Meen Rashi Names for Boy

A list of 850+ Meen rashi names for boy – Pisces names for boys, is given below:

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Meen Rashi Names for Boy – मीन राशि के लड़कों के नाम

About Pisces Kid: Children born under the Pisces zodiac sign are very emotional and highly sensitive.

People with sensitive personalities tend to be self-sacrificing and fastidious.

The majority of people who are born under this sign want to remain aloof, alone, and without any excitement.

Pisces Names for Boys – Lucky Names for Pisces Boys

Pisces Boys Names Start With Letter – D, CH, Z, TH

Pisces, मीनChaahLove; Pit; Fondness; Fancy; Wish; Longing; Desired
Pisces, मीनChaanakyaSon of Chanak; Renowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra
Pisces, मीनChaandSincere wish; The Moon; To shine
Pisces, मीनChaaranFeet; One who chants praises; Bard
Pisces, मीनChaaruchithraOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChaayanMoon; Collection
Pisces, मीनChahanSuper
Pisces, मीनChahatLove
Pisces, मीनChahelGood cheer
Pisces, मीनChahitLove of Heart
Pisces, मीनChaidyaWise; Ruler; King of Chedi
Pisces, मीनChainPeace
Pisces, मीनChaitalConsciousness
Pisces, मीनChaitanConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life
Pisces, मीनChaitanyaLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence
Pisces, मीनChaithanConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life
Pisces, मीनChaithanyaLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence
Pisces, मीनChaitnyaDivine radiance; Consciousness; Life; Knowledge
Pisces, मीनChaityaPlace of worship; Of the mind; Spirit; A stupa
Pisces, मीनChakBrilliant; Happy; Sated
Pisces, मीनChakeshIntelligent
Pisces, मीनChakorA bird enamored of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChakraA weapon of Lord Vishnu; Circular
Pisces, मीनChakradevLord Vishnu, Lord of Chakra, i.e. discus, Name of Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChakradharLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra
Pisces, मीनChakrapaniName of Lord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChakravarteeA sovereign king
Pisces, मीनChakravarthiEmperor
Pisces, मीनChakreshName of Lord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChakrikOne with a discus
Pisces, मीनChakrinOne with a discus; Anthor name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChakshasSight; Look; Guide; Vision; Brilliance; Another name for Brihaspati; The teacher of Gods
Pisces, मीनChakshuEye
Pisces, मीनChaksuEye
Pisces, मीनChamanFlower Garden
Pisces, मीनChamanlalGarden
Pisces, मीनChampakA flower
Pisces, मीनChanakThe sweet sound of bangles; Miner; Digger; Mouse
Pisces, मीनChanakyaRenowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra
Pisces, मीनChanchaladwalaGlittering tail suspended above the head
Pisces, मीनChanchareekBee
Pisces, मीनChandSincere wish; The Moon; To shine
Pisces, मीनChandakBrilliant; The Moon
Pisces, मीनChandanSandalwood; Auspicious; Perfumed
Pisces, मीनChandarThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandavarmanAn old king
Pisces, मीनChanderThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChanderbhanChander means Moon, Bhan means the Sun both meaning is energetic and peace nature
Pisces, मीनChandhuThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandidasName of a saint
Pisces, मीनChandpashaLovely ; Happiness
Pisces, मीनChandraThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandra BhanThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandra SaiThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandraayanThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrabhaLuster of Moon light
Pisces, मीनChandrabhanThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrachurLord Shiva; The Moon
Pisces, मीनChandradevMoon God; A king
Pisces, मीनChandradityaName of a king
Pisces, मीनChandraguptName of an ancient king
Pisces, मीनChandrahaasSmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandrahasSmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandrakPeacock Feather
Pisces, मीनChandrakantBeloved by the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrakantaThe Moon; Moonstone; Consort of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrakeshMoon
Pisces, मीनChandraketuMoon banner
Pisces, मीनChandrakiranMoonbeam
Pisces, मीनChandrakirthiAs famous as the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrakishoreThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramadhavSweet
Pisces, मीनChandramauliThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandramohanAttractive like the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandramouliThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandranThe Moon; Moon-like a face
Pisces, मीनChandrananThe Moon; Moon-like a face
Pisces, मीनChandranathThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandranshuRay of Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrapalMaster of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandraprakashMoon light
Pisces, मीनChandrarajMoonbeam
Pisces, मीनChandrasenThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrashekarOne who holds Moon in his hair knot (Shiva), Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandrashekaraLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandrashekharOne who holds Moon in his hair knot (Shiva), Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandrathaNectar of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandravadanMoon-like face
Pisces, मीनChandrayanThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChandreshLord of the Moon
Pisces, मीनChandrodayaMoonrise
Pisces, मीनChandrpeedName of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChandruMoon
Pisces, मीनChanduThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChankyaKautilya; Great scholar; Bright
Pisces, मीनChannappaBeauteous; Beloved
Pisces, मीनChantFamous
Pisces, मीनChanyanaThe Moon
Pisces, मीनChapalQuick
Pisces, मीनCharakAn ancient physician; The father of Chanakya; Nomadic religious student
Pisces, मीनCharanFeet; One who chants praises; Bard
Pisces, मीनCharan RajKing of the feet
Pisces, मीनCharandevThe Moon
Pisces, मीनCharanjeetOne who has won over the Lord (Charanjeet)
Pisces, मीनCharanjitOne who has won over the Lord (Charanjeet)
Pisces, मीनCharanrajKing of the feet
Pisces, मीनCharantejLight of lord's Feet
Pisces, मीनCharanvirOne who is fast on feet and brave
Pisces, मीनCharateshCaring
Pisces, मीनCharchikaThe third eye power of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनCharishGrace
Pisces, मीनCharitDear; History
Pisces, मीनCharithDear; History
Pisces, मीनCharminSport
Pisces, मीनCharuchandraBeautiful Moon
Pisces, मीनCharudattBorn with beauty
Pisces, मीनCharudattaBorn with beauty
Pisces, मीनCharudehiSon of Lord Sun
Pisces, मीनCharuduttaBorn with beauty
Pisces, मीनCharuhasWith beautiful smile
Pisces, मीनCharukeshWith beautiful hairs
Pisces, मीनCharunOne with beautiful eyes
Pisces, मीनCharusheelOf good character
Pisces, मीनCharuvardhanaOne who enhances the beauty
Pisces, मीनCharuvindhaStriving for beauty
Pisces, मीनCharuvratOf good character
Pisces, मीनCharvakaAtheist philosopher of ancient India
Pisces, मीनCharvikIntelligent
Pisces, मीनCharvkIntelligent
Pisces, मीनChashmumMy eyes
Pisces, मीनChatianHonoured
Pisces, मीनChatreshLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChatriyaIt is the month of April Chaitram
Pisces, मीनChaturClever
Pisces, मीनChaturaananWith four faces
Pisces, मीनChaturananWith four faces
Pisces, मीनChaturbahaveFour-armed
Pisces, मीनChaturbahuFour armed
Pisces, मीनChaturbhujOne who has four arms, Lord Ganesh
Pisces, मीनChaturvediThe one who knows 4 Vedas
Pisces, मीनChavrikIntelligent
Pisces, मीनChayanMoon; Collection
Pisces, मीनChayankThe Moon
Pisces, मीनCheanaLord of luck
Pisces, मीनChediWhich cut and break; Leader; Charming; Wise; King and founder of the Chedi dynasty
Pisces, मीनChelanDeep water; Consciousness
Pisces, मीनCheliyanRich; Resourceful; Prosperous
Pisces, मीनChellamaniPrecious Gem
Pisces, मीनChellamuthuPrecious Pearl
Pisces, मीनChellapanPrecious
Pisces, मीनCheluvaLooking handsome
Pisces, मीनChemmalPremier; Best
Pisces, मीनChennaLord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनCheranrajLife
Pisces, मीनCherishTo care for dearly
Pisces, मीनCherithBeloved
Pisces, मीनChervikValidation
Pisces, मीनChetakRana Pratap's horse; Thoughtful; Pensive
Pisces, मीनChetanIntelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; Life
Pisces, मीनChetanaanandSupreme Joy
Pisces, मीनChetananandSupreme Joy
Pisces, मीनChetandeepLamp of consciousness
Pisces, मीनChetasMind; Perception; Intelligence; Brilliance
Pisces, मीनChethanIntelligence; Perception; Sprit of life; Vigour; Life
Pisces, मीनChettyMind
Pisces, मीनChetuPower of Intellect
Pisces, मीनChevatkodiyonLord Murugan; One with a rooster in his battle flag
Pisces, मीनChezianGraceful
Pisces, मीनChidaakaashAbsolute; Brahma
Pisces, मीनChidaatmaSupreme spirit; Big soul
Pisces, मीनChidakashAbsolute; Brahma
Pisces, मीनChidambarGenerous; One whose heart is as big as the sky
Pisces, मीनChidambaramHome of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChidanandLord Brahma; Conscious mind immersed in total bliss
Pisces, मीनChidanandaLord Shiva; Conscious mind immersed in total bliss
Pisces, मीनChidatmaSupreme spirit; Big soul
Pisces, मीनChideeshShining
Pisces, मीनChidhatmaSupreme spirit; Big soul
Pisces, मीनChiinnuSweet name & Lovely world
Pisces, मीनChikitExperienced; Wise; Liberal
Pisces, मीनChimanCurious; Inquisitive
Pisces, मीनChinarName of a beautiful tree
Pisces, मीनChinkalLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनChinmaiSupreme consciousness; Name of Lord Ganesh; Blissful
Pisces, मीनChinmayFull of knowledge; Embodied with knowledge; Supreme consciousness
Pisces, मीनChinmayaFull of knowledge; Embodied with knowledge; Supreme consciousness
Pisces, मीनChinmayanandaBlissful; Supreme consciousness
Pisces, मीनChinmayeSupreme consciousness; Name of Lord Ganesh; Blissful
Pisces, मीनChinmayeeSupreme consciousness; Name of Lord Ganesh; Blissful
Pisces, मीनChinmayuSupreme consciousness
Pisces, मीनChinmoyBlissful
Pisces, मीनChinnaduraiPrince
Pisces, मीनChinniCute; Sweet
Pisces, मीनChinniahLord
Pisces, मीनChinnuSmall girl
Pisces, मीनChintakThinker
Pisces, मीनChintamaniPhilosophers stone; A Jewel
Pisces, मीनChintanThought; Meditation; Contemplation; Mind
Pisces, मीनChintavLamp
Pisces, मीनChinthanThought; Meditation; Contemplation; Mind
Pisces, मीनChinthanaichelvanIntelligent; Thoughtful
Pisces, मीनChintranshLord
Pisces, मीनChintuSun; Small; Little, Sweet
Pisces, मीनChintyaThought Provoking; Worthy of thought
Pisces, मीनChirFor a longer time; Brave; Victor
Pisces, मीनChiragBrilliance; Lamp
Pisces, मीनChirakshBeautiful eyed
Pisces, मीनChiranjeevLong-lived; Immortal; Man with long-life
Pisces, मीनChiranjeeveeAn immortal person, without death; Eternal being; Long lived; Lord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChiranjeeviImmortal person; Without death; Eternal being; Long lived; Lord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChiranjeeviniImmortal
Pisces, मीनChiranjibLong-lived; Immortal; Man with long-life
Pisces, मीनChiranjivLong-lived; Immortal
Pisces, मीनChiranjiviImmortal person, Without death, Eternal being, Long lived, Lord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनChirantanImmortal
Pisces, मीनChiranthAmar (Immortal)
Pisces, मीनChirayuAn immortal; Long-lived person; Blessed with a long life
Pisces, मीनChirayusLong lived; Blessed with a long life
Pisces, मीनChirtrangWith multi-colored body
Pisces, मीनChiruLittle
Pisces, मीनChirushGod
Pisces, मीनChitayuDescended from thought; The mind; Born of the intellect
Pisces, मीनChiteshLord of the soul; Ruler of mind
Pisces, मीनChithayuDescended from thought; The mind; Born of the intellect
Pisces, मीनChitheshLord of the soul; Ruler of mind
Pisces, मीनChithraakshaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithraamgaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithraayudhaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithrabaanaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithrakundalaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithrakundhalaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChithravarmaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनChitrabahuWith beautiful hands
Pisces, मीनChitrabhanuCrown flower plant; Fire
Pisces, मीनChitraguptGod of destiny; Secret picture
Pisces, मीनChitraguptaGod of destiny; Secret picture
Pisces, मीनChitrakPainter; Cheetah depending upon usage
Pisces, मीनChitrakethuName of the emperor; With beautiful banner
Pisces, मीनChitraketuName of the emperor; With beautiful banner
Pisces, मीनChitrakoot SamashrayaCreating Chitrakoot's beauty in the Panchvati forest
Pisces, मीनChitrakshBeautiful eyed
Pisces, मीनChitralOf variegated color
Pisces, मीनChitrankA Moon
Pisces, मीनChitranshArtist
Pisces, मीनChitrarathThe Sun
Pisces, मीनChitrarthA man with ability same as of Sun
Pisces, मीनChitrasenA king of gandharvas
Pisces, मीनChitrathDesired
Pisces, मीनChitreshMoon; Wonderful Lord
Pisces, मीनChittMind
Pisces, मीनChittaMind
Pisces, मीनChittaprasadHappiness
Pisces, मीनChittaranjanOne who pleases the mind
Pisces, मीनChittaswarupThe supreme spirit
Pisces, मीनChitteshLord of the soul; Ruler of mind
Pisces, मीनChiveshGod's Gift; Good Gift
Pisces, मीनChokshitPurity
Pisces, मीनCholanA South Indian Dynasty
Pisces, मीनChotuSmall
Pisces, मीनChudamaniCrest Jewel
Pisces, मीनChulbulmischievous
Pisces, मीनChumanCurious
Pisces, मीनChunmaySupreme consciousness
Pisces, मीनChyavanName of a saint
Pisces, मीनDaakshiGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
Pisces, मीनDaakshitLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDaamanRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
Pisces, मीनDaanesHonour
Pisces, मीनDaanishTo be clever; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness
Pisces, मीनDaarshikPerceiver
Pisces, मीनDaasharathiLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha
Pisces, मीनDaavWild fire; Uncontrollable; Another name for Abmni
Pisces, मीनDaayadeshwarLove of Eshwar
Pisces, मीनDabeetWarrior
Pisces, मीनDaevenLittle black one
Pisces, मीनDagendraGod of ways; Path
Pisces, मीनDahakPowerful
Pisces, मीनDahanaA Rudra
Pisces, मीनDaipayanWho is born in an island
Pisces, मीनDaithyakulantakaDestroyer of demons
Pisces, मीनDaityaA non Aryan
Pisces, मीनDaitya SaiNon Aryan
Pisces, मीनDaityakaryaVidhyataka destroyer of all demons activities
Pisces, मीनDaivanshFrom God's familiy
Pisces, मीनDaivatLuck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God
Pisces, मीनDaiveyDearly loved
Pisces, मीनDaivikBy the grace of God, Divine, Relating to Gods
Pisces, मीनDaivitGod's gift
Pisces, मीनDaivyaDivine; Heavenly; Wonderful
Pisces, मीनDaiwikBy the grace of God; Divine; Relating to the God
Pisces, मीनDakshCapable; Son of Lord Brahma; Fire; Gold; Talented; Excellent; Vigorous talented
Pisces, मीनDakshakAble daughter
Pisces, मीनDaksheshLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
Pisces, मीनDaksheshwarLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
Pisces, मीनDakshiGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
Pisces, मीनDakshinSouth direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere
Pisces, मीनDakshinayanSome movement of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDakshitLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent
Pisces, मीनDakshithLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent
Pisces, मीनDakshrajIdentity
Pisces, मीनDakshyaCleverness; Honesty; Brilliance; Efficient
Pisces, मीनDalBlind; Group; Petal; Particle
Pisces, मीनDalajitWinning over a group
Pisces, मीनDalapathiThe leader of a group
Pisces, मीनDalbhyaBelonging to wheels
Pisces, मीनDalpatiCommander of a group
Pisces, मीनDalsherBold; Brave
Pisces, मीनDalynTrue Love
Pisces, मीनDamCalf; Gentleness; Wife; Wealth; Residence; Self-control; To conquer
Pisces, मीनDamanRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
Pisces, मीनDamodarRope tied around Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDamodaraDam=cord; Udara=stomach; Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist
Pisces, मीनDananjayOne who wins wealth
Pisces, मीनDanasviFortune
Pisces, मीनDanavarshRain of Wealth
Pisces, मीनDanavendraGranter of boons
Pisces, मीनDanavendra VinashakaDestroyer of the king of demons
Pisces, मीनDanbirCharitable
Pisces, मीनDandakA forest
Pisces, मीनDandakaranya PunyakruteOne who ennobled the Dandaka forest
Pisces, मीनDandapaaniAn epithet for Yama
Pisces, मीनDandapaniAn epithet for Yama
Pisces, मीनDandayudhapaniLord Murugan; One who bears the dandayudham (spear)
Pisces, मीनDaneshKnowledge ; learning
Pisces, मीनDanishTo be smart; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness
Pisces, मीनDantaCalm; A name of Lord Hanuman
Pisces, मीनDanujBorn of Danu, A Danava
Pisces, मीनDanushA bow in hand
Pisces, मीनDanvirCharitable
Pisces, मीनDanvitWealthy
Pisces, मीनDarahaasSmile
Pisces, मीनDarmendarGod of religion
Pisces, मीनDarpadLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDarpakKamdev, God of love pride, Another name for the Love God Kaama
Pisces, मीनDarpanmirror
Pisces, मीनDarpitOur Reflection
Pisces, मीनDarshSight; Handsome; Lord Krishna; When the Moon becomes visible
Pisces, मीनDarshakSpectator
Pisces, मीनDarshalPrayer of God
Pisces, मीनDarshanVision; Knowledge; Observation
Pisces, मीनDarshatMakeing things visible; Radiant; Handsome; Discernible
Pisces, मीनDarsheelSomething that looks good and sober; Perfection
Pisces, मीनDarshikPerceiver
Pisces, मीनDarshilSomething that looks good and sober; Perfection
Pisces, मीनDarshindraCircumspect
Pisces, मीनDarshishContemplation; Examination
Pisces, मीनDarshitDisplay; Signs
Pisces, मीनDarshithDisplay; Signs
Pisces, मीनDarshwanaPure of heart
Pisces, मीनDarukCharioteer of Lord Krishna; Tree
Pisces, मीनDarukaDeodar tree
Pisces, मीनDarunHard; Tough
Pisces, मीनDasServant
Pisces, मीनDasanRuler; Having a style in every thing
Pisces, मीनDasaradhGod
Pisces, मीनDasarathFather of Lord Rama
Pisces, मीनDashabahaveTen-armed
Pisces, मीनDashabahuTen armed
Pisces, मीनDashagreeva ShiroharaSlayer of the ten-headed Ravana
Pisces, मीनDashagreevakulantakaSlayer of the ten-headed Ravana race
Pisces, मीनDashanRuler; Style in every thing
Pisces, मीनDashananTen headed king of Lanka a.k.a. Ravana
Pisces, मीनDashanthWhat
Pisces, मीनDasharatFather of Lord Rama
Pisces, मीनDasharathFather of Lord Rama
Pisces, मीनDasharathaA man whose power is equal to the power of ten Maharathis, Rathi means chariot fighter
Pisces, मीनDasharathiLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha
Pisces, मीनDashvanthLord Murugan; Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDaskhGod
Pisces, मीनDasmayaBeautiful
Pisces, मीनDattaOne who is given
Pisces, मीनDattathreyaAn incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Son of Atri
Pisces, मीनDattatrayAn incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Son of Atri
Pisces, मीनDattatrayaGod Datta
Pisces, मीनDattatreyaGod in Hindu religion; A God
Pisces, मीनDattatriMeaning of God
Pisces, मीनDatteyLord Indra, Name of Indra
Pisces, मीनDaulatWealth
Pisces, मीनDavashishBlessing of God
Pisces, मीनDaveA variant of David; Beloved
Pisces, मीनDaveenaBeauty
Pisces, मीनDaveerBrave; Smart
Pisces, मीनDavinBlack one
Pisces, मीनDaxWho is aware in all thing always
Pisces, मीनDaxeshLord Brahma; Ruler of Daksa
Pisces, मीनDayaalKind hearted
Pisces, मीनDayaanandaOne who likes being merciful; A king
Pisces, मीनDayaanidhiA treasure house of mercy
Pisces, मीनDayadaSon; Inheritor
Pisces, मीनDayakarMerciful Lord Shiva; Compassionate
Pisces, मीनDayakaraMerciful Lord Shiva; Compassionate
Pisces, मीनDayalKind hearted
Pisces, मीनDayalanRhyming variant of Waylon - a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers
Pisces, मीनDayaluCompassionate
Pisces, मीनDayamayFull of mercy
Pisces, मीनDayanandOne who likes being merciful; A king
Pisces, मीनDayanandaOne who likes being merciful; A king
Pisces, मीनDayanidhiA treasure house of mercy
Pisces, मीनDayanisheePerson of mercy; Saint
Pisces, मीनDayaramMerciful
Pisces, मीनDayasagarExtremely kind; Sea of mercy
Pisces, मीनDayasagaraOcean of compassionate
Pisces, मीनDayasaraEmbodiment of kindness
Pisces, मीनDayashankarMerciful Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDayaswaroopMerciful
Pisces, मीनDayaswarupMerciful
Pisces, मीनDebabrataOne who accepts all penances
Pisces, मीनDebadattaGiven by God
Pisces, मीनDebadityaGod of the Sun
Pisces, मीनDebajyotiBrightness of the Lord
Pisces, मीनDebanjanKajal of Goddess eye
Pisces, मीनDebaryaDivine
Pisces, मीनDebashisBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
Pisces, मीनDebashishBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
Pisces, मीनDebashmeetLord of the rings
Pisces, मीनDebashreeGoddess Lakshmi; Divine beauty
Pisces, मीनDebasisBenediction of God; Pleased by Gods
Pisces, मीनDebasishBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
Pisces, मीनDebjitOne who has conquered the god
Pisces, मीनDebosmitaSmiling of God
Pisces, मीनDebpratimGod like
Pisces, मीनDedeerSorrowful
Pisces, मीनDeebakLamp
Pisces, मीनDeebrupWealth
Pisces, मीनDeekshinInitiated; Consecrated; Prepared
Pisces, मीनDeekshitPrepared; Initiated
Pisces, मीनDeekshithPrepared; Initiated
Pisces, मीनDeelipKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
Pisces, मीनDeemanthWise
Pisces, मीनDeena NathLord of the poor; Protector
Pisces, मीनDeenabandhavProtector of the downtrodden
Pisces, मीनDeenabandhaveDefender of the oppressed
Pisces, मीनDeenabandhuA friend of the poor
Pisces, मीनDeenanathLord of the poor; Protector
Pisces, मीनDeenathLord Vishnu
Pisces, मीनDeendayalOne who has mercy for poor; Kind to the poor
Pisces, मीनDeepA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; Light
Pisces, मीनDeepa LaxmiLight
Pisces, मीनDeepaanshPerson with light within
Pisces, मीनDeepaanshuPart of light
Pisces, मीनDeepakLampe; Kindle; Brilliance
Pisces, मीनDeepakrajLamp; Kindle; Radiant
Pisces, मीनDeepamshuPart of light
Pisces, मीनDeepanLighting up; Brilliant; Invigorating; Passion; One who lights lamps
Pisces, मीनDeepankarOne who lights lamps; Light; Brightness; Flame
Pisces, मीनDeepanshPart of Light / Brightness
Pisces, मीनDeepanshiBrightness
Pisces, मीनDeepenLord of the lamp; Name of poet
Pisces, मीनDeependraLord of lights
Pisces, मीनDeependuBright Moon; The Moon
Pisces, मीनDeepeshLord of light
Pisces, मीनDeepitLighted; Inflamed; Passionate; Made visible
Pisces, मीनDeepjayBeautiful name
Pisces, मीनDeeptanshuThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDeeptenduBright Moon
Pisces, मीनDeeptimanLustrous
Pisces, मीनDeeptimoyLustrous
Pisces, मीनDeerajPatience; Consolation
Pisces, मीनDeerkharomaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDeeteshstrength
Pisces, मीनDeevanshSun's particle; Similar to Diwakar - Sun's Ansh
Pisces, मीनDeeveshLight
Pisces, मीनDeewakarThe Sun; Lord of light
Pisces, मीनDehabhujAnother name of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDehayDhayan
Pisces, मीनDejaAlready
Pisces, मीनDekshitPrepared; Initiated
Pisces, मीनDemdhendraDevotee of god
Pisces, मीनDenadayalHumble and merciful
Pisces, मीनDenishHappy; Joyful
Pisces, मीनDenzilVariant of Denzel - a place in Cornwall.
Pisces, मीनDeshakOne who directs; Guide; One who governs; Ruler; Showing; Pointing out
Pisces, मीनDeshayanUnknown
Pisces, मीनDeshikGuru
Pisces, मीनDeshvaLord Shiva; Lord of the World; Leader
Pisces, मीनDevGod; King; Light; Heavenly; Cloud
Pisces, मीनDev KumarSon of God
Pisces, मीनDev NarenLord Shiva; Lord of men
Pisces, मीनDevaGod; King; Light; Heavenly; Cloud
Pisces, मीनDeva NandanaGod
Pisces, मीनDevaanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
Pisces, मीनDevabrataBhishma
Pisces, मीनDevachandraMoon among the God
Pisces, मीनDevadarsWorshipper of God
Pisces, मीनDevadarshanFamiliar with the God
Pisces, मीनDevadasServant of God; Follower of God
Pisces, मीनDevadathanGift of God
Pisces, मीनDevadattGift of the God
Pisces, मीनDevadattaGiven by God
Pisces, मीनDevadevaLord of all lords
Pisces, मीनDevadhipaLord of the god
Pisces, मीनDevadidevGod of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevadityaGod of The Sun
Pisces, मीनDevadutGiven by devas
Pisces, मीनDevaduttKing; Gift of God
Pisces, मीनDevadyumnaThe glory of the god
Pisces, मीनDevagyaWith knowledge of God
Pisces, मीनDevainDivine
Pisces, मीनDevajFrom God, Born of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevajithOne who conquered Devas
Pisces, मीनDevajutaThe one with the good
Pisces, मीनDevajyotiThe brightness of the Lord
Pisces, मीनDevakanthaBeloved to god
Pisces, मीनDevakinandanName of Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDevalName of a saint; Divine; Holy; Dedicated to Gods
Pisces, मीनDevamGod; Part of God
Pisces, मीनDevamadanaGladdening to god
Pisces, मीनDevamaniLord Ayyappa; Jewel of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevamshPart of God
Pisces, मीनDevanLike a God; Food offered to Gods; Holy
Pisces, मीनDevanandThe joy of God; the Son of God
Pisces, मीनDevanandanThe joy of God; The Son of God
Pisces, मीनDevanathanGodly
Pisces, मीनDevandraGod Indra
Pisces, मीनDevaneshPart of God / Divine
Pisces, मीनDevangDivine; Part of God; Like a God
Pisces, मीनDevankGodly
Pisces, मीनDevanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
Pisces, मीनDevanshaPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
Pisces, मीनDevanshuA Part of God
Pisces, मीनDevantakanashakarinDestroyer of evils and asuras
Pisces, मीनDevapadDivine feet
Pisces, मीनDevapiAn ancient king
Pisces, मीनDevappaFather of king
Pisces, मीनDevapriyanDarling to God
Pisces, मीनDevarajKing among Gods; Name of Lord Indra
Pisces, मीनDevarajaluKing of Gods; Buddha
Pisces, मीनDevarajanName of Lord Perumal
Pisces, मीनDevarajuKing of God
Pisces, मीनDevarishiRishi among Gods
Pisces, मीनDevarpanaOfferings to the God
Pisces, मीनDevarshGod's gift
Pisces, मीनDevarshiTeacher of the God; Sage of the Devas
Pisces, मीनDevarsiTeacher of the God; Sage of the Devas
Pisces, मीनDevaryaDivine belief
Pisces, मीनDevasenapatiLord Murugan; Consort of Devasena; The army chief of heavenly Gods, Lord Murugan
Pisces, मीनDevashDivine Power
Pisces, मीनDevashishBenediction of God; Pleased by Gods
Pisces, मीनDevavratOath of God; Another name of Bhishma
Pisces, मीनDevavrataOne who accepts all penances
Pisces, मीनDevavrathOath of God; Another name of Bhishma
Pisces, मीनDevayanNeeding to Gods
Pisces, मीनDevbrataBhishma
Pisces, मीनDevdanThe gift of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevdarshWorshipper of God
Pisces, मीनDevdasServant of God; Follower of God
Pisces, मीनDevdathGod has given
Pisces, मीनDevdattaGiven by God
Pisces, मीनDevdeepWorshipper of God
Pisces, मीनDevdharshWorshipper of God
Pisces, मीनDevduttaKing; Gift of God
Pisces, मीनDevenKing of Gods, Another name for Lord Indra
Pisces, मीनDevenderGod
Pisces, मीनDevendraKing of Gods, Lord Indra
Pisces, मीनDevendranKing of Gods; Lord Indra
Pisces, मीनDevendranathLord of the King of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevendrashikaProtector of all Gods
Pisces, मीनDeveshKing of Gods; Another name for Indra; God of the Gods
Pisces, मीनDeveshwarLord Shiva, Lord of the Devas
Pisces, मीनDevguruTeacher of Gods (Brihaspati)
Pisces, मीनDevi DyalKind hearted
Pisces, मीनDevidasServant; A devotee of Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevikDivine
Pisces, मीनDevikanthSon of Devi
Pisces, मीनDevilalSon of Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevinderFostered by God
Pisces, मीनDeviprasadGift of Goddess
Pisces, मीनDevishChief of Gods, King of the Gods; Another name for Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Indra
Pisces, मीनDevjiBelonging to Gods
Pisces, मीनDevjyotiGift of goddess
Pisces, मीनDevki NandanLord Krishna, Son of Devki
Pisces, मीनDevkinandanSon of Devki or Lord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDevkumarSon of God
Pisces, मीनDevnarayanKing
Pisces, मीनDevnathKing of Gods
Pisces, मीनDevpadDivine feet
Pisces, मीनDevrajKing among Gods, Name of Lord Indra
Pisces, मीनDevratSpiritual; Name of an ancient king
Pisces, मीनDevsenaArmy of gods
Pisces, मीनDevusumOne who gives blessings
Pisces, मीनDevvratBhishma
Pisces, मीनDevvrataSpiritual; Name of an ancient king
Pisces, मीनDevyamA part of the divine
Pisces, मीनDevyanServing the God; Chariot of the God
Pisces, मीनDevyanshPart of God; Part of the divine light
Pisces, मीनDewanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
Pisces, मीनDeweshKing of Gods; Another name for Indra; God of the Gods
Pisces, मीनDeyaanConcentration
Pisces, मीनDeyvayanakantanLord Murugan, Consort of Devayani
Pisces, मीनDiaDivine
Pisces, मीनDibasGood day
Pisces, मीनDibenduDivyendu, Dibyendu the Moon
Pisces, मीनDibyanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
Pisces, मीनDibyenduLight of Moon
Pisces, मीनDigambarNaked; Unencumbered
Pisces, मीनDigambaraOne who has the skies as his clothes
Pisces, मीनDigamberNaked; Unencumbered
Pisces, मीनDigantHorizon
Pisces, मीनDigantaHorizon
Pisces, मीनDiganthHorizon
Pisces, मीनDigeshMaster of Directions
Pisces, मीनDigneshLord of Direction
Pisces, मीनDigvastraSky clad
Pisces, मीनDigvijayWho is victorious over everyone
Pisces, मीनDihanDivine
Pisces, मीनDijanBig
Pisces, मीनDijeshOne who rules by the day
Pisces, मीनDikshanInitiation
Pisces, मीनDikshantA boy whose all kind of education is completed successfully; Gift of Guru
Pisces, मीनDikshitInitiated
Pisces, मीनDikshithPrepared; Initiated
Pisces, मीनDilberLover
Pisces, मीनDileepKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
Pisces, मीनDilipKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
Pisces, मीनDilkashFascinating; Attractive
Pisces, मीनDilshithMind
Pisces, मीनDilveGlory
Pisces, मीनDilveenDivine
Pisces, मीनDinaanshBright light
Pisces, मीनDinakarThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDinamaniThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDinanathLord of the poor; Protector
Pisces, मीनDinanthLord of the poor; Protector
Pisces, मीनDinapatiThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDindayalOne who has mercy for poor; Kind to the poor
Pisces, मीनDinendraLord of the day; The Sun
Pisces, मीनDineshThe Sun; Day-lord
Pisces, मीनDineshaRashi (Zodiac)
Pisces, मीनDinkarThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDinpalThe protector of the helpless; The Sun
Pisces, मीनDinrajThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDipakLampe; Kindle; Brilliance
Pisces, मीनDipanLighting up; Brilliant; Invigorating; Passion; One who lights lamps
Pisces, मीनDipanjanEye of lamp
Pisces, मीनDipankarOne who lights lamps; Light; Brightness; Flame
Pisces, मीनDipanshuThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDipansuRelated to god
Pisces, मीनDipayanLight of a lamp
Pisces, मीनDipenLord of the lamp; Name of poet
Pisces, मीनDipendraLord of lights
Pisces, मीनDipenduBright Moon, The Moon
Pisces, मीनDipeshLord of light
Pisces, मीनDipjyotiThe light of the lamp
Pisces, मीनDipraBright; Brilliant
Pisces, मीनDiptanshuThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDiptanuShiner
Pisces, मीनDirashScholar
Pisces, मीनDishaanA species of gazelle; A thresher
Pisces, मीनDishankHorizon
Pisces, मीनDishantHorizon; Sky
Pisces, मीनDishanthHorizon; Sky
Pisces, मीनDishenSuryadev, The Sun
Pisces, मीनDishtSettled; Ordered; Shown; Appointed
Pisces, मीनDivPleasant; Gentle; Sky; Heaven; Day; Light
Pisces, मीनDivaanRoyal court
Pisces, मीनDivakarThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDivamPure
Pisces, मीनDivanshSun's particle; Similar to Diwakar - Sun's Ansh
Pisces, मीनDivaymDivine; Spiritual; Superhuman; Unique; Pure
Pisces, मीनDivenduDivyendu, Dibyendu the Moon
Pisces, मीनDiveshLord of Gods
Pisces, मीनDivijName of Lord Datta; Born in heaven; Came from heaven; Divine
Pisces, मीनDivikGod's Rays
Pisces, मीनDivinanthanLord Murugan
Pisces, मीनDivishPart of divine
Pisces, मीनDivitImmortal
Pisces, मीनDiviyanshPeace of God and divine light
Pisces, मीनDivjotDivine light
Pisces, मीनDivneshThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDivojDescended from heaven; Heaven born
Pisces, मीनDivyVery bright; Sun like glow
Pisces, मीनDivya DeepDivine; Divine luster; Heavenly
Pisces, मीनDivyaanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
Pisces, मीनDivyamDivine; Spiritual; Superhuman; Unique; Pure
Pisces, मीनDivyangDivine body
Pisces, मीनDivyangaDivine body
Pisces, मीनDivyankPant of light (Path of light)
Pisces, मीनDivyanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
Pisces, मीनDivyanshuDivine light; The Sun
Pisces, मीनDivyantHandsome
Pisces, मीनDivyanthHandsome
Pisces, मीनDivyarajBrilliant; Extraordinary
Pisces, मीनDivyatejaSpiritual lighting
Pisces, मीनDivyathaDivine lights; White
Pisces, मीनDivyenduLight of Moon
Pisces, मीनDivyeshThe Sun
Pisces, मीनDiwakarThe Sun; Lord of light
Pisces, मीनDiwakerThe Sun; Lord of light
Pisces, मीनDiwankarSun
Pisces, मीनDiweshLord of Gods
Pisces, मीनDixitFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sun Ray
Pisces, मीनDiyanBright light
Pisces, मीनDnyandeepA lamp of knowledge
Pisces, मीनDnyaneshKing; Person Having power of knowledge
Pisces, मीनDnyaneshwarName of a saint
Pisces, मीनDolonScent of a beautiful white flower
Pisces, मीनDoondiLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDooshanatrishirohantreSlayer of Dooshanatrishira
Pisces, मीनDousikIntelligent
Pisces, मीनDravidWealthy; Landlord
Pisces, मीनDravieBrave
Pisces, मीनDravinWealth; Any Valuable Possession; Strength; Name of a Mountain
Pisces, मीनDravyaLiquid
Pisces, मीनDrayFabric markar; A cloth merchant; Play; Sport; Essence
Pisces, मीनDreshalSon of Lord
Pisces, मीनDridhahasthaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDridhakshathraOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDridhasandhaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDridhavarmaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDrishSight
Pisces, मीनDrishaanOne who fulfils all dreams
Pisces, मीनDrishitSigns
Pisces, मीनDrishnuBold; Courageous
Pisces, मीनDrishteeEye sight
Pisces, मीनDronProminent Mahabharata character; Guide; Saviour; Learned sage and teacher from the Mahabharata
Pisces, मीनDronaThe teacher Drona
Pisces, मीनDrona The teacher Drona; Guide; Savior
Pisces, मीनDronacharyaDhroneshwar means Dronacharya and Shiva
Pisces, मीनDroneshwarDronacharya & Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDrupadA king; Firm footed
Pisces, मीनDrupada Column; Pillar
Pisces, मीनDruvPole star; Immovable; Eternal; Firm; Steady
Pisces, मीनDruvaThe polar star; Constant; Faithful; Firm
Pisces, मीनDruvamThe enduring sound; Heaven; Certainly; Eternally
Pisces, मीनDruvanStar
Pisces, मीनDruvikStar
Pisces, मीनDruvilPatient
Pisces, मीनDugantDirection; Endless; Horizon end of sky
Pisces, मीनDuguCute; Lovely son
Pisces, मीनDulalLovable; Young; Dear one
Pisces, मीनDuminiName of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनDundappaSilent
Pisces, मीनDuraadharaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDuraiChief; Leader
Pisces, मीनDuraimuruganLord Murugan, Murugan; The king; Head
Pisces, मीनDuranjayaA heroic son
Pisces, मीनDurdharshaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDurgDifficult to approch; Fort; Inpenetrable
Pisces, मीनDurgacharanSon of Goddess
Pisces, मीनDurgadasA devotee of Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDurgaduttGift from Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDurgeshLord of forts
Pisces, मीनDurijeshThe Moon
Pisces, मीनDurjaThe invincible
Pisces, मीनDurjaneeyaDifficult to be known
Pisces, मीनDurjayJiska koi prabhav nahi kar sakta (One who cannot be influenced)
Pisces, मीनDurjayaDifficult to conquer; Unvanquished
Pisces, मीनDurkeshFrom Goddess Durga
Pisces, मीनDurmadaThe false pride
Pisces, मीनDurmarshanaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDurmukhaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDurvankGifted friend
Pisces, मीनDurvanshOne who lives far
Pisces, मीनDurvasaA powerful Rishi, who was famous for his quick temper
Pisces, मीनDurvashaA powerful rishi famous for his quick temper
Pisces, मीनDurveshShehnai (Clarinet)
Pisces, मीनDurvigaahaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDurvimochaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDurvishWho cannot be affected by poison
Pisces, मीनDurwankGifted friend
Pisces, मीनDuryodhanaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDushalResolute; Funs
Pisces, मीनDushasanaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDushkarnaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDushparaajaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDushpradharshaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDushtarIrresistible; Inpenetrable; Unconquerable; Excellent
Pisces, मीनDushyantA king from the epic Mahabharata
Pisces, मीनDushyantaA king from the epic Mahabharata
Pisces, मीनDussahanaOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDussalanOne of the Kauravas
Pisces, मीनDvaimaturaOne who has two mothers
Pisces, मीनDvaraka-NayakayaLord Krishna, Lord of Dwaraka
Pisces, मीनDvimidhaOne who knows present as well as future
Pisces, मीनDwaipayanThe sage Vyasa
Pisces, मीनDwanVoice
Pisces, मीनDwarakaThe capital of Lord Krishna's kingdom
Pisces, मीनDwarakadasServant of dwarka (Attendant of Dwarka)
Pisces, मीनDwarakanathLord of dwarka
Pisces, मीनDwarakapathiLord Krishna, Master of Dwaraka
Pisces, मीनDwarakeshLord Krishna
Pisces, मीनDwarikaThe capital of Lord Krishna's kingdom
Pisces, मीनDwarkapatiLord of dwarka
Pisces, मीनDwijSaint
Pisces, मीनDwijainThe Moon
Pisces, मीनDwijarajKing of Brahmins; The Moon
Pisces, मीनDwijendraKing of Brahmins; The Moon
Pisces, मीनDwijeshRiver
Pisces, मीनDyamannaGod
Pisces, मीनDyanDivine
Pisces, मीनDyaneshMeditative
Pisces, मीनDyanshTo give mercy
Pisces, मीनDyu ManiLord Shiva; Sky Jewel; Another name for Shiva and Sun
Pisces, मीनDyumaniLord Shiva; Sky Jewel; Another name for Shiva and Sun
Pisces, मीनDyutirRadiance
Pisces, मीनDyutitIlluminated
Pisces, मीनThakappanswamiLord Murugan
Pisces, मीनThakarshiLord Krishna
Pisces, मीनThakshaKing Bharat's son; Eyes like a Pigeon; Chopping; To make from wood
Pisces, मीनThakurLeader; God
Pisces, मीनThaleshGod of land
Pisces, मीनThameshSmart
Pisces, मीनThamilarasanking of Tamils; fluent in Tamil
Pisces, मीनThanakPrize; Reward
Pisces, मीनThaneeshAmbition
Pisces, मीनThangabaluGolden
Pisces, मीनThangaduraiGolden king
Pisces, मीनThangamGold; Golden gen
Pisces, मीनThangamaniGold; Golden gen
Pisces, मीनThangarajGolden king
Pisces, मीनThangarajanGolden king
Pisces, मीनThangasamiGolden Lord
Pisces, मीनThangavelLord Murugan, God
Pisces, मीनThanigaiRelated to Lord Murugan
Pisces, मीनThanikachalamLord Murugan, The one who stays in Thanika
Pisces, मीनThanishAmbition
Pisces, मीनThanmaiConcentration; Ecstasy
Pisces, मीनThanmayEngrossed
Pisces, मीनThanmayeeConcentration; Ecstasy
Pisces, मीनThanumalayaTrimurtis; "Stanu" means Siva; "Mal" means Vishnu; and the "Ayan" means Brahma.
Pisces, मीनThanushBeautiful
Pisces, मीनThanushhBeautiful
Pisces, मीनThanveerStrong
Pisces, मीनThanvirStrong
Pisces, मीनThanvishDelicate; Perfect Man; Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनThanvyeInvolvement
Pisces, मीनTharakStar; Pupil of an eye; Protector
Pisces, मीनTharakar SerronLord Murugan, The God who killed the demon Taraka
Pisces, मीनTharunConnection; Young; Youth; Ageless; Gentle
Pisces, मीनTharupanChandan; Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनTharushConqueror; Small plant
Pisces, मीनThasveenProblem Solver; Healer; Comfortable
Pisces, मीनThathathanLord Buddha
Pisces, मीनThavanLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनThavaneshLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनThavineishAnother name of Lord Shiva
Pisces, मीनThayalanLord Shiva; Kind
Pisces, मीनThayanbanDevoted to one's mother
Pisces, मीनTheenaA God
Pisces, मीनTheenashRising star
Pisces, मीनTheenishLoving; domestic
Pisces, मीनTheerajdocile; gentle; kind
Pisces, मीनThejaLight; Lustrous; Power; Brilliant
Pisces, मीनThejasSharpness; Brightness; Tip of the flame
Pisces, मीनThejusRadiant energy; Brilliance
Pisces, मीनThenappanKind
Pisces, मीनThevanGodly
Pisces, मीनThiivyeshLord of happiness and satisfaction
Pisces, मीनThilakA spot of vermilion; Sandal wood paste on the forehead,
Pisces, मीनThilanSelf love; confidant
Pisces, मीनThilangName of a Raga
Pisces, मीनThimmaLord venkateswara
Pisces, मीनThinakaranBrilliant like the Sun; Intelligent
Pisces, मीनThiruShri
Pisces, मीनThiru MuruganThe wise; Knowledgeable; Attained realisation
Pisces, मीनThirugnanamA wise; Knowledgeable; Attained realisation
Pisces, मीनThirumalLord venkateswara
Pisces, मीनThirumalaAbode of Lord venkateswara or holy place
Pisces, मीनThirumalaiAbode of Lord venkateswara or holy place
Pisces, मीनThirumaleshName of Lord Venkateshwar
Pisces, मीनThirumaniPrecious Gem
Pisces, मीनThirumaranBrave
Pisces, मीनThirumeniThe great body
Pisces, मीनThirupathiSri venkateswara, Mahavirat, the famous name and fame in world
Pisces, मीनThirupatiSri Venkateswara; Mahavirat, the famous name and fame in the world
Pisces, मीनThiruvalluvarAuthor of tamil classic, Thirukural
Pisces, मीनThishanGreat Ruler
Pisces, मीनThivyanDivine; Intelligent
Pisces, मीनThiyashLights; Lord Murugan
Pisces, मीनThomognaLord Shiva
Pisces, मीनThrilokThree words heaven; Earth; Hell
Pisces, मीनThrilookamanThree words heaven; Earth; Hell
Pisces, मीनThrishNoble
Pisces, मीनThrishulThe weapon of Shiva
Pisces, मीनThulasitharanThe Moon
Pisces, मीनThusharaIce; Snow
Pisces, मीनZaanjarA girl ornament of leg, Paayal
Pisces, मीनZayantVictorious; Star
Pisces, मीनZeehanBrightness; Whiteness; Drought
Pisces, मीनZenilVictorious God Swaminarayan; Victory of blue
Pisces, मीनZenithComputer
Pisces, मीनZevDeer; Wolf
Pisces, मीनZianLife; Strong
Pisces, मीनZingaSea food; Having long hairs
Pisces, मीनZitienLittle shinning spark; It means a brightly; Shining star
Pisces, मीनZitinLittle shinning spark; It means a brightly; Shining star

Baby Names by Rashi: Boy

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Baby Names by Rashi: Girl

Aries, मेष Taurus, वृषभ Gemini, मिथुन
Cancer, कर्क Leo, सिंह Virgo, कन्या
Libra, तुला Scorpio, वृश्चिक Sagittarius, धनु
Capricorn, मकर Aquarius, कुम्भ Pisces, मीन

Also Refer: baby360 page Page for more details

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Fun Facts about Pisces Boys or Men

  • Pisces love using their boundless creativity to explore
  • They have remarkable ability to adjust to their environment.
  • They pay close attention to the energy and personality of others.
  • They could be extremely reticent.
  • They are overthinkers
  • That’s why nobody can really comprehend what goes through a Pisces’ mind—it’s too complicated even for them to comprehend.
  • They work well with the signs of Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio.
  • They don’t fear change and are always evolving.
  • They are quite critical of themselves but incredibly supportive of their friends.

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