiness
Aries, मेषAlinNoble
Aries, मेषAliptaDifferent from all; Devoted
Aries, मेषAliviaBleach
Aries, मेषAlojiHoney
Aries, मेषAlokLight; Brilliance; Vision
Aries, मेषAlokeLight; Brilliance; Vision
Aries, मेषAlokiBrightness
Aries, मेषAlolupanOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAlopThat which does not disappear
Aries, मेषAlpeshTiny; Another name for Krishna
Aries, मेषAlphaThe first letter of the Greek alphabet
Aries, मेषAlpitDifferent from all; Devoted
Aries, मेषAmaayLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
Aries, मेषAmadPraiseworthy; Love of God; Somber
Aries, मेषAmadhyaAffectionate; Kind
Aries, मेषAmainModest
Aries, मेषAmalenduThe unblemished Moon
Aries, मेषAmaleshThe pure one
Aries, मेषAmanPeace
Aries, मेषAmanatTreasure; Security; Deposit
Aries, मेषAmanathTreasure; Security; Deposit
Aries, मेषAmandeepSharp witted; Light; Lamp of peace; Lamp of tranquility
Aries, मेषAmaneeshGod of peace
Aries, मेषAmapramaadhyOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAmarImmortal; Forever; Divine
Aries, मेषAmardeepEternal light
Aries, मेषAmarenderCombination of Amar immortal and Indra king
Aries, मेषAmarendraKing of the Immortals
Aries, मेषAmareshName of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषAmarisChild of the Moon
Aries, मेषAmarnathImmortal God
Aries, मेषAmartyaImmortal; Amber of the Sky; Eternal; Divine
Aries, मेषAmathyaPowerful
Aries, मेषAmavReincarnation of Lord Rama; Powerful; Undefeated
Aries, मेषAmayLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
Aries, मेषAmbadiA place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood
Aries, मेषAmbakEye
Aries, मेषAmbarSky
Aries, मेषAmbareeshKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
Aries, मेषAmbarishKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
Aries, मेषAmbavWater like
Aries, मेषAmbeEnrich
Aries, मेषAmberThe unbeatable; Sky
Aries, मेषAmberishKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
Aries, मेषAmbeshSeven reflections
Aries, मेषAmbhojDay Lotus; Water born; Lotus
Aries, मेषAmbikanathLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika
Aries, मेषAmbikapathiLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika
Aries, मेषAmbikeyaOf Ambika; Mountain; Lord Ganesha
Aries, मेषAmbiliThe Moon
Aries, मेषAmbuWater
Aries, मेषAmbudCloud
Aries, मेषAmbujLotus; Water born; Indra's thunderbolt
Aries, मेषAmbujakshanLotus eyed
Aries, मेषAmbunathOcean
Aries, मेषAmeetInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAmetInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAmeyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
Aries, मेषAmeyaBoundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure
Aries, मेषAmeyaatmaaManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAmeyatmaManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAmileighThe bringer of hope; Smiles; God's gift
Aries, मेषAmishHonest; Trustworthy; Pleasing
Aries, मेषAmitInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAmitabLimitless luster; Name of Lord Buddha; One who is having endless splendor
Aries, मेषAmitabhOne with boundless splendor; Incomparable; Glorious
Aries, मेषAmitanshLimitless; Endless
Aries, मेषAmitavLimitless luster; Name of Lord Buddha; One who is having endless splendor
Aries, मेषAmitavaOne with boundless splendor; Incomparable; Glorious
Aries, मेषAmitayTruth; Infinite
Aries, मेषAmitbikramLimitless prowess
Aries, मेषAmiteshInfinite God; Master of the infinite
Aries, मेषAmithInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible
Aries, मेषAmitrasudanDestroyer of enemies
Aries, मेषAmiyAmrut (Nectar)
Aries, मेषAmlanUnfading; Ever bright; Brilliant; Fresh; Clear
Aries, मेषAmlankusumUnfading flower
Aries, मेषAmodPleasure
Aries, मेषAmoghUnerring; Lord Ganesha
Aries, मेषAmoghahEver useful; Magnificent
Aries, मेषAmoghrajGreat; The name of a Hindu God in India
Aries, मेषAmohaClear; Straight
Aries, मेषAmolPriceless; Precious; Valuable
Aries, मेषAmolakPriceless
Aries, मेषAmolikPriceless
Aries, मेषAmoortaFormless
Aries, मेषAmreeshLord Indra
Aries, मेषAmreshLord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky
Aries, मेषAmrikCelestial God; Nectar
Aries, मेषAmrishLord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra; King of Sky
Aries, मेषAmritNectar
Aries, मेषAmritambuThe Moon
Aries, मेषAmritayaThe immortal; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAmrithNectar
Aries, मेषAmrithashLord Shiva; God of nectar; Godly being; Name of Shiva
Aries, मेषAmrutNectar
Aries, मेषAmruthNectar
Aries, मेषAmrutheswarName of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAmshuAtom
Aries, मेषAmshulBright
Aries, मेषAmshumanThe Sun
Aries, मेषAmudaA liquid which when consumed makes the person live life -long without a death
Aries, मेषAmukSome; One; Another
Aries, मेषAmulPriceless; Precious; Valuable
Aries, मेषAmuthanA liquid which when consumed makes the person live life -long without a death
Aries, मेषAnaadhrushyaOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAnaadiLord Krishna; Who does not have any end
Aries, मेषAnaadihOne who is the first cause
Aries, मेषAnadhArjun
Aries, मेषAnadhiLord Krishna; Who does not have any end; Without beginning
Aries, मेषAnadiLord Krishna; Who does not have any end
Aries, मेषAnaghSinless; Perfect; Pure
Aries, मेषAnahathLimitless; Infinite; Unbeaten
Aries, मेषAnakOrnament; Strong; Cloud
Aries, मेषAnakhThe Moon
Aries, मेषAnakulCalm
Aries, मेषAnamayWithout miseries
Aries, मेषAnamayaAnother name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAnamiA name of Lord Buddha
Aries, मेषAnamitraLord Surya the Sun)
Aries, मेषAnanayLord Sri Krishna has used Ananay word in Gita in association with focused worship Ananay Bhakti
Aries, मेषAnandJoy; Happiness; Delight
Aries, मेषAnandamayOne with full of happiness
Aries, मेषAnandanHappy boy; One who brings happiness;
Aries, मेषAnandhuSnake of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAnandsagarCompassionate Lord
Aries, मेषAnangName of Cupid God, Kamdev
Aries, मेषAnangaName of Cupid, Kamadeva
Aries, मेषAnaninayIndestructible; Another name for Lord Vishnu; Healthy
Aries, मेषAnanmayOne who cannot be broken
Aries, मेषAnanmayaOne who cannot be broken
Aries, मेषAnantInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless
Aries, मेषAnantachidrupamayamInfinite and consciousness personified
Aries, मेषAnantadrishtiOf infinite vision
Aries, मेषAnantagunaFull of virtues
Aries, मेषAnantajeetThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord
Aries, मेषAnantajitThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord
Aries, मेषAnanthInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless
Aries, मेषAnanthanName of Lord Murugan
Aries, मेषAnantharamDiligent
Aries, मेषAnanthuUnlimited
Aries, मेषAnantimTone continued; Not final
Aries, मेषAnantramEternal God
Aries, मेषAnanyMatchless
Aries, मेषAnanyeThe most honorable Ananye Guru Shri
Aries, मेषAnanyoSole; Peerless
Aries, मेषAnanyogIdiosyncratic
Aries, मेषAnarvaSea
Aries, मेषAnashUndivided; Indestructible; The Sky; Brahman or the supreme spirit
Aries, मेषAnashaySelfless; Without any self interest; Unselfish
Aries, मेषAnashinIndestructible; Eternal
Aries, मेषAnashwarThe one who never gets destroyed
Aries, मेषAnashyaIndestructible; Eternal
Aries, मेषAnavOcean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane
Aries, मेषAnayaWithout a superior; God has shown favour
Aries, मेषAnayeConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषAnbarasanKing of Love
Aries, मेषAnbarasuKing of Love
Aries, मेषAnbuLove; Kindness
Aries, मेषAnbuchelvanKind; King of Love
Aries, मेषAnbumadiKind and intelligent
Aries, मेषAnbutamilBrilliant ; Intelligent
Aries, मेषAnchitHonorable; Someone honored and respected
Aries, मेषAneekLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face
Aries, मेषAneeshA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion
Aries, मेषAneetJoyful unending; Calmness
Aries, मेषAneethJoyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple
Aries, मेषAnekLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many
Aries, मेषAneshClose friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme
Aries, मेषAngadAn ornament, Bracelet; Warrior; Beautifully formed
Aries, मेषAngadaAn ornament, Bracelet
Aries, मेषAngadanBrother of Bali and Sugriva
Aries, मेषAngajSon; Corporeal; Earthly Love; Another name for the Love God Kaaina
Aries, मेषAngakSon
Aries, मेषAngamuthuMade of pearls
Aries, मेषAngaraLord Vishnu; Embers; The planet Mars; Name of a prince of Maruts
Aries, मेषAngirasName of a sage
Aries, मेषAngithNil
Aries, मेषAngrajKing of State Ang
Aries, मेषAnharLord Krishna
Aries, मेषAnidevFavor; Grace
Aries, मेषAnieshSupreme
Aries, मेषAniijCharming
Aries, मेषAnikLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face
Aries, मेषAnikaitLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
Aries, मेषAnikanchanMore than gold
Aries, मेषAnikantBlue jewel
Aries, मेषAnikeshName of Lord Vishnu from Sahasranamam
Aries, मेषAniketLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
Aries, मेषAnikethLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
Aries, मेषAniktConquered
Aries, मेषAnilGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and Shiva
Aries, मेषAnilabhSpirit of the wind
Aries, मेषAnileshWind
Aries, मेषAnimaeshBlazing; Vivid
Aries, मेषAnimanUnbounded; Omnipresent; Divine
Aries, मेषAnimashBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent, Omniscient
Aries, मेषAnimeshBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent; Omniscient
Aries, मेषAnindithThe blameless one; One with no faults; The perfect human being
Aries, मेषAnindoHappiness
Aries, मेषAnindyaBeyond criticism; Praiseworthy; Perfect; Innocent; Handsome; Irreproachable
Aries, मेषAnirbanThe eternal flame; Divine; Immortal
Aries, मेषAniroodhBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed
Aries, मेषAniruddhName of Lord Vishnu with numerological strength
Aries, मेषAniruddhaWhich can't be restricted; Courageous
Aries, मेषAniruddhanWhich can't be restricted; Courageous
Aries, मेषAnirudhBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed
Aries, मेषAnirudhaVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed
Aries, मेषAnirudhhaVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed
Aries, मेषAnirudraLord Shiva
Aries, मेषAniruduBoundless; Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAniruthLord Krishna's Grandson
Aries, मेषAnirvUndying
Aries, मेषAnirvanUndying; Progressive
Aries, मेषAnirvedPositive; Courageous; Resilient; Independent
Aries, मेषAnirvinMother; God-like; Active; Cheerful; Another name for Vishnu
Aries, मेषAnirvinyaA name of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAnishA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion
Aries, मेषAnishkA person who has no enemy
Aries, मेषAnishvarNaastik (Atheist)
Aries, मेषAniswarGoddess of Earth; Lord of serpents or Vasuki
Aries, मेषAnitJoyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple
Aries, मेषAnitejaImmeasurable splendor
Aries, मेषAnivLord Murugan
Aries, मेषAnivardhAnother name of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAnjakDecorated; Anointed
Aries, मेषAnjalHollow formed by joining two hands
Aries, मेषAnjanDusky; Eye liner
Aries, मेषAnjan KumarEye liner
Aries, मेषAnjanappaAnjaneya Swamy
Aries, मेषAnjaneyHanuman
Aries, मेषAnjaneyaLord Hanuman, Son of Anjana
Aries, मेषAnjasForthright; Honest; Morally upstanding
Aries, मेषAnjasaGuileless; Deceit less
Aries, मेषAnjayUnconquerable; Unbeatable
Aries, मेषAnjeetUndefeated
Aries, मेषAnjeshSweet
Aries, मेषAnjikCollyrium; Coloured; Blessed; Dusky
Aries, मेषAnjishSweet
Aries, मेषAnjorBright
Aries, मेषAnjumanGathering; Society; Meeting
Aries, मेषAnkalWhole
Aries, मेषAnkeshKing of numbers
Aries, मेषAnkiaGod is gracious
Aries, मेषAnkitConquered; Distinguished; Marked out; Noted
Aries, मेषAnkithConquered; Distinguished; Marked out; Noted
Aries, मेषAnkolitLoved; Respected
Aries, मेषAnkurSprout; Offshoot; Sapling; Newborn
Aries, मेषAnkushCheck; Control; Passion; A hook used to drive elephants
Aries, मेषAnmayOne who cannot be broken
Aries, मेषAnmeshThe Sun God; Another name for Surya
Aries, मेषAnmolPriceless; Invaluable; Precious
Aries, मेषAnnaFood
Aries, मेषAnniruddhawithout obstacles; unstoppable
Aries, मेषAnnkuElegance
Aries, मेषAnnshPortion
Aries, मेषAnnuabhujLord Shiva's bhuj - hand
Aries, मेषAnnulEternal; Unsurpassed
Aries, मेषAnokhaRare; Unique
Aries, मेषAnoobPalm tree
Aries, मेषAnoopWithout comparison; Incomparable; The best
Aries, मेषAnoorThigh less
Aries, मेषAnoraLight
Aries, मेषAnoshBeautiful morning; The name of a star
Aries, मेषAnoukaSpirit of God
Aries, मेषAnoushBeautiful morning; The name of a star
Aries, मेषAnramContinuous; Constant
Aries, मेषAnsalStrong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate
Aries, मेषAnshPortion; Day
Aries, मेषAnshaanA part of our self
Aries, मेषAnshakHas a share in the property, Heir
Aries, मेषAnshalStrong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate
Aries, मेषAnshinSharer or heir
Aries, मेषAnshitThe Sun
Aries, मेषAnshrithName of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAnshuThe Sun; Ray of light; Splendour; Speed; Sunbeam
Aries, मेषAnshukSunbeam; Gentle; Brilliant; Radiant
Aries, मेषAnshulBrilliant; Radiant; Sunbeam
Aries, मेषAnshumGarland of rays
Aries, मेषAnshumanThe Sun; Lord Surya (Sun); The Moon; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAnshumatBrilliant; Luminous
Aries, मेषAnsilSmart
Aries, मेषAnsuThe Sun; Ray of light; Splendour; Speed; Sunbeam
Aries, मेषAnsumanThe Sun; Lord Surya (Sun); The Moon; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAntamNearest; Intimate as a friend; Bright
Aries, मेषAntarFamous warrior; Intimate; Security; Soul; Heart
Aries, मेषAntarangIntimate; Close to the heart
Aries, मेषAntareekshSpace
Aries, मेषAntarikshSpace
Aries, मेषAnthudaranOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAntimLast
Aries, मेषAntrixSpace
Aries, मेषAnuAn atom; Celestial; Another name for Shiva
Aries, मेषAnubhabInsight; Experience; Feeling
Aries, मेषAnubhajOne who follows worship; Spiritual
Aries, मेषAnubhavInsight; Experience; Feeling
Aries, मेषAnubodhAwareness; Memory
Aries, मेषAnuchanWell versed in the Vedas; Lover of knowledge; Conscientious
Aries, मेषAnuchanaWell behaved; Lover of knowledge; Conscientious
Aries, मेषAnudarshanObserving
Aries, मेषAnudeepSmall Diya; Small light
Aries, मेषAnudevAtom
Aries, मेषAnugrahDivine blessing
Aries, मेषAnugyaAuthority
Aries, मेषAnuhCalm; Without desire; Content
Aries, मेषAnuhaSatisfied
Aries, मेषAnujYounger brother
Aries, मेषAnujithWin; Success
Aries, मेषAnukashReflection of light; Reflection
Aries, मेषAnukritPhotograph
Aries, मेषAnukulFavorable; Pleasant
Aries, मेषAnulNon wild; Gentle; Agreeable
Aries, मेषAnumanaInference
Aries, मेषAnumitLove and kindness; Analytical; Logical
Aries, मेषAnumodithApproved
Aries, मेषAnunaySupplication; Consolation
Aries, मेषAnupWithout comparison; Incomparable; The best
Aries, मेषAnupamIncomparable; Precious; Unique
Aries, मेषAnuraagLove; Affection; Devotion; Attachment
Aries, मेषAnuragLove; Affection; Devotion; Attachment
Aries, मेषAnuragyaLove
Aries, मेषAnurajDevoted; Enlightening; Brilliant
Aries, मेषAnurithaThe essence of ceremonial rite
Aries, मेषAnurodhA request
Aries, मेषAnuroopWorthy of; Befitting; Lovely; Handsome
Aries, मेषAnurupWorthy of; Befitting; Lovely; Handsome
Aries, मेषAnushBeautiful morning; Star; Following a desire
Aries, मेषAnushanpowerful man
Aries, मेषAnustupInvocation
Aries, मेषAnuthamanIncomparable
Aries, मेषAnutoshLight; Relief; Satisfaction
Aries, मेषAnuttamUnsurpassed
Aries, मेषAnuvindhaOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAnuyogBlame
Aries, मेषAnvayJoined; Integration
Aries, मेषAnveerBrave and divine in knowledge
Aries, मेषAnveshInvestigation
Aries, मेषAnveshanSearch
Aries, मेषAnvikPowerful; Pride of Love
Aries, मेषAnvitOne who bridgesth gap, Friend
Aries, मेषAnvithLord Shiva; Reached by the mind
Aries, मेषAnweshInvestigation
Aries, मेषAnwitLord Shiva; Reached by the mind
Aries, मेषAnyahThe inexhaustible
Aries, मेषAnyangCrocodile; Godly; Perfect; Virtuous
Aries, मेषAnyuGod
Aries, मेषAparLimitless
Aries, मेषAparajeetThe Lord who cannot be defeated, Undefeated
Aries, मेषAparajitThe Lord who cannot be defeated, Undefeated; Another name for Vishnu and Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAparantClear
Aries, मेषAparichitUnknown
Aries, मेषApasyuSkilful; Active; Energetic; Talented
Aries, मेषApijBorn after or in addition to Brother
Aries, मेषApoorvPatience; Consolation; Born of tolerance; Clever; Calm; Resolute; Firm
Aries, मेषApoorvaOne of a kind or rare; Quite new; Exquisite; Unprecedented
Aries, मेषAppajiLord Venkateswara of Balaji
Aries, मेषApparajitoUndefeated
Aries, मेषAprameyaA name of Lord Krishna
Aries, मेषApurboUnique; Never seen before
Aries, मेषApureUnique; Unmatched; New; Brahman
Aries, मेषApurvOne of a kind or rare; Quite new; Exquisite; Unprecedented; Like never before
Aries, मेषAraavpeaceful
Aries, मेषAradhayWorshipper
Aries, मेषAradhySuitable for worship; Name for Lord Krishna
Aries, मेषArahaGuiding star
Aries, मेषArahanWho knows everything
Aries, मेषArakayaSkinful
Aries, मेषArakhsanIs associated with Lord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषAranabOcean
Aries, मेषAranmakanLord Murugan, Son of Aran (Shiva)
Aries, मेषAranyaForest
Aries, मेषAranyakForest
Aries, मेषAraonLofty
Aries, मेषArasuMost powerful person of the world
Aries, मेषArathSense; Meaning
Aries, मेषAravPeaceful; Sound; Shout
Aries, मेषAravaliRighteous
Aries, मेषAravanRighteous
Aries, मेषAravindLove; Avatar; Lotus; Auspicious; Handsome
Aries, मेषAravindanLotus; Lord Vishnu; A Tamil saint
Aries, मेषAravindhLove; Avatar; Lotus; Auspicious; Handsome
Aries, मेषAravindhanLotus; Lord Vishnu; A Tamil saint
Aries, मेषAravinthLotus
Aries, मेषArawoFemale mountain goat
Aries, मेषArchakWorshipper
Aries, मेषArchatShining; Praising; Admired; Brilliant
Aries, मेषArchinBrilliant; One who offers prayers; Pious
Aries, मेषArchisRay of light
Aries, मेषArchishFirst Ray of the Sun
Aries, मेषArchishmanThe Sun
Aries, मेषArchitWorship; Revered
Aries, मेषArchithWorship; Revered
Aries, मेषArdeshSecret
Aries, मेषArdhenduHalf Moon
Aries, मेषAreanHonorable
Aries, मेषAreehahDestroyer of enemies
Aries, मेषArekhPicture
Aries, मेषAreshName of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषArgavProminent; Noteworthy; Pre-eminent
Aries, मेषArghaReddish purple
Aries, मेषArghyaOffering to the Lord
Aries, मेषArhaLord Shiva; Worship
Aries, मेषArhaanRuler; Tirthankara; Worship; Homage; Respect; Revered
Aries, मेषArhanRuler; Tirthankara; Worship; Homage; Respect; Revered
Aries, मेषArhantDestroyer of enemies; Calm; Benevolent; Another name for Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषArhatRespectable; Worthy; Honourable
Aries, मेषArhavSoft; Pure
Aries, मेषAriazNational leader.
Aries, मेषAriceternal ruler
Aries, मेषAriezRespectable Man; Intelligent
Aries, मेषArihaanDestroyer of evil; Killing enemies
Aries, मेषArihanDestroyer of evil; Killing enemies
Aries, मेषArihantOne who has killed his enemies
Aries, मेषAriharanLord Shiva; Destroyer of enemies ari - enemies + Haran - destroying
Aries, मेषArijeetConqueror of enemies
Aries, मेषArijitConqueror of enemies
Aries, मेषArinFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray
Aries, मेषArindamDestroyer of enemies
Aries, मेषArindhamDestroyer of enemies
Aries, मेषArineFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray
Aries, मेषArinjayVictory over evil
Aries, मेषArinjoyOne who wins over his enemy
Aries, मेषArishFirst ray of Sun; Sky
Aries, मेषAritOne who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend
Aries, मेषArivKing of wisdom
Aries, मेषArivalaganIntelligent and handsome
Aries, मेषArivaliSmart; Intelligent
Aries, मेषArivarasuKing of wisdom
Aries, मेषAriveerStrong man
Aries, मेषArivindLotus; Red lotus.
Aries, मेषArivoliGlowing with intelligence
Aries, मेषArivuchelvanOne whose wealth is his wisdom
Aries, मेषArivumadhiIntelligent
Aries, मेषArivumaniIntelligent gem
Aries, मेषArivunambiConfident and intelligent
Aries, मेषAriyanIllustrious; Noble
Aries, मेषArjanWinner; Victor; Conqueror
Aries, मेषArjavStraightforward person by heart; Speech and act
Aries, मेषArjeethEarned
Aries, मेषArjitEarned; Powerful; Won
Aries, मेषArjuPeacock; One of the Pandavas brother, the short name of Arjun
Aries, मेषArjunFair; Open minded; Pure; Brilliant; A Pandava Prince; Bright
Aries, मेषArjunaBright; Shining
Aries, मेषArkThe Sun; Lightening; Fire; Hymn; A sage; Another name for Indra hymn
Aries, मेषArkaThe Sun
Aries, मेषArkajBorn of the Sun; Name for Kam, Yam, Sugreev and Saturn
Aries, मेषArkajitThe Sun; A Ruby
Aries, मेषArkashTo enlighten; Lighten up; Enlightened by the Sun
Aries, मेषArkeshGod of stars (Moon)
Aries, मेषArkinSon of the eternal king; Brilliant; Venerated
Aries, मेषArkishVery sweet
Aries, मेषArkshOf the stars; Celestial
Aries, मेषArmavOcean; Waves
Aries, मेषArmeshLord of desire
Aries, मेषArnadMegh (Cloud)
Aries, मेषArnavOcean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea
Aries, मेषArneshLord of the sea
Aries, मेषArnishLord of the seas
Aries, मेषArnitBeautiful flower
Aries, मेषArnohUnblemished; Clear
Aries, मेषArnritNectar; Eternal
Aries, मेषArnvaStream
Aries, मेषArohaReady to offer boons
Aries, मेषArohanTo rise
Aries, मेषArokyaVery pious
Aries, मेषAroondawn
Aries, मेषAroopExtremely beautiful; Full of Joy or blissful
Aries, मेषAroushFirst Ray of sunlight
Aries, मेषArpanThe devotional offering; Auspicious
Aries, मेषArpilArpil name comes from Arpit; Dedicated
Aries, मेषArpitTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated
Aries, मेषArshanBrave
Aries, मेषArshviName of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषArshyaOf sacred descent; Heavenly
Aries, मेषArtabandhuFriend of sick
Aries, मेषArtagnanThe knower of all meanings
Aries, मेषArtatranaAnother name of Jaganath
Aries, मेषArthMeaningful; Meaning
Aries, मेषArthamLord Vishnu from which the goddess Sri orginated
Aries, मेषArthavMeaningful
Aries, मेषArthinRamadhutha
Aries, मेषArthishBrigtness of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषArthitThe Sun
Aries, मेषArthurArthur was a great king who lived in 6th century
Aries, मेषArudhraLord Shiva; Gentle
Aries, मेषArujRising Sun; Born of the Sun
Aries, मेषArujasFree from disease; Healthy; Active; Happy
Aries, मेषArulThe grace of God; Blessing of God
Aries, मेषArul KannanGod's grace; God's blessing
Aries, मेषArulappanFirst Ray of Sun
Aries, मेषArulchelvanBlessed
Aries, मेषAruldeepanLighting person
Aries, मेषArumin KadalanLord Murugan
Aries, मेषArumoyUnique; Precious
Aries, मेषArumugamLord Murugan, Six-faced
Aries, मेषArumuganLord Murugan, Six-faced
Aries, मेषArumugathamudhuLord Murugan; Arumugam - six-faced, Amudhu - food
Aries, मेषArumughanLord Subramanyan
Aries, मेषArumukhanLord Murugan, Six-faced
Aries, मेषArunThe red glow of the rising Sun; Mythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn; Passionate
Aries, मेषArun KumarMythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn
Aries, मेषArunabhLight of The Sun
Aries, मेषArunachaleshwaraLord of the hills; The Sun
Aries, मेषArunanSun
Aries, मेषArunavaSun rays
Aries, मेषAruneshLord of mercy
Aries, मेषArunodaySunrise
Aries, मेषArushFirst ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun
Aries, मेषArushanThe First ray of the Sun
Aries, मेषAruthWind
Aries, मेषArvDiminutive of Arvin: Friend of the people
Aries, मेषArvaArva means fastest motion wind
Aries, मेषArvinFriend of people
Aries, मेषArvin KumarLotus
Aries, मेषArvindLotus
Aries, मेषArvindaLotus
Aries, मेषAryaanOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent
Aries, मेषAryaditThe Sun
Aries, मेषAryaditaNoble conqueror
Aries, मेषAryamaanNoble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; The Sun; Friend
Aries, मेषAryamanThe possessor of greatness
Aries, मेषAryaman The sun
Aries, मेषAryanThat Which Is Beyond Anyone's Strength
Aries, मेषAryan RajIllustrious; Noble; Spiritual
Aries, मेषAryan From a high race; Ord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषAryanaJoyous; Cheerful; Happy
Aries, मेषAryanshKing of Arya; Long Life
Aries, मेषAryarajAnother name of Lord Ram by Goddess Sita
Aries, मेषAryashBrilliant
Aries, मेषAryavNoble person
Aries, मेषAryavanNoble
Aries, मेषAryaveerBrave Man
Aries, मेषAsajaCalm
Aries, मेषAsasProtector of Dharma
Aries, मेषAsavLiquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine
Aries, मेषAseemLimitless shank; Boundless; Protector; Infinite
Aries, मेषAseesBlessing; Prayer
Aries, मेषAshanMore attractive; Gratitude; Thankfulness
Aries, मेषAshankFaith; Fearless; Without hesitation or doubt
Aries, मेषAshankitSymbol of hope; Fearless; Positive; Without hesitation or doubt
Aries, मेषAshankoFearless
Aries, मेषAshcharyaSurprise
Aries, मेषAsheemLimitless shank; Boundless; Protector
Aries, मेषAsheshPerfect; Complete; Godly
Aries, मेषAshikLover; Lovable; Trustable
Aries, मेषAshimatPride
Aries, मेषAshirvadBlessings
Aries, मेषAshisBlessing; Prayer; Benediction
Aries, मेषAshishBlessings
Aries, मेषAshitThe planet; Desirable; Hot; The planet Saturn
Aries, मेषAshithThe planet; Desirable; Hot; The planet Saturn
Aries, मेषAshitoshName of Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषAshkaranFame
Aries, मेषAshleshEmbrace
Aries, मेषAshmanHeaven; Sky
Aries, मेषAshmikSoham; I am
Aries, मेषAshmitTrustworthy friend; The pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile
Aries, मेषAshmithTrustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile
Aries, मेषAshneelThe best; Unbeatable
Aries, मेषAshoHead of the Sun and head of Pittal Pani
Aries, मेषAshokHappy; Content; Without grief; A king of the Mauryan dynasty
Aries, मेषAshoojaEternally happy; Blessed
Aries, मेषAshpanAn efficient horse rider; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit
Aries, मेषAshravObedient or promise; Amenable
Aries, मेषAshravyaA highly regarded mentor and advisor; A sage
Aries, मेषAshrayShelter
Aries, मेषAshritSomebody who gives shelter
Aries, मेषAshrithSomebody who gives shelter
Aries, मेषAshrutFamous
Aries, मेषAshsriGlorious
Aries, मेषAshtavakraOne of the great sages
Aries, मेषAshuActive; Quick; Fast
Aries, मेषAshulNo obstacles; Calm; One who meets no obstacles; Happy
Aries, मेषAshuthoshLord Shiva; Who is easily pleased
Aries, मेषAshutoshAnother name for Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAshvaHorse; Strong; Quick; Fortunate
Aries, मेषAshvadBlack horse
Aries, मेषAshvanthVictorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery
Aries, मेषAshvaryaWealth; Extraordinary
Aries, मेषAshvatBlack horse; Strong
Aries, मेषAshvathBlack horse; Strong
Aries, मेषAshvikBlessed and victorious
Aries, मेषAshvinA cavalier; A Hindu month
Aries, मेषAshvindLord of glory
Aries, मेषAshvithOcean; Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAshwadBlack horse
Aries, मेषAshwaghoshName of a Buddhist philosopher
Aries, मेषAshwaniStrong and complete
Aries, मेषAshwantVictorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery
Aries, मेषAshwanthVictorious; The brain; The talent; The suspense; The mystery
Aries, मेषAshwarthGeneration; Banyan tree
Aries, मेषAshwathThis is the tree where Buddha did meditate and gained a lot of knowledge
Aries, मेषAshwathamImmortal
Aries, मेषAshwatthamaFiery-tempered
Aries, मेषAshweshHopeful
Aries, मेषAshwinA cavalier; A Hindu month; God of medicine
Aries, मेषAshwinrajStar; A Hindu calendar month;
Aries, मेषAshwithIts Come from Tree Ashwth
Aries, मेषAsidhanLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu;
Aries, मेषAsitBlack stone; Not white; Limitless; Dark; Calm; Self-possessed
Aries, मेषAsitvaranDark complexioned
Aries, मेषAskaTo Close
Aries, मेषAsleshEmbrace
Aries, मेषAslunHard; Stone
Aries, मेषAslunakRock; Gem
Aries, मेषAslunitHard; Strong
Aries, मेषAsmitTrustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile
Aries, मेषAsmithTrustworthy friend; the Pride; Ever smiling; Divine smile
Aries, मेषAsnerCute
Aries, मेषAsokaNo sorrow; Without worries; Without grief; Happy; Content
Aries, मेषAsokanName of a king
Aries, मेषAsrithSomebody who gives shelter
Aries, मेषAstikWho has faith in God; Believing in existence and God
Aries, मेषAstitvaExistence
Aries, मेषAstityaExistance
Aries, मेषAstritInvincible; Gold; Unconquerable
Aries, मेषAsumanLord of vital breaths
Aries, मेषAsvinA cavalier; A Hindu month; God of medicine
Aries, मेषAswalHorse Rider or Keeper
Aries, मेषAswanthVictorious; Peepal tree; Holy tree; Buddha got wisdom under it
Aries, मेषAswanthaVictorious; Peepal tree; Holy tree; Buddha got wisdom under it
Aries, मेषAswapnDream
Aries, मेषAswathThis is the tree where Buddha did meditate and gained a lot of knowledge
Aries, मेषAswathaamaSon of drone
Aries, मेषAswinA cavalier; A Hindu month
Aries, मेषAtalImmoveable; Firm; Unshakeable; Constant
Aries, मेषAtambhuThe holy Trinity
Aries, मेषAtanuCupid
Aries, मेषAtasThe soul; Divine
Aries, मेषAteekshWise
Aries, मेषAteetPast
Aries, मेषAthakUnflagging
Aries, मेषAtharavLord Ganesh; Name of a Ved
Aries, मेषAtharvLord Ganesh; Name of a Ved
Aries, मेषAtharvaThe first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas
Aries, मेषAtharvanThe first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas
Aries, मेषAthibanLeader; Born to win as a leader; Lord Ayyapas another name
Aries, मेषAthikayaOf extra ordinary size
Aries, मेषAthishKind; Explosive; A dynamic person
Aries, मेषAthishayWonderful; Successful & bright
Aries, मेषAthiyaLord Ganesh; Gift
Aries, मेषAthravLord Ganesha
Aries, मेषAthravaThe first Vedas; Lord Ganesh; Knower of the arthara Vedas
Aries, मेषAthreyaName of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory
Aries, मेषAthrvLord Ganesh; Name of a Ved
Aries, मेषAthulMatchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a match
Aries, मेषAthulithIncomparable; Lord Hanuman
Aries, मेषAthvikWinner
Aries, मेषAthyajatSacrifice
Aries, मेषAtiToo much
Aries, मेषAtikishWise
Aries, मेषAtikshWise
Aries, मेषAtimBorn before the sunset; Proud; Self-respecting
Aries, मेषAtimanavSuper Man
Aries, मेषAtinThe great one
Aries, मेषAtishKind; Explosive; A dynamic person
Aries, मेषAtishayWonderful; Successful & bright
Aries, मेषAtitPast
Aries, मेषAtithiGuest
Aries, मेषAtiyaLord Ganesh; Gift
Aries, मेषAtmaSoul
Aries, मेषAtmadeepLight of soul
Aries, मेषAtmajSon; Born of the soul
Aries, मेषAtmakanthLover of soul
Aries, मेषAtmanSoul; Another name for Krishna
Aries, मेषAtmanandBlissful
Aries, मेषAtmanandaBliss of soul
Aries, मेषAtmaprakashLight of soul
Aries, मेषAtmaramOne who is happy in his self
Aries, मेषAtmikThe soul
Aries, मेषAtraiuGreat warrior
Aries, मेषAtralarasuSkilled king
Aries, मेषAtreyaName of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory
Aries, मेषAtriVoyager through life
Aries, मेषAtulMatchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a match
Aries, मेषAtultejasImmeasurable brightness
Aries, मेषAtulyaUnequalled; Unrivalled; Immeasurable
Aries, मेषAtunNew
Aries, मेषAtvarLord Ganesh; Freedom from haste
Aries, मेषAudvikLight of Lord Shiva which never diminishes
Aries, मेषAugadhOne who revels all the time
Aries, मेषAumThe sacred syllable
Aries, मेषAuniketUnique
Aries, मेषAurelGolden Angel
Aries, मेषAvadhPowerful; Strong; Firm; Invincible
Aries, मेषAvadheshKing of Ayodhya king dasaratha
Aries, मेषAvadhootAvadhoot means a person who has passed beyond all worldly attachments and cares
Aries, मेषAvalokWho beholds
Aries, मेषAvamNext; Intimate; Last; Youngest
Aries, मेषAvanOne who owns the earth (Lord Indra)
Aries, मेषAvaneeshLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler
Aries, मेषAvaneethImmovable morals
Aries, मेषAvaneshLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler
Aries, मेषAvanindraAngel of God on Earth; King of the Earth
Aries, मेषAvanishLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler
Aries, मेषAvarajJunior; Younger brother; Born after
Aries, मेषAvasProtection; Pleasure; Favour; Assistance; Joy
Aries, मेषAvasheshRemainder
Aries, मेषAvasyuLord Indra; Desirous of helping; Epithet of Indra
Aries, मेषAvatarIncarnation
Aries, मेषAvayaThe First ray of the Sun; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAvdhootName of Lord dutta
Aries, मेषAvdhutGod dutta
Aries, मेषAveekshithVayu Deva (Wind God)
Aries, मेषAveenBeauty; Son of Ashim
Aries, मेषAvhimanyuSelf-respect; Passionate; Heroic; Arjuna's son; Proud
Aries, मेषAviThe Sun and air
Aries, मेषAvichalUnmovable
Aries, मेषAvighnaRemover of obstacles
Aries, मेषAvigyanRecollection
Aries, मेषAvihitHumanitarian; Moderate
Aries, मेषAvijitInvincible
Aries, मेषAvikBrave
Aries, मेषAvikalpThe meaning of this name is which has no options
Aries, मेषAvikamDiamond
Aries, मेषAvikrishCoward
Aries, मेषAvikrutPure
Aries, मेषAvikshitNot see before
Aries, मेषAvilashFaithful
Aries, मेषAvinBeauty; Son of Ashim
Aries, मेषAvinasIndestructible; Immortal/unconquerable
Aries, मेषAvinashIndestructible
Aries, मेषAvinashiIndestructible
Aries, मेषAvinayBestower of success and accomplishments
Aries, मेषAvindhLively
Aries, मेषAvineshEternal; Immortal, Who has no death
Aries, मेषAvinghaRemover of obstacles
Aries, मेषAvirBrave; One who fights for peace; Strong; Continuous or ongoing
Aries, मेषAviraajKing of king
Aries, मेषAvirajTo shine as bright as the Sun
Aries, मेषAviralContinuous
Aries, मेषAviratContinuous
Aries, मेषAvirbhavThe exact meaning of this name would be evolution
Aries, मेषAvirupLord Shiva; Handsome; Wise; Desirable;
Aries, मेषAvishOcean; Holy incarnation
Aries, मेषAvishkarMiracle; God gift
Aries, मेषAvithaProtected; Powerful
Aries, मेषAviyanshPart of Sun
Aries, मेषAviyuktaPatience
Aries, मेषAvkashLimitless space; Avatar incarnation
Aries, मेषAvneeshLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; Ruler
Aries, मेषAvnendraAngel of God on Earth; King of the Earth
Aries, मेषAvneshLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषAvroSensitive; Dream
Aries, मेषAvtarIncarnate; Holy incarnation
Aries, मेषAvyaTo arrive or to inform; The first life form all knowledgeable and all pure
Aries, मेषAvyaanshThe offering; Name of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषAvyanEloquent
Aries, मेषAvyayaLord Shiv
Aries, मेषAvyayaprabhuImperishable Lord
Aries, मेषAvyuktCrystal clear or Lord Krishna or clear mind
Aries, मेषAvyuktaInexpressible; Crystal clear
Aries, मेषAvyukthCrystal clear; Lord Krishna; Unambiguous mind
Aries, मेषAwadheshKing of Ayodhya
Aries, मेषAwanQuality
Aries, मेषAwasModerate; Average
Aries, मेषAwdheshKing of Ayodhya, King Dasaratha
Aries, मेषAweelIntelligent
Aries, मेषAweshAwesh means passion; Josh in hindi
Aries, मेषAyaanSomeone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAyaanshThe first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAyanThe pathway to the Sun
Aries, मेषAyanantaStraight forward
Aries, मेषAyankThe Moon
Aries, मेषAyanshThe first ray of light; Part of parents; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAyavanthLord Shiva
Aries, मेषAyilyamModel state of india
Aries, मेषAyobaahuOne of the Kauravas
Aries, मेषAyodhyaPlace where Lord Rama born
Aries, मेषAyogInstitution
Aries, मेषAyojFast
Aries, मेषAyshmanUnique
Aries, मेषAyurvedPure; Organic
Aries, मेषAyushAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of life
Aries, मेषAyushmaanBlessed with long life
Aries, मेषAyushmanBlessed with long life
Aries, मेषAyushyaLife Span
Aries, मेषAyusmanUnique
Aries, मेषAyyanSomeone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God
Aries, मेषAyyapaYouthful
Aries, मेषAyyapanEver youthful; Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAyyappaLord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषAyyappadasSevak of Lord Ayyappa (Attendant of Lord Ayyappa)
Aries, मेषAyyappanEver youthful; Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषAzhaganLord Murugan; One who is handsome
Aries, मेषAzhagarName of a God in a temple in Madurai
Aries, मेषEashanLord Shiva; Sovereign; A Rudra; Name of Sun
Aries, मेषEashavSpecial; Gifted
Aries, मेषEaswarThe Lord
Aries, मेषEaswaranGod
Aries, मेषEdhasHappiness; Sacred Fuel
Aries, मेषEdhitGrown; Developed; Strengthened
Aries, मेषEdiA herb; Healer
Aries, मेषEdnitEvolved; Developed
Aries, मेषEesanThe Supreme Ruler
Aries, मेषEeshanLord Shiva; The Sun; Vishnu; Agni and Surya; Ruler; Generous; Causing prosperity
Aries, मेषEeshvarahHe who can do anything without any help; The ultimate God
Aries, मेषEeshwarPowerful; The supreme God
Aries, मेषEeswarPowerful; The supreme God
Aries, मेषEgaiarasuKing of charity
Aries, मेषEhaLord Vishnu; In this place; Here; Now; At this time
Aries, मेषEhanExpected
Aries, मेषEhimayAll pervasive; All-pervading intelligence
Aries, मेषEhitAlways smiling
Aries, मेषEkaaksharaHe of the single syllable; A name of Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषEkachakraSon of Kashyap
Aries, मेषEkachandraThe only Moon
Aries, मेषEkachithWith one mind
Aries, मेषEkadantSingle tusked Lord; Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषEkadantaSingle tusked Lord; Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषEkadanthanLord ganapathy
Aries, मेषEkadrishtaSingle tusked Lord
Aries, मेषEkadyuSupreme sky; Sky; Best; A scholar in the Rig Veda
Aries, मेषEkagraFocused
Aries, मेषEkagrahFocused
Aries, मेषEkajThe only child
Aries, मेषEkakshOne eyed; Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषEkakshaOne-eyed; Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषEkaksharaHe of the single syllable; A name of Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषEkalavyaRenowned for his devotion to his Guru
Aries, मेषEkalingName of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषEkalingaName of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषEkambarSky
Aries, मेषEkambaramSky
Aries, मेषEkanaLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषEkanathKing
Aries, मेषEkangaBodyguard
Aries, मेषEkanshWhole; One; Complete
Aries, मेषEkantSolitary
Aries, मेषEkantarajDevoted girl
Aries, मेषEkapadLord Shiva; Having one foot; One-footed
Aries, मेषEkarajEmperor
Aries, मेषEkatanClosely attentive
Aries, मेषEkatmaOneself; Alone
Aries, मेषEkavirBravest of the brave
Aries, मेषEkayavanThe wise one
Aries, मेषEkeshEmperor; Brahman or the supreme spirit
Aries, मेषEkeswarGod is one
Aries, मेषEkeswaraLord Shiva is only one
Aries, मेषEkishThe primal God; Brahman or the supreme spirit
Aries, मेषEklavyaA student who learned bow by watching
Aries, मेषEknathPoet; Saint
Aries, मेषEkodarBrother
Aries, मेषElamaranYoung Lord Murugan
Aries, मेषElangoPrince; Author of Tamil masterpiece Silappadhikaram
Aries, मेषElankathirDynamic and bright
Aries, मेषElavarasanPrince
Aries, मेषElavarasuPrince
Aries, मेषElavendhanThe honorable person in the world
Aries, मेषElayarajaYoung King
Aries, मेषEleshKing
Aries, मेषElilHandsome
Aries, मेषElilarasanHandsome; King of beauty
Aries, मेषElilarasuHandsome; King of beauty
Aries, मेषElilvendanHandsome; King of beauty
Aries, मेषElluSesame seed considered sacred
Aries, मेषElumalaiLord Venkateswara; Lord of seven hills
Aries, मेषErishTo cherish; To hold dear
Aries, मेषErneshSincere; Battle to the death
Aries, मेषErshA beautiful flower
Aries, मेषEsakiSouth India local God
Aries, मेषEsakkiTamil God; Popular God of South Tamilnadu
Aries, मेषEshGod; Lord Vishnu; Divine; Master of the universe; Ruler
Aries, मेषEshaanLord Shiva; Lord Sun or north-east direction; Desiring and wishing; Impulse; Aim
Aries, मेषEshanLord Shiva; Lord Sun or north-east direction; Desiring and wishing; Impulse; Aim
Aries, मेषEshanputraSon of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषEshanshA part of God
Aries, मेषEshanthLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषEsharBlessed; Prosperous
Aries, मेषEshitDesired; Sought
Aries, मेषEshvarLord Shiva; God; Supreme being; Personal God; Or individual self
Aries, मेषEshwarLord Shiva; God; Supreme being; Personal God; Or individual self
Aries, मेषEshwarduttGift of God
Aries, मेषEswarLord Shiva; God; Supreme being; Personal God; Or special self
Aries, मेषEswaranGod / Lord
Aries, मेषEtashBrilliant; Luminous
Aries, मेषEthirajLord Shiva; Supreme being
Aries, मेषEttanBreath
Aries, मेषEvanshA part of Eva (Adam)
Aries, मेषEvarajTo shine as bright as the Sun
Aries, मेषEvyavanLord Vishnu; An epithet of Vishnu; Going quickly; Granting desire on one object
Aries, मेषIbhanLord Ganesh, The God having the mouth of the elephant
Aries, मेषIbhananElephant-faced
Aries, मेषIbhyaPossessor of many attendants
Aries, मेषIdaspatiGod of rain (Lord Vishnu)
Aries, मेषIddhamShining; Brilliant; Sunshine
Aries, मेषIdhantLuminous; One who spreads light; Wonderful
Aries, मेषIdhayanJoy of heart
Aries, मेषIdumRed
Aries, मेषIhamExpected; Thin; Desire
Aries, मेषIhitPrize; Honor; Effort; Desire
Aries, मेषIhsaanKindness; Beneficence; Highest level of Iman
Aries, मेषIjayLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषIkanshWhole Universe
Aries, मेषIkrutOne season
Aries, मेषIkshanSight; Eye; Look; Care
Aries, मेषIkshitDesired; Done with intention; Visible; Beheld
Aries, मेषIlaiyavanYouthful
Aries, मेषIlakkuvanIt is the Tamil form of the name Lakshman
Aries, मेषIlamporaiPrince
Aries, मेषIlamuruguYoung Lord Murugan
Aries, मेषIlancheliyanFull of youthful potential
Aries, मेषIlandevanYoung master
Aries, मेषIlangoPrince; Author of Tamil masterpiece Silappadhikaram
Aries, मेषIlanthirayanYoung man whose influence extends beyond the seas
Aries, मेषIlapatayeLord of the earth
Aries, मेषIlashpastiLord of the earth
Aries, मेषIlavalaganYoung and handsome
Aries, मेषIlavarasanPrince
Aries, मेषIleshLord of the Earth; King of the Earth
Aries, मेषIlisaKing of the Earth; Queen of the Earth
Aries, मेषIlleshLORD OF EARTH
Aries, मेषIlushSaffron; A traveller
Aries, मेषImonPriority
Aries, मेषImpalThe state capital of Manipur (India).
Aries, मेषInakantaBeloved of The Sun
Aries, मेषInbanathanHappy
Aries, मेषIndarLord
Aries, मेषIndareshLord Vishnu, Lord of Indra
Aries, मेषIndeevarBlue lotus
Aries, मेषIndeevarakshLotus eyed
Aries, मेषIndeevarasBlue lotus
Aries, मेषIndeeverBlue lotus
Aries, मेषInder KantIndra devta
Aries, मेषIndivarBlue lotus
Aries, मेषIndraLord Indra; The God of rain
Aries, मेषIndradattGift of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndradhanuRainbow
Aries, मेषIndradhanushRainbow
Aries, मेषIndraduttGift of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndradyumnA splendor of Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndrajeetConqueror of Lord Indra, one who got victory over Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndrajitConqueror of Lord Indra, one who got victory over Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndrajithConqueror of Lord Indra, one who got victory over Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndrakantaLord Indra; Husband of Indra
Aries, मेषIndranLord Indra; The God of rain
Aries, मेषIndraneelEmerald
Aries, मेषIndranilSapphire; Deep blue sky; Another name of Lord Shiva; Blue stone
Aries, मेषIndrarjunBright and brave Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndrasenEldest of the Pandavas
Aries, मेषIndrasutaSon of Indra
Aries, मेषIndratanAs strong as Lord Indra
Aries, मेषIndravadanLord Indra's name
Aries, मेषIndravathiExcellent; First; God of the skies
Aries, मेषIndreshLord Indra
Aries, मेषInduamatiSoft
Aries, मेषIndubhushanThe Moon
Aries, मेषInduhasanLike a Moon
Aries, मेषIndujMercury planet; Born of the Moon
Aries, मेषIndukantThe Moon; Like a Moon; Moon loved
Aries, मेषIndukantaThe Moon; Like a Moon; Moon loved
Aries, मेषIndukanthThe Moon; Like a Moon; Moon loved
Aries, मेषIndulalMoons luster
Aries, मेषIndumalLord Shiva, The one who wears the Moon as an ornament
Aries, मेषIndumatRespected by Moon
Aries, मेषIndusIndia; Star
Aries, मेषIndushekharLike a Moon
Aries, मेषIneetAffection
Aries, मेषIneshA strong king
Aries, मेषInganamKnowledge
Aries, मेषIniavelanSweetest boy
Aries, मेषIniyanSweetie
Aries, मेषIniyavanPleasant natured
Aries, मेषInkitTo keep in mind; To point at something
Aries, मेषInodaySunrise
Aries, मेषIpilStars
Aries, मेषIpsitDesired
Aries, मेषIraiyavanBlessed by the supreme
Aries, मेषIrajLord Hanuman; Flower; Born of the primal waters; Another name for the Love God Kaama
Aries, मेषIranaLord of braves
Aries, मेषIravajBorn of water; Another name for the Love God Kaama
Aries, मेषIravanKing of the ocean; Filled with water; Sea; Cloud; Ruler
Aries, मेषIravatRain clouds; Filled with water
Aries, मेषIrenpreetLoving
Aries, मेषIreshLord of the Earth; Another name for Vishnu and Ganesh
Aries, मेषIrhamLoveable; Merciful
Aries, मेषIriAnother name of Lord Hanuman
Aries, मेषIrinKing of warriors
Aries, मेषIrishLord of the Earth; Another name for Vishnu
Aries, मेषIryaPowerful; Agile; Vigorous
Aries, मेषIsaiarasuKing of music
Aries, मेषIsaivalanSkilled musician
Aries, मेषIshGod; Lord Vishnu; Divine; Master of the universe; Ruler
Aries, मेषIsha KritikSon of lord Shiva
Aries, मेषIshaanLord Shiva; The Sun; Vishnu; Agni and Surya; Ruler; Generous; Causing prosperity
Aries, मेषIshanLord Shiva; The Sun; Vishnu; Agni and Surya; Ruler; Generous; Causing prosperity
Aries, मेषIshankThe peak of the Himalaya; Lord Shiva and Gauri (Goddess Parvati)
Aries, मेषIshantCute Baby; Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषIshayuFull of strength
Aries, मेषIshikLight; Desirable
Aries, मेषIshitOne who desires to rule; Desired
Aries, मेषIshmitLover of God; Friend of God
Aries, मेषIshnaLord Krishna; Wish; Desire
Aries, मेषIshtarThe Babylonian Goddess of Love; Desired; Dear
Aries, मेषIshukArrow
Aries, मेषIshukaArrow like; An Apsara or celestial nymph
Aries, मेषIshwaSpiritual teacher
Aries, मेषIshwarPowerful; The supreme God
Aries, मेषIshwara PriyaGod's beloved
Aries, मेषIsletArrow; Light; Brilliant
Aries, मेषIsluninFast; Spontaneous
Aries, मेषIsyuthaLoveable
Aries, मेषItanBritain
Aries, मेषIthayaIs associated with Lord Ayyappa
Aries, मेषItiA new beginning
Aries, मेषItishSuch a Lord
Aries, मेषIvaanGod's gracious and glorious gift; The Sun; Ruler; Royal
Aries, मेषIvanGod's gracious and glorious gift; The Sun; Ruler; Royal
Aries, मेषIvyaanThe grace of God; Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषIyaanGift
Aries, मेषIyengarLord Krishna; Sage; Priest; Brahman
Aries, मेषIyyappanLord Ayyappan; Youthful
Aries, मेषLaasakDancer; Body; Playful; Peacock
Aries, मेषLaavnayCommanded
Aries, मेषLaayakFit; Clever; Capable
Aries, मेषLabhProfit
Aries, मेषLabhanshA part of the profit
Aries, मेषLachmanYounger brother of Ram
Aries, मेषLaduKing
Aries, मेषLaganAppropriate time; Devotion; Love; The rising of the Sun or planets
Aries, मेषLaghunQuick
Aries, मेषLahiriWAVE
Aries, मेषLajjakModesty
Aries, मेषLajjanModesty
Aries, मेषLajjitBashful; Modest; Shy; Blushing
Aries, मेषLakeshCinnamon tree
Aries, मेषLakhanBrother of Lord Rama; Successful; Achiever
Aries, मेषLakhitLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakhithLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakitBeautiful
Aries, मेषLakniWarrior
Aries, मेषLaksayMalik (Lord)
Aries, मेषLakshAim; Target; Goal; Sign
Aries, मेषLakshakRay of beauty; Expressing indirectly
Aries, मेषLakshanThe aim; One with auspicious signs; Propitious; Distinguished; Mark; The half- brother of God Raam
Aries, मेषLakshanyaOne who achieves; Successful; Distinguished; Objective
Aries, मेषLakshayDestination
Aries, मेषLakshayadityaLooks Like Sun; Destined Sun
Aries, मेषLakshinOne with auspicious marks; Propitious; Distinguished
Aries, मेषLakshitDistinguished; Regarded
Aries, मेषLakshithDistinguished
Aries, मेषLakshmanProsperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
Aries, मेषLakshmanaProsperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
Aries, मेषLakshmanapranadataReviver of Lakshmana's life
Aries, मेषLakshmanapranadatreReviver of lakshmanas life
Aries, मेषLakshmeeshLord Vishnu, Lord of Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLakshmi GopalLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakshmi KantLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLakshmi NarayanGoddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu together
Aries, मेषLakshmi PriyaTulsi; Lord Vishnu (One who is beloved to Goddess Laxmi)
Aries, मेषLakshmi RamanLord Vishnu, Consort of Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLakshmibantaFortunate
Aries, मेषLakshmidharLord Vishnu, Possessor of Lakshmi, Name for Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakshmikantamThe Lord of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakshmikanthLord Vishnu; Lakshmi's husband
Aries, मेषLakshminathConsort of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLakshmipathiLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLakshmipatiLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLaksitDistinguished; Regarded
Aries, मेषLalamJewel
Aries, मेषLalanNurturing
Aries, मेषLalatakshaOne who has An eye in the forehead
Aries, मेषLalatenduThe third eye of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषLalchandRed Moon
Aries, मेषLalitBeautiful; Desirable; Voluptuous; Gentle; Graceful; Charming; Sporting gentle
Aries, मेषLalit KumarBeautiful
Aries, मेषLalitadityaBeautiful Sun
Aries, मेषLalitchandraBeautiful Moon
Aries, मेषLalitenduBeautiful Moon
Aries, मेषLaliteshGod of beauty; God of grace; Consort of a beautiful wife
Aries, मेषLalithBeautiful; Desirable; Voluptuous; Gentle; Graceful; Charming; Sporting gentle
Aries, मेषLalithadityaBeautiful Sun
Aries, मेषLalitkishoreBeautiful
Aries, मेषLalitmohanBeautiful and attractive
Aries, मेषLalitrajBeautiful; Lovely; Attractive; Elegant
Aries, मेषLambakarnaLarge eared Lord
Aries, मेषLambodarLord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord
Aries, मेषLambodaraLord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord
Aries, मेषLambodharLord Ganesh, The huge bellied Lord
Aries, मेषLanibanLord Shiva
Aries, मेषLankapuravidahakaThe one who burnt Lanka
Aries, मेषLankeshRavana
Aries, मेषLankineebhanjanaSlayer of lankini
Aries, मेषLaranThe Psychic powers and abilities of the Comyn Caste
Aries, मेषLarrajA sage
Aries, मेषLarshanStands for peace; Chinese Zodiac
Aries, मेषLashitWished; Desired
Aries, मेषLashithWished; Desired
Aries, मेषLateshNew; Warrior
Aries, मेषLatheshLord of Climbers
Aries, मेषLathishHappiness
Aries, मेषLatishHappiness
Aries, मेषLaukikFame
Aries, मेषLavSon of Lord Rama
Aries, मेषLavaPiece
Aries, मेषLavamClove; Small
Aries, मेषLavanWhite; Handsome; Salt
Aries, मेषLavanaBrilliant; Handsome; Beauty
Aries, मेषLavanayHandsome
Aries, मेषLavenFragrance; Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषLaveneshExcellence
Aries, मेषLaveshGod of Love
Aries, मेषLavinFragrance; Lord Ganesh
Aries, मेषLavishRich
Aries, मेषLavitLord Shiva; Lovely; Small
Aries, मेषLavithLord Shiva; Lovely; Small
Aries, मेषLavitraLord Shiva; Lovely; Small
Aries, मेषLavnyaBeauty; Grace
Aries, मेषLavyanshAnsh of Love (Part of Love)
Aries, मेषLaxmanProsperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
Aries, मेषLaxmi KantLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi
Aries, मेषLaxmi NarayanaLord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi
Aries, मेषLaxmi PriyaTulsi; Lord Vishnu (One who is beloved to Goddess Laxmi)
Aries, मेषLaxmi SrinivasBeautiful
Aries, मेषLaxmikantIt is name of Lord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLaxminarayanaLord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi
Aries, मेषLayFrom the meadow farm; Concentration; Peace; Another name for Brahman
Aries, मेषLayakFit; Clever; Capable
Aries, मेषLayamRhythm
Aries, मेषLeeladharLord Vishnu; One who indulges in play; Pastime; An epithet of Krishna; Epithet of Vishnu
Aries, मेषLeelakarLord Krishna; Capable
Aries, मेषLeelashIntelligent
Aries, मेषLehanOne who refuses
Aries, मेषLekhDocument; Writing; Signature; Deity
Aries, मेषLekhakAn author
Aries, मेषLekhanWriting; Article
Aries, मेषLekhitWritten
Aries, मेषLekithWritten
Aries, मेषLemanathe she-oak tree
Aries, मेषLemarTalented one
Aries, मेषLemmieDevoted to the Lord
Aries, मेषLeninLover
Aries, मेषLepakshHaving painted eyes
Aries, मेषLeshSmall portion; Littleness; Particle or atom; Small; Bit; A little song
Aries, मेषLeshanDefender of humanity
Aries, मेषLianLotus
Aries, मेषLibniManuscripts of God
Aries, मेषLidinSpecial
Aries, मेषLigaLord of sweetness
Aries, मेषLijeshBright feature; Light
Aries, मेषLikeshName of lord Shiva
Aries, मेषLikhilGoddess Saraswati
Aries, मेषLikhitWritten; Drawn
Aries, मेषLikhithWritten; Drawn
Aries, मेषLikitWritten; Writing
Aries, मेषLikithWritten; Drawn
Aries, मेषLiladharLord Vishnu; One who indulges in play; Pastime
Aries, मेषLingadevaruLord Shiva, Lord of the Linga
Aries, मेषLingadhyakshaLord of the lingas
Aries, मेषLingaiahLord Vishnu
Aries, मेषLingamGod Sivan; See Lingan
Aries, मेषLingamurthyShivasannidi
Aries, मेषLingapandiLord Shiva
Aries, मेषLingarajaLord of the lingas
Aries, मेषLingasamyLord Shiva, Lord of the Linga
Aries, मेषLingeshLord Shiva
Aries, मेषLingeshvaranAnother Name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषLinikshShining
Aries, मेषLinuA cry of grief
Aries, मेषLipshitDesired
Aries, मेषLisanthcool breeze
Aries, मेषLishanTongue; Language; Defender of humanity
Aries, मेषLishantLucky; Defender of Mankind
Aries, मेषLishanthLucky
Aries, मेषLitheshCharismatic; Energetic; Passionate; Ambitious; Powerful; Spiritual; Leadership
Aries, मेषLithieshAim
Aries, मेषLithvikBright
Aries, मेषLogachandranLovable
Aries, मेषLoganathanKing of the World; Power; Good; Clever
Aries, मेषLogenthiranPower
Aries, मेषLogeshName of a God
Aries, मेषLogeshwaranLord Shiva, Lord of the world
Aries, मेषLogithanLeek garden
Aries, मेषLohendraLord of three worlds
Aries, मेषLohitRed; Made of Copper; Mars; Lord; Battle; Sandalwood; Saffron
Aries, मेषLohitakshLord Vishnu; Red-eyed
Aries, मेषLohitakshaLord Vishnu; Red-eyed
Aries, मेषLohitashwaOne with a red horse; Fire
Aries, मेषLohithRed; Made of Copper; Mars; Lord; Battle; Sandalwood; Saffron
Aries, मेषLohithakshLord Vishnu; Red-eyed
Aries, मेषLokThe universe; Heaven; Earth; Humanity; Humankind
Aries, मेषLokadhyakshaLord of all the three lokas worlds
Aries, मेषLokajitConqueror of world
Aries, मेषLokakritiCreator of the world
Aries, मेषLokanathLord Shiva, Lord of the world
Aries, मेषLokanetraEye of the world
Aries, मेषLokankaraCreator of the three worlds
Aries, मेषLokapalOne who takes care of the world
Aries, मेषLokapatiLord Shiva
Aries, मेषLokapujyaWorshipped by the universe; A name of Lord Hanuman
Aries, मेषLokbhushanOrnament of the world
Aries, मेषLokenderKing of the Earth
Aries, मेषLokendraKing of world
Aries, मेषLokeshKing of world
Aries, मेषLokeshwarGod; King
Aries, मेषLokeshwaranKing of the world is the single quote for this word
Aries, मेषLokitThe enlightened one
Aries, मेषLoknadhLord of Universe
Aries, मेषLoknathLord of the world
Aries, मेषLokpradeepGautam Buddha
Aries, मेषLokprakashLight of the world
Aries, मेषLokranjanLord Vishnu; Pleasing the world; Gaining public confidence
Aries, मेषLokshithDistinguished
Aries, मेषLokyaLord of All Worlds
Aries, मेषLomashA sage
Aries, मेषLomeshName of Rishi
Aries, मेषLopeshGod Shiva
Aries, मेषLoukikFamous; Popular
Aries, मेषLovepalLove to God
Aries, मेषLoveshLove
Aries, मेषLoveyVery cold as Moon
Aries, मेषLoveyanshPart of lady & man; Love
Aries, मेषLovishFamous battle
Aries, मेषLovyamThe Sun
Aries, मेषLovyanshMagnificent
Aries, मेषLuckyShubh (Auspicious)
Aries, मेषLuckyrajFrom Lucania; Fortunate
Aries, मेषLuhandeer of the dawn; morning deer
Aries, मेषLuhitName of a river
Aries, मेषLukeshKing of the empire
Aries, मेषLukeshaKing of the empire
Aries, मेषLuvFirst of Lord Rama's twin son
Aries, मेषLuvyaLovable
Aries, मेषObaleshLord Shiva, Lord of the Linga, Epithet of Shiva
Aries, मेषObuliName of a Hindu God
Aries, मेषOhaMeditation; True knowledge
Aries, मेषOhasPraise
Aries, मेषOisinDivine
Aries, मेषOjasBody strength
Aries, मेषOjaswinLustrous
Aries, मेषOjaswitPowerful; Radiant
Aries, मेषOjayitCourageous
Aries, मेषOjisTeej ojisvi (Sharp and powerful)
Aries, मेषOjjaswinBody strength
Aries, मेषOmThe sacred syllable
Aries, मेषOm ParkashLight of God
Aries, मेषOmaanshThe sacred symbol of Om
Aries, मेषOmanandJoy of Om
Aries, मेषOmarjeetLord of Om
Aries, मेषOmavAvatar of Om; Incarnation of God
Aries, मेषOmduttGiven by God
Aries, मेषOmesaLord of Om
Aries, मेषOmeshLord of the Om
Aries, मेषOmeshwarLord of the Om
Aries, मेषOmishLord of the Om
Aries, मेषOmjaBorn of cosmic unity
Aries, मेषOmkarThe sound of the sacred syllable; One who has the form of Om
Aries, मेषOmkaraThe sound of the sacred syllable; One who has the form of Om
Aries, मेषOmkareshwarLord Shiva, Lord of Om
Aries, मेषOmkarnathLord of Omkar, Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषOmkrishLord Krishna
Aries, मेषOmnaPious; Pure
Aries, मेषOmpatiMaster of Om
Aries, मेषOmprakashLight of Om; Name of Lord Shiva
Aries, मेषOmsrikaraGod Siva
Aries, मेषOmswaroopManifestation of divinity
Aries, मेषOnainVision
Aries, मेषOneeshLord of mind
Aries, मेषOnikVarious; Soldier
Aries, मेषOnirShining
Aries, मेषOnisLord of mind
Aries, मेषOnishLord of mind
Aries, मेषOnkarOnkar is the first phrase in the Mul Mantra meaning there is only one God;
Aries, मेषOnneshaHonesty
Aries, मेषOojamEnthusiasm
Aries, मेषOorjitPossesses great might; Powerful; Handsome; Noble; Excellent
Aries, मेषOppilmaniPurest of gems
Aries, मेषOshinOcean; Sea
Aries, मेषOushigThe son of evening
Aries, मेषOviA holy message of a Marathi saint
Aries, मेषOvinHandsome
Aries, मेषOvishkarDarkness
Aries, मेषOviyanArtist

Baby Names by Rashi: Boy

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Baby Names by Rashi: Girl

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Also Refer: baby360 page Page for more details

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Fun Facts about Aries

  • Being the zodiac’s first sign, they are audacious and driven
  • They welcome challenges at all times
  • They are self-assured, driven leaders
  • Their approach is straightforward and uncomplicated; they don’t spend time on extraneous details
  • They have a lot of optimism
  • They consequently frequently have to learn lessons the hard way
  • They are always available to keep their loved ones safe
  • Aries communicate without any filter at all
  • They have a great deal of loyalty
  • They are surprisingly a really sentimental indication