Meen Rashi Names for Girl1

A list of 690+ Meen rashi names for Girl – Pisces names for Girls, is given below:

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Meen Rashi Names for Girl – मीन राशि के लड़कियों के नाम

About Pisces Girl Kid:Pisces babies are intensely sensitive and emotional beings from birth.

Sensitive individuals are typically meticulous and self-sacrificing.

Most individuals born under this sign wish to stay distant, solitary, and uninterested.

Pisces Names for Girls – Lucky Names for Pisces Girls

Pisces Girls Names Start With Letter – D, CH, Z, TH

Pisces, मीनChaahanaLonging; Affection; Desired
Pisces, मीनChaamundaName of Goddess who killed the demons Chanda and Munda
Pisces, मीनChaaraniA bird; Nomad
Pisces, मीनChaaruviLight; Brilliant
Pisces, मीनChaarviBeautiful girl; Beautiful woman
Pisces, मीनChaayaShadow; Shade; Reflection
Pisces, मीनChaayavatiName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनChahanaLonging; Desired; Affection
Pisces, मीनChahetiLovely; Lovable for all
Pisces, मीनChahnaLove
Pisces, मीनChainikaSpecially selected; Chosen one
Pisces, मीनChairavaliFull Moon of Chaitra month
Pisces, मीनChaitaaleeBorn in th month of Chaitra; Ancient city
Pisces, मीनChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitra; Blessed with a good memory
Pisces, मीनChaitalyBorn in the month of Chaitra; Blessed with a good memory
Pisces, मीनChaitanaPerception; Intelligence; Life; Vigour; The sunflower seed
Pisces, मीनChaitanya SriConsciousness
Pisces, मीनChaithanaPerception; Intelligence; Life; Vigour; The sunflower seed
Pisces, मीनChaithraNew bright light.aries sign
Pisces, मीनChaitnaSunflower seed
Pisces, मीनChaitraNew bright light; Aries sign
Pisces, मीनChaitraviBorn in month of Chaitra
Pisces, मीनChaitriBorn in spring; Beautiful; Happy; Fresh
Pisces, मीनChaitrikaVery clever
Pisces, मीनChakoriA bird enamored of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChakradhariniThe Goddess who is armed with a wheel
Pisces, मीनChakranhiPower of Wheel
Pisces, मीनChakriaGoddess Lakshmi; Chakra - circle of energy
Pisces, मीनChakrikaGoddess Lakshmi; The Goddess who has the divine wheel
Pisces, मीनChakrikaaGoddess Lakshmi; The Goddess who has the divine wheel
Pisces, मीनChakshaniGood looking; Brilliant
Pisces, मीनChalamaGoddess Parvati
Pisces, मीनChalsiaLanding place or port; Seaport; Place name
Pisces, मीनChambalA river in India covering Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
Pisces, मीनChameliA creeper with flowers
Pisces, मीनChaminiUnknown
Pisces, मीनChampaA flower
Pisces, मीनChampabatiThe capital
Pisces, मीनChampakaliA bud of Champa
Pisces, मीनChampakavathiOwner of Champak trees
Pisces, मीनChampakmalaGarland of Champa flowers
Pisces, मीनChampamaliniGarland of Champa flower
Pisces, मीनChampikaLittle Champa flower
Pisces, मीनChamundaName of Goddess who killed the demons Chanda and munda
Pisces, मीनChanakshiClever
Pisces, मीनChanasyaDelighting; Pleasant; Wonderful
Pisces, मीनChanasyaaDelighting; Pleasant; Wonderful
Pisces, मीनChanchalaRestless; Active; Agile; Playful; Moving constantly; Lightening
Pisces, मीनChanchariBird; Vortex of water
Pisces, मीनChancyGoddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनChandaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandaaMoon female
Pisces, मीनChandaghantaOne who has mighty bells
Pisces, मीनChandaliniGlorious
Pisces, मीनChandamundavinashiniDestroyer of the ferocious asuras - Chanda and Munda
Pisces, मीनChandanaScented wood or Sandalwood; Perfumed; Auspicious
Pisces, मीनChandana LaxmiSandalwood
Pisces, मीनChandaniA river; Moonlight
Pisces, मीनChandanikaDiminutive
Pisces, मीनChandasriMoon; Cool like the Moon; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनChandhanaScented wood or Sandalwood; Perfumed; Auspicious
Pisces, मीनChandhiniMoon light or a river; Star
Pisces, मीनChandhrakaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandiGreat Goddess
Pisces, मीनChandikaDiminutive of Chandana
Pisces, मीनChandiniMoon light or a river; Star
Pisces, मीनChandniA river; Moonlight
Pisces, मीनChandnikaMoon; Derived from Chanda
Pisces, मीनChandra VadanaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrabaliA friend of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनChandrabhagaRiver Chenab
Pisces, मीनChandrabinduCrescent Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrajaDaughter of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrajyothiMoon light
Pisces, मीनChandrajyotiMoon light
Pisces, मीनChandrakalaMoonbeams
Pisces, मीनChandrakali1/16th of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrakanthaThe Moon; Moon stone; Consort of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrakantiMoon light
Pisces, मीनChandrakiPeacock
Pisces, मीनChandrakinPeacock
Pisces, मीनChandralekhaRay of Moon
Pisces, मीनChandralekshaA Ray of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramaaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramaniMoonstone; Jewel
Pisces, मीनChandramasiConsort of Brihaspati
Pisces, मीनChandramathiAs beautiful as the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramukhiAs beautiful as the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandraniConsort of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandraprabhaStar; Moon light
Pisces, मीनChandrapushpaStar; Moon light
Pisces, मीनChandrarupaGoddess Laxmi; The one who has a form like the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrasahodariSister of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrataraThe Moon and the stars conjoined
Pisces, मीनChandravadanaMoon faced; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनChandravathiLit by the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandravatiLit by the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandreyeeMoons daughter
Pisces, मीनChandrikaMoonlight
Pisces, मीनChandrimaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChangunaA good woman
Pisces, मीनChanjalMagical
Pisces, मीनChanjanaAttractive
Pisces, मीनChannBeauteous; Beloved
Pisces, मीनChannakkaBeautiful lady
Pisces, मीनChannayaEminent
Pisces, मीनChansyKnowledge, Leadership, Fairness
Pisces, मीनChapalaRestless; Lighting
Pisces, मीनCharaQuiet and frisky
Pisces, मीनCharanaFoot
Pisces, मीनCharaniA bird; Nomad
Pisces, मीनCharanyaGood Attitude
Pisces, मीनChardyThe meaning of Chardy is a burning fire that desires love and yet is always alone
Pisces, मीनCharishmaBlissful
Pisces, मीनCharitaRight; One has a spotless character; Warm-hearted; Scented wood
Pisces, मीनCharithaGood; One has a spotless character; Warm hearted; Scented wood
Pisces, मीनCharithraHistory
Pisces, मीनCharithriyaHistory
Pisces, मीनCharithyaGood; One has a spotless character
Pisces, मीनCharitraHistory
Pisces, मीनCharitryaHistory
Pisces, मीनCharlyBeauty
Pisces, मीनCharmiCharming; Lovely
Pisces, मीनCharmyCharming; Lovely
Pisces, मीनCharuhasaGoddess Durga; Whose smile is charming
Pisces, मीनCharukeshiName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनCharulBeautiful
Pisces, मीनCharulaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनCharulataBeautiful creeper
Pisces, मीनCharulathaBeautiful creeper
Pisces, मीनCharulekhaBeautiful picture
Pisces, मीनCharumathiBeautiful mind
Pisces, मीनCharumatiBeautiful Mind
Pisces, मीनCharunetraOne with beautiful eyes
Pisces, मीनCharuniDerived from Charu
Pisces, मीनCharuprabhaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनCharuroopaGoddess Durga; Whose form is exquisite
Pisces, मीनCharusheelaThe beautiful woman; Beautiful Jewel
Pisces, मीनCharushilaThe beautiful woman; Beautiful Jewel
Pisces, मीनCharusilaThe beautiful woman; Beautiful Jewel
Pisces, मीनCharusmitaOne having beautiful smile
Pisces, मीनCharusmithaOne having a beautiful smile
Pisces, मीनCharutaBeautiful girl; Loveliness
Pisces, मीनCharuthaBeautiful girl; Loveliness
Pisces, मीनCharuvardhaniName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनCharviBeautiful girl; Beautiful woman
Pisces, मीनChasmithaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनChathuraWise; Clever
Pisces, मीनChathuryaClever
Pisces, मीनChatimaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनChaturaWise; Clever
Pisces, मीनChaturbhujaStrong
Pisces, मीनChaturviGod's Prasadam
Pisces, मीनChaturyaWise; Clever
Pisces, मीनChaulaA buck; Deer; Name of a well
Pisces, मीनChauntaOne who outshines the stars
Pisces, मीनChaviRay of light; Reflection
Pisces, मीनChavishkaWater; Sky
Pisces, मीनChayaShadow; Shade; Reflection
Pisces, मीनChayanaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChayanikaThe chosen one
Pisces, मीनChaylaFairy
Pisces, मीनCheenaPure white marble
Pisces, मीनChellamPampered
Pisces, मीनChellammaPampered girl
Pisces, मीनCheranyaSupportive; Modification of the name Saranya
Pisces, मीनCherikaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनCheshtaTo try; Desire
Pisces, मीनCheshtaaTo try; Desire
Pisces, मीनChestaDesire
Pisces, मीनChetakiConscious
Pisces, मीनChetalHaving a life; Vitality
Pisces, मीनChetanaPower of intellect or alert; Vigour; Perception
Pisces, मीनChetanayaConsciousness
Pisces, मीनChethana Power of intellect or alert
Pisces, मीनChethanyaConsciousness
Pisces, मीनChethasaaBy consciousness
Pisces, मीनChethnaPower of intellect or alert; Vigour; Perception
Pisces, मीनChetnaPower of intellect or alert; Vigour; Perception
Pisces, मीनChidakshaThe ultimate consciousness; Brahman or the supreme spirit
Pisces, मीनChikkuSweet; Fruit
Pisces, मीनChilankaThe dancer wears musical instrument
Pisces, मीनChimayeWonderful; Loved; Blissful; Sent from God
Pisces, मीनChimayiBeautiful; Loved; Blissful; Sent from God
Pisces, मीनChinmyeeBlissifull
Pisces, मीनChinnamastikaGoddess Durga, The Goddess without head
Pisces, मीनChintaTension
Pisces, मीनChintalThoughtfulness
Pisces, मीनChintanaMeditation; Intelligent or thoughtful; Mind; Contemplation
Pisces, मीनChintanikaMeditation; Intelligent or thoughtful; Mind; Contemplation
Pisces, मीनChinthamaniPhilosophers stone; A Jewel
Pisces, मीनChinthanaMeditation; Intelligent or thoughtful; Mind; Contemplation
Pisces, मीनChippiA Pearl and something very very special
Pisces, मीनChirantanaLong life
Pisces, मीनChiranthanaLong life
Pisces, मीनChirasviBeautiful Smile; Long Lasting Beauty
Pisces, मीनChisthaRiver tributary
Pisces, मीनChitaDeath-bed
Pisces, मीनChithanyaEnergy; Enthusiasm
Pisces, मीनChithiraName of a star
Pisces, मीनChithraPainting; Picture; A Nakshatra; Brilliant; Illustrious
Pisces, मीनChithrabhanuCrown flower plant; Fire
Pisces, मीनChithragandhaA fragrant material
Pisces, मीनChithramaniName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनChithrambariName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनChitiLove
Pisces, मीनChitkalaKnowledge
Pisces, मीनChitradeviGoddess Saraswati; Chitra - picture; Devi - Goddess
Pisces, मीनChitragandhaA fragrant material
Pisces, मीनChitrakshiColorful eyes
Pisces, मीनChitralekaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनChitralekhaAs beautiful as a picture
Pisces, मीनChitraliA row of pictures
Pisces, मीनChitramalaSeries of pictures
Pisces, मीनChitramayaWorldly illusion
Pisces, मीनChitrangadaOne of Arjuna wives
Pisces, मीनChitrangiWith a Charming Body
Pisces, मीनChitraniRiver Ganga
Pisces, मीनChitranshiPart of the big picture
Pisces, मीनChitrarathiWith a bright chariot
Pisces, मीनChitrarekhaPicture
Pisces, मीनChitrathiA bright chariot
Pisces, मीनChitrikaSpring
Pisces, मीनChitriniBeautiful woman with artistic talents
Pisces, मीनChitritaPicturesque
Pisces, मीनChittaranjaniName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनChittarupaOne who is in thought-state
Pisces, मीनChndrajaDaughter of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChobikasriNoble
Pisces, मीनChoodamaniCrest jewel
Pisces, मीनChumbanKiss
Pisces, मीनChumkiDecorative Star / Sitara
Pisces, मीनChunniA star
Pisces, मीनChutkiLittle one
Pisces, मीनDaakshyaCleverness; Honesty; Brilliance; Efficient
Pisces, मीनDaamaProsperous; Self-possessed; River; Ocean
Pisces, मीनDaaminiLightning; Conquering; Self-controlled
Pisces, मीनDaayiniGiver
Pisces, मीनDadhichiName of a sage
Pisces, मीनDadhijaDaughter of milk
Pisces, मीनDageshwariDazzling
Pisces, मीनDaiviPious soule
Pisces, मीनDajshiGlorious
Pisces, मीनDakshaThe Earth; Sati; Another name for Paarvati
Pisces, मीनDakshajaDaughter
Pisces, मीनDakshakanyaAble daughter
Pisces, मीनDakshanaSweet
Pisces, मीनDakshataSkill
Pisces, मीनDakshayajnavinaashiniThe interrupter of the sacrifice of Daksha
Pisces, मीनDakshayajñavinaashiniThe interrupter of the sacrifice of Daksha
Pisces, मीनDakshayaniGoddess Durga, The daughter of Daksh
Pisces, मीनDakshhthaEfficiency; Care
Pisces, मीनDakshikaDaughter of Brahma
Pisces, मीनDakshinaA donation to God or priest; Competent; Talented; With a southern orientation
Pisces, मीनDakshinyaGoddess Parvati, Daughter of Daksh
Pisces, मीनDakshitaSkill
Pisces, मीनDalajaProduced from petals
Pisces, मीनDaliDrawn towards God
Pisces, मीनDalishaLuck
Pisces, मीनDamarugapriyaName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDamarukiSound of emotion
Pisces, मीनDamayanthiNala's wife; Beautiful; Kind of a Jasmine
Pisces, मीनDamayantiNala's wife; Beautiful; Kind of a Jasmine
Pisces, मीनDaminiLightning; Conquering; Self-controlled
Pisces, मीनDamyantiNala's wife; Beautiful
Pisces, मीनDaniGod is my judge
Pisces, मीनDanushriThe bow or name of a Hindu Rashi sagittarius
Pisces, मीनDanusiyaGlow
Pisces, मीनDanviCharitable
Pisces, मीनDanyataSuccess; Fulfilment; Money and good luck; Thankful; Blessed
Pisces, मीनDaridriya DhwamsiniDestroyer of poverty, Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDaridriyanashiniRemover of poverty; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDarikhaMaiden
Pisces, मीनDaritreeThe earth
Pisces, मीनDarmiFreshness
Pisces, मीनDarmineeReligious
Pisces, मीनDarpanaA small mirror
Pisces, मीनDarpanikaA small mirror
Pisces, मीनDarsathaVisible
Pisces, मीनDarshaTo see; To perceive; To have a vision
Pisces, मीनDarshanaPaying respect; Vision; Knowledge; Observation; Doctrine; Philosophy
Pisces, मीनDarshaniThe one who blessed; Beautiful; Another name for Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDarshiBlessings; Lord Krishna; Moonlight
Pisces, मीनDarshikaPerceiver
Pisces, मीनDarshiniThe one who blessed; Beautiful; Another name for Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDarshinikaSight
Pisces, मीनDarshitaSight; Shown
Pisces, मीनDarshithaSight; Shown
Pisces, मीनDarshnaPray to God
Pisces, मीनDarsikaPerceiver
Pisces, मीनDashaCircumstance; Period of life; Wick; Condition; Degree
Pisces, मीनDashamiIn Hindu traditional calender Dashami means its 10th day
Pisces, मीनDaxaClever; Glorious; Brave; God Gift; Excellent
Pisces, मीनDaxitaExpert
Pisces, मीनDayaKindness; Goddess; Mercy; Favour; Compassion
Pisces, मीनDayaaKindness; Goddess; Mercy; Favour; Compassion
Pisces, मीनDayamaniKindness
Pisces, मीनDayamayeeKind; Merciful
Pisces, मीनDayamayiKind; Merciful
Pisces, मीनDayanitaTender
Pisces, मीनDayashreeMasterful teacher
Pisces, मीनDayawantiGoddess of kindness
Pisces, मीनDayitaBeloved
Pisces, मीनDeaKindness; Goddess
Pisces, मीनDebadritaWho is Lover of God.
Pisces, मीनDebadyutiLight of God
Pisces, मीनDebanjaliDaughter of God
Pisces, मीनDebanshiDivine; Part of God
Pisces, मीनDebarpitaRender to the God
Pisces, मीनDebashmitaOne who can smile and make people laugh like God; Like a flower
Pisces, मीनDebasmitaOne who can smile and make people laugh like God; Like a flower
Pisces, मीनDebishaPart of divine
Pisces, मीनDebjaniBeloved; Adorable
Pisces, मीनDebopriyaGod's favorite
Pisces, मीनDebprasadGod's Gift
Pisces, मीनDedeepyaLight
Pisces, मीनDeebaSilk; Eye of a mistress
Pisces, मीनDeebasriSilk
Pisces, मीनDeedipyaBright
Pisces, मीनDeeherDee means Goddess Durga's, her means Shiv, Strength of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDeekshaInitiation; Sacrifice; Preparation for ceremony
Pisces, मीनDeekshanaInitiation
Pisces, मीनDeekshiInitiation; Consecration
Pisces, मीनDeekshikaTalkative
Pisces, मीनDeekshitaInitiation; Prepared
Pisces, मीनDeekshithaInitiation; Prepared
Pisces, मीनDeekshyaInitiation
Pisces, मीनDeempalA small indication that forms on the cheeks, when someone smiles
Pisces, मीनDeenaDivine; Grand; Vindicated
Pisces, मीनDeenalSweet girl;
Pisces, मीनDeepaA lamp; Brilliant; That which blazes
Pisces, मीनDeepabaliRow of lamps
Pisces, मीनDeepakalaEvening time
Pisces, मीनDeepakshiBright eyes like a lamp; One with bright eyes
Pisces, मीनDeepaliCollection of lamps; Row of lamps
Pisces, मीनDeepamalaRow of lamps
Pisces, मीनDeepanaIlluminating
Pisces, मीनDeepanshaThe light of the lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepanwitaLights of diwali
Pisces, मीनDeepaprabhaFully lighted
Pisces, मीनDeeparuModesty
Pisces, मीनDeepashikhaFlame; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepashikiFlame
Pisces, मीनDeepashriLight; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepavaliA row of lamps; The hindu festival
Pisces, मीनDeepavatiA Raagini which is a hybrid of Deepak
Pisces, मीनDeephihaLight
Pisces, मीनDeepikaA small lamp; Light
Pisces, मीनDeepithaIlluminated
Pisces, मीनDeepjyothiThe light of the lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepjyotiThe light of the lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepkalaEvening time
Pisces, मीनDeepmalaRow of lamps
Pisces, मीनDeepnaGoddess Laxmi
Pisces, मीनDeepshikaFlame; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDeepshikhaFlame; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDeeptaGoddess Lakshmi; Name of several plants with bright red flowers; Shining
Pisces, मीनDeepthaShining; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDeepthiFlame or luster or glow or shine; Brightness; Brilliance; Beauty
Pisces, मीनDeepthikaA beam of light
Pisces, मीनDeepthikshaA beam of light
Pisces, मीनDeeptiFlame or luster or glow or shine; Brightness; Brilliance; Beauty
Pisces, मीनDeeptikaA beam of light
Pisces, मीनDeeptikanaBeam of light
Pisces, मीनDeeptimoyeeLustrous
Pisces, मीनDeeshaDirection
Pisces, मीनDeeshitaFocused; Once who knows the direction
Pisces, मीनDeeshnaOffering; Gift
Pisces, मीनDeetaA name of Goddess Lakshmi, Answer of prayers, Another name for Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDeethyaAnswer of prayers; Another name for Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDeetyaAnswer of prayers; Another name for Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDeevenaBlessing; Eye of God; Resembling a Goddess; Blessing
Pisces, मीनDeevithaDivine power
Pisces, मीनDekshithaInitiation; Prepared
Pisces, मीनDekshnaGreat; To See
Pisces, मीनDelakshiFortune
Pisces, मीनDeleenaGood looking
Pisces, मीनDemiraA devotee of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDensiPeople who Give
Pisces, मीनDepaliHappy
Pisces, मीनDependerProtector
Pisces, मीनDeshaniQueen of the country
Pisces, मीनDesharanjiniName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDeshikaOne who gives a sermon
Pisces, मीनDeshnaOffering; Gift
Pisces, मीनDeshneeFrom the Country
Pisces, मीनDesihaHappy; Lemon
Pisces, मीनDesikaOne who gives a sermon
Pisces, मीनDesnaOffering; Gift
Pisces, मीनDespinaIn Hebrew it means bee, but in Greek it means lady
Pisces, मीनDeva PriyaDear to the God; Dear to the Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevaartiAarti of God
Pisces, मीनDevadarshiniGoddess
Pisces, मीनDevagandhariName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDevagnyaGoddess Lakshmi; Worship of Ishta Deva
Pisces, मीनDevahutiDaughter of Manu
Pisces, मीनDevajaBorn from God
Pisces, मीनDevakaliName of an Indian music Raagini
Pisces, मीनDevakanyaCelestial maiden; Divine damsel
Pisces, मीनDevakiDivine; Mother of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDevakiriName of a Raagini
Pisces, मीनDevalathaDivine vine
Pisces, मीनDevalekhaCelestial beauty
Pisces, मीनDevalinaLike a Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevamanohariName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDevamataMother Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevamatiGodly minded; Virtuous
Pisces, मीनDevamayiDivine; Illusion
Pisces, मीनDevanandaGod's Joy
Pisces, मीनDevanganaCelestial maiden
Pisces, मीनDevangiLike a Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevaniShining; Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevanshiDivine; Part of God
Pisces, मीनDevanyaA variant of Devagnya meaning Goddess Laxmi
Pisces, मीनDevasenaLord Subramanian's consort
Pisces, मीनDevashreeGoddess Lakshmi; Divine beauty
Pisces, मीनDevasmithaWith a divine smile
Pisces, मीनDevasreeGoddess Lakshmi; Divine beauty
Pisces, मीनDevathaDeity
Pisces, मीनDevavarniniDaughter of sage Bharadvaja
Pisces, मीनDevayaniGracious
Pisces, मीनDeveenaBlessing; Eye of God; Resembling a Goddess; Blessing
Pisces, मीनDeveshiChief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDevesiChief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDevgarbhaGoddess Durga; Divine child
Pisces, मीनDeviGoddess; Queen; Noblewoman; Holy
Pisces, मीनDevi PrasadGift of Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevi PriyaDear to the God; Dear to the Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevikaA minor deity; A river in the Himalayas; Minor Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevikiFrom the Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevinaBlessing; Eye of God; Resembling a Goddess; Blessing
Pisces, मीनDevipriyaName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDevishaPeace; Intelligent; Lovable; Preety
Pisces, मीनDevishiChief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDevjaniBeloved; Adorable
Pisces, मीनDevkanyaCelestial maiden; Divine damsel
Pisces, मीनDevkiDivine; Mother of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDevmaniDivine gift
Pisces, मीनDevnaGodly
Pisces, मीनDevoshriThe diamond of Kohinoor
Pisces, मीनDevshreGoddess Laxmi
Pisces, मीनDevshreeGoddess Laxmi; Approaching Gods; Worshipping
Pisces, मीनDevyaniLike a Goddess; Serving Gods; Chariot of the Gods
Pisces, मीनDevyashiDivine blessings
Pisces, मीनDevyoshaWife of a god
Pisces, मीनDeyashiniKind one
Pisces, मीनDibyaDivine luster; Charming; Beautiful; Divine
Pisces, मीनDigambariGoddess Durga; Sky clad; Consort of Digambar; Epithet of Durga
Pisces, मीनDigishaDirection of God
Pisces, मीनDigviConqueror; Victorious
Pisces, मीनDijaPremature baby
Pisces, मीनDikshaInitiation; Sacrifice; Preparation for ceremony
Pisces, मीनDiksheekaVery silent & simple
Pisces, मीनDiksheethaInitiation
Pisces, मीनDikshikaBlessing Giver
Pisces, मीनDikshitaThe initiated
Pisces, मीनDikshithaThe initiated
Pisces, मीनDikshyaInitiation
Pisces, मीनDiksithaThe initiated
Pisces, मीनDilnaHeart ; Good Heart
Pisces, मीनDimpalA small indication that forms on the cheeks, when someone smiles
Pisces, मीनDimpiDetermined and stubborn
Pisces, मीनDimpilDimples
Pisces, मीनDimpleA small indication that forms on the cheeks, when someone smiles
Pisces, मीनDimpyDetermined and stubborn
Pisces, मीनDinalSweet girl;
Pisces, मीनDinikaRising Sun
Pisces, मीनDinishaGod of vine
Pisces, मीनDinkeshwariDivine Power
Pisces, मीनDinoshaHearty welcome in Bengali
Pisces, मीनDipA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; Light
Pisces, मीनDipalLight; Charm full girl
Pisces, मीनDipaliCollection of lamps; Row of lamps
Pisces, मीनDipanjaliLike a Simple Angel
Pisces, मीनDipanshiBrightness
Pisces, मीनDipanwitaLights of diwali
Pisces, मीनDipashaPossessor of lights
Pisces, मीनDipashriLight; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDipatiDivine; Heavenly
Pisces, मीनDipikaA small lamp; Light
Pisces, मीनDipisaLamp
Pisces, मीनDipishaLamp
Pisces, मीनDiptaShining; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDipteeFlame or luster or glow or shine; Brightness
Pisces, मीनDiptiFlame or luster or glow or shine; Brightness; Brilliance; Beauty
Pisces, मीनDipuFlame; Light; Shinning
Pisces, मीनDipurnaValuable like Pearl
Pisces, मीनDiraBeautiful; Splendor; Derived from Indira - Goddess Laxmi's name
Pisces, मीनDirghikaA bunch which contains 100 crores galaxy
Pisces, मीनDirsanaLight; Lamp
Pisces, मीनDishaDirection
Pisces, मीनDishanaKnowledge; Wisdom; Speech; Hymn; Goddess
Pisces, मीनDishaniQueen of all four directions - East, West, North, South
Pisces, मीनDishariWho shows way
Pisces, मीनDishiDirection
Pisces, मीनDishitaFocused; Once who knows the direction
Pisces, मीनDishithaFocused; Once who knows the direction
Pisces, मीनDishtiAlways happy; Command; Direction; Destiny; An auspicious event; Happiness
Pisces, मीनDitiIdea; Splendor; Radiance; Brilliance; Beauty
Pisces, मीनDitikshaAll over the World
Pisces, मीनDitiviDivine lady
Pisces, मीनDitviDivine good
Pisces, मीनDityaAnswer of prayers; Another name for Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDityaaAnswer of prayers; Another name for Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDityasriDaughter of Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDivaGift of God; Powerful women; Through heaven; Daytime
Pisces, मीनDivaniMadly Love songs
Pisces, मीनDivashiniShine among all
Pisces, मीनDivenaBlessing; Eye of God; Resembling a Goddess; Blessing
Pisces, मीनDiviVery bright; Sun like glow
Pisces, मीनDivijaBorn in heaven; Divine
Pisces, मीनDivinaDivine
Pisces, मीनDivishaGoddess Durga, Chief of the Goddess, Devee
Pisces, मीनDivitaDivine power
Pisces, मीनDivithaDivine power
Pisces, मीनDivviVery bright; Sun like glow
Pisces, मीनDivvyVery bright; Sun like glow
Pisces, मीनDivyaDivine luster; Charming; Beautiful; Divine
Pisces, मीनDivya ShreeDivine; Pure light; Source of wisdom
Pisces, मीनDivya SriDivine; Pure light; Source of wisdom
Pisces, मीनDivyaashaDivya +aasha
Pisces, मीनDivyadarshiniWho can see future
Pisces, मीनDivyakshiDivine eyes
Pisces, मीनDivyamaniName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDivyanaDivine
Pisces, मीनDivyaniHeart of Avi
Pisces, मीनDivyankaDivine
Pisces, मीनDivyanshaDivine
Pisces, मीनDivyanshiPart of a divine power
Pisces, मीनDivyaraniHeaven queen
Pisces, मीनDivyashiDivine blessings
Pisces, मीनDivyashreeDivine; Pure light; Source of wisdom; Heavenly
Pisces, मीनDivyashriDivine; Pure light; Source of wisdom; Heavenly
Pisces, मीनDivyasriDivine; Pure light; Source of wisdom; Heavenly
Pisces, मीनDivyataDivine lights; White
Pisces, मीनDivyathiWhite
Pisces, मीनDixitaThe right path
Pisces, मीनDiyaLamp
Pisces, मीनDiyuLamp
Pisces, मीनDiyvaExtraordinary
Pisces, मीनDizaKhushi; Happyness
Pisces, मीनDnyanadaIntelligent
Pisces, मीनDnyaneshwariBhagwad Geeta
Pisces, मीनDolikaDoll
Pisces, मीनDollyLike doll
Pisces, मीनDorothyGift of God
Pisces, मीनDoyelA singing bird
Pisces, मीनDrakshayiniGoddess
Pisces, मीनDrashtaaOne who sees
Pisces, मीनDrashtiSight
Pisces, मीनDrasthiInescapable; Not running away
Pisces, मीनDraupadiDaughter of the king Drupada, Consort of Pandavas
Pisces, मीनDrisanaDaughter of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDrishaniDaughter of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDrishnaDaughter of Sun
Pisces, मीनDrishtiEye sight
Pisces, मीनDrishySight
Pisces, मीनDrishyaSight
Pisces, मीनDrishyanaDaughter of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDrisnaDaughter of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDristiEyesight
Pisces, मीनDrithiPatience; Bold
Pisces, मीनDritiCourage; Morale; Steadiness; Command; Pleasure
Pisces, मीनDriyaDestroyer of poverty; Patience
Pisces, मीनDruhiDaughter
Pisces, मीनDrumiA tree
Pisces, मीनDrustiEye
Pisces, मीनDrustyEye
Pisces, मीनDruthiSoftened
Pisces, मीनDrutiSoftened
Pisces, मीनDruviFirm
Pisces, मीनDruvikaA Star; Firm; Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDuhitaDaughter
Pisces, मीनDuhithaDaughter
Pisces, मीनDuladeviName of a Goddess
Pisces, मीनDulariDear
Pisces, मीनDumaSilence; Resemblance
Pisces, मीनDundubiName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनDurgaGoddess Parvati, Goddess Durga, Impenetrable; The terrifying Goddess
Pisces, मीनDurga  Goddess Parvati, Goddess Durga, Impenetrable; The terrifying Goddess
Pisces, मीनDurga DeviGoddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDurgaaGoddess Parvati, Goddess Durga, Impenetrable; The terrifying Goddess
Pisces, मीनDurgeshwariGoddess Durga, Durga, The Goddess
Pisces, मीनDurmishaImpossible to get
Pisces, मीनDurvaA medicinal herb; Sacred grass
Pisces, मीनDushalaWas the only daughter of king Dhritarashtra and Queen Gandhari
Pisces, मीनDushyaName of a king; Destroyer of evil
Pisces, मीनDutiSplendor; Luster; Glow; Light
Pisces, मीनDuvaragaKingdom
Pisces, मीनDvijaLakshmi
Pisces, मीनDvishaDirection
Pisces, मीनDvitaExisting in two forms; Spiritual
Pisces, मीनDvitiBright
Pisces, मीनDwaniVoice; Sound
Pisces, मीनDwarakamaiMother of mercy
Pisces, मीनDwijaAs a Goddess Lakshmi
Pisces, मीनDwipavatiRiver
Pisces, मीनDwishaDirection
Pisces, मीनDwitiDual; Second
Pisces, मीनDyumnaGlorious
Pisces, मीनDyuthiLight; Sunshine
Pisces, मीनDyutiLight; Sunshine
Pisces, मीनThaaraniThe earth
Pisces, मीनThaariniEnabling to crossover
Pisces, मीनThamaraiLotus flower; Pure and Lovely
Pisces, मीनThamilselviPride of the Tamilians
Pisces, मीनThanaviAttractive; Slender
Pisces, मीनThanayaaDaughter
Pisces, मीनThaneeshaAmbition
Pisces, मीनThangaGolden
Pisces, मीनThanikaApsara; Rope
Pisces, मीनThanimaBeautiful; Slenderness
Pisces, मीनThanirikaGoddess of gold & Angel; A flower
Pisces, मीनThanishaAmbition
Pisces, मीनThanishkaGoddess of Gold and Angel
Pisces, मीनThanishthaLoyal; Sincere & dedicated; Devoted
Pisces, मीनThaniskaGoddess of gold and Angel
Pisces, मीनThanmayaAbsorbed
Pisces, मीनThanmayiConcentration; Ecstasy
Pisces, मीनThanshikaSouth Queen
Pisces, मीनThansiBeautiful princess
Pisces, मीनThanujaA daughter
Pisces, मीनThanushaA blessing
Pisces, मीनThanushreeBeauty
Pisces, मीनThanushriBeauty
Pisces, मीनThanusiyaA great devotee
Pisces, मीनThanuvikaSelf love
Pisces, मीनThanviaGold
Pisces, मीनThanvikaGoddess Durga
Pisces, मीनThanvitaGreat
Pisces, मीनThanyaBeautiful Eyes; Sensitive; Affectionate; Imaginative
Pisces, मीनThanyasriOf the Family
Pisces, मीनThapasyaMeditation
Pisces, मीनTharaaWealth
Pisces, मीनTharakaStar; Meteor; Pupil of the eye
Pisces, मीनTharakkaFairy
Pisces, मीनTharaniThe Earth; Boat
Pisces, मीनTharanikaGod for earth
Pisces, मीनTharanyaShine
Pisces, मीनTharchanaOffers
Pisces, मीनTharcikaHappy
Pisces, मीनTharikaA small star, starlet; Divine; Film actress
Pisces, मीनThariniEnabling to crossover
Pisces, मीनTharishaWish
Pisces, मीनTharsanaworshipper; pantheist
Pisces, मीनTharshiniOffering
Pisces, मीनTharsinHighly Competitive; Confidence; Studious
Pisces, मीनTharunamIncident
Pisces, मीनTharunikaYoung girl
Pisces, मीनTharushiCourage; Victory
Pisces, मीनThaswikaGoddess Parvati
Pisces, मीनTheaGift of God; A bird
Pisces, मीनTheekshikaOn the name of Rashi Libra
Pisces, मीनTheerthaHoly water; Pilgrimage centers
Pisces, मीनTheeswariGoddess omsakthi
Pisces, मीनThejalLustrous; Energetic; Gifted; Brilliant
Pisces, मीनThejorashiEffulgence
Pisces, मीनThejovathyGoddess Durga, She who shines
Pisces, मीनThenmoliSpeaks sweet like honey
Pisces, मीनThennavaniGoddess
Pisces, मीनThenralCool breeze; Encouraging
Pisces, मीनThikshikaBright
Pisces, मीनThilakavathyDecorative; Name of a river
Pisces, मीनThirishkaGuider; Intelligence; Optimistic
Pisces, मीनThirthaHoly water; Pilgrimage centers
Pisces, मीनThiruchandraIntolerant; Adorable; Charming
Pisces, मीनThirupalNice
Pisces, मीनThitikshaPatience; Forgiveness; Tolerance
Pisces, मीनThiyaGift of God
Pisces, मीनTholakshiGoddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva, Parvati
Pisces, मीनThrayaThree
Pisces, मीनThreshaStar; Noble
Pisces, मीनThridhaName of Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनThrishaStar; Noble
Pisces, मीनThrishnaThirst
Pisces, मीनThulajaIndian Goddess of mercy; Kundalini Shakti and slayer of evil
Pisces, मीनThulasiSacred plant; A sacred plant (Basil); Unmatched; Unique;
Pisces, मीनThumriLight classical melody
Pisces, मीनThusithaIntelligent
Pisces, मीनZaaeiName of a flower in Marathi
Pisces, मीनZaaraIn flower; Bright as the dawn; Brilliance; Blossoming flower
Pisces, मीनZalakInstant appearance
Pisces, मीनZanishaDispeller of ignorance; Ruler of humans
Pisces, मीनZankarMelodious voice
Pisces, मीनZankhanaDeep desire
Pisces, मीनZankrutAuspicious
Pisces, मीनZaralEasy; Nobleman
Pisces, मीनZarnaA small stream of sweet water
Pisces, मीनZeelSilent lake; Jharna
Pisces, मीनZenaOrnament; Something beautiful; A hospitable woman
Pisces, मीनZenishaGod is gracious; Superior person
Pisces, मीनZenshiSweet; Complete
Pisces, मीनZereldaBrave warrior woman
Pisces, मीनZhalakGlimpse; Spark; Sudden motion
Pisces, मीनZhanviGanga the river
Pisces, मीनZiyaSplendor; Light; Glow
Pisces, मीनZyannaHeart of light
Pisces, मीनZyanniBending light

Baby Names by Rashi: Boy

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Baby Names by Rashi: Girl

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Also Refer: baby360 page Page for more details

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About Pisces Girls / Women

The final sign in the zodiac is Pisces, which is a water sign.

It is represented by two fish swimming in opposing directions, signifying Pisces’s incessant division of focus between reality and dream.

As the last sign, Pisces has assimilated all the lessons that the other signs have taught them, including the pleasures and sorrows, the hopes and anxieties.

This qualifies these fish as the astrological wheel’s most clairvoyant, sympathetic, and caring beings.

Pisces, who correctly rules the feet, can quickly be overcome by emotions due to their extreme sensitivity and need to remember to have a strong sense of groundedness in the material world.