Baby Boy Names That Start With D1

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Baby Boy Names That Start With D

The table below contains both traditional and modern “sanskrit baby boy names with d – d letter names for boy hindu”:

DaakshiGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
DaakshitLord Shiva
DaamanRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
DaanishTo be clever; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness
DaasharathiLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha
DaavWild fire; Uncontrollable; Another name for Abmni
DaayadeshwarLove of Eshwar
DaevenLittle black one
DagendraGod of ways; Path
DahanaA Rudra
DaipayanWho is born in an island
DaithyakulantakaDestroyer of demons
DaityaA non Aryan
Daitya SaiNon Aryan
DaityakaryaVidhyataka destroyer of all demons activities
DaivanshFrom God's familiy
DaivatLuck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God
DaiveyDearly loved
DaivikBy the grace of God, Divine, Relating to Gods
DaivitGod's gift
DaivyaDivine; Heavenly; Wonderful
DaiwikBy the grace of God; Divine; Relating to the God
DakshCapable; Son of Lord Brahma; Fire; Gold; Talented; Excellent; Vigorous talented
DakshakAble daughter
DaksheshLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
DaksheshwarLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
DakshiGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
DakshinSouth direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere
DakshinayanSome movement of the Sun
DakshitLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent; Adroit
DakshithLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent; Adroit
DakshyaCleverness; Honesty; Brilliance; Efficient
DalBlind; Group; Petal; Particle
DalajitWinning over a group
DalapathiThe leader of a group
DalbhyaBelonging to wheels
DalpatiCommander of a group
DalsherBold; Brave
DalynTrue Love
DamCalf; Gentleness; Wife; Wealth; Residence; Self-control; To conquer
DamanRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
DamodarRope tied around Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Krishna
DamodaraDam=cord; Udara=stomach; Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist
DananjayOne who wins wealth
DanavarshRain of Wealth
DanavendraGranter of boons
Danavendra VinashakaDestroyer of the king of demons
DandakA forest
Dandakaranya PunyakruteOne who ennobled the Dandaka forest
DandapaaniAn epithet for Yama
DandapaniAn epithet for Yama
DandayudhapaniLord Murugan; One who bears the dandayudham (spear)
DaneshKnowledge ; learning
DanishTo be smart; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness
DantaCalm; A name of Lord Hanuman
DanujBorn of Danu, A Danava
DanushA bow in hand
DarmendarGod of religion
DarpadLord Shiva
DarpakKamdev, God of love pride, Another name for the Love God Kaama
DarpitOur Reflection
DarshSight; Handsome; Lord Krishna; When the Moon becomes visible
DarshalPrayer of God
DarshanVision; Knowledge; Observation; Doctrine; Philosophy; Perceive or vision or paying respect or religious text
DarshatMakeing things visible; Radiant; Handsome; Discernible
DarsheelSomething that looks good and sober; Perfection
DarshilSomething that looks good and sober; Perfection
DarshishContemplation; Examination
DarshitDisplay; Signs
DarshithDisplay; Signs
DarshwanaPure of heart
DarukCharioteer of Lord Krishna; Tree
DarukaDeodar tree
DarunHard; Tough
DasanRuler; Having a style in every thing
DasarathFather of Lord Rama
DashabahuTen armed
Dashagreeva ShiroharaSlayer of the ten-headed Ravana
DashagreevakulantakaSlayer of the ten-headed Ravana race
DashanRuler; Style in every thing
DashananTen headed king of Lanka a.k.a. Ravana
DasharatFather of Lord Rama
DasharathFather of Lord Rama
DasharathaA man whose power is equal to the power of ten Maharathis, Rathi means chariot fighter
DasharathiLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha
DashvanthLord Murugan; Lord Shiva
DattaOne who is given
DattathreyaAn incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Son of Atri
DattatrayAn incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Son of Atri
DattatrayaGod Datta
DattatreyaGod in Hindu religion; A God
DattatriMeaning of God
DatteyLord Indra, Name of Indra
DavashishBlessing of God
DaveA variant of David; Beloved
DaveerBrave; Smart
DavinBlack one
DaxWho is aware in all thing always
DaxeshLord Brahma; Ruler of Daksa
DayaalKind hearted
DayaanandaOne who likes being merciful; A king
DayaanidhiA treasure house of mercy
DayadaSon; Inheritor
DayakarMerciful Lord Shiva; Compassionate
DayakaraMerciful Lord Shiva; Compassionate
DayalKind hearted
DayalanRhyming variant of Waylon - a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers
DayamayFull of mercy
DayanandOne who likes being merciful; A king
DayanandaOne who likes being merciful; A king
DayanidhiA treasure house of mercy
DayanisheePerson of mercy; Saint
DayasagarExtremely kind; Sea of mercy
DayasagaraOcean of compassionate
DayasaraEmbodiment of kindness
DayashankarMerciful Lord Shiva
DebabrataOne who accepts all penances
DebadattaGiven by God
DebadityaGod of the Sun
DebajyotiBrightness of the Lord
DebanjanKajal of Goddess eye
DebashisBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
DebashishBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
DebashmeetLord of the rings
DebashreeGoddess Lakshmi; Divine beauty
DebasisBenediction of God; Pleased by Gods
DebasishBenediction of God; Pleased by the God
DebjitOne who has conquered the god
DebosmitaSmiling of God
DebpratimGod like
DeekshinInitiated; Consecrated; Prepared
DeekshitPrepared; Initiated
DeekshithPrepared; Initiated
DeelipKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
Deena NathLord of the poor; Protector
DeenabandhavProtector of the downtrodden
DeenabandhaveDefender of the oppressed
DeenabandhuA friend of the poor
DeenanathLord of the poor; Protector
DeenathLord Vishnu
DeendayalOne who has mercy for poor; Kind to the poor
DeepA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; Light
Deepa LaxmiLight
DeepaanshPerson with light within
DeepaanshuPart of light
DeepakLampe; Kindle; Brilliance
DeepakrajLamp; Kindle; Radiant
DeepamshuPart of light
DeepanLighting up; Brilliant; Invigorating; Passion; One who lights lamps
DeepankarOne who lights lamps; Light; Brightness; Flame
DeepanshPart of Light / Brightness
DeepenLord of the lamp; Name of poet
DeependraLord of lights
DeependuBright Moon; The Moon
DeepeshLord of light
DeepitLighted; Inflamed; Passionate; Made visible
DeepjayBeautiful name
DeeptanshuThe Sun
DeeptenduBright Moon
DeerajPatience; Consolation
DeerkharomaOne of the Kauravas
DeevanshSun's particle; Similar to Diwakar - Sun's Ansh
DeewakarThe Sun; Lord of light
DehabhujAnother name of Lord Shiva
DekshitPrepared; Initiated
DemdhendraDevotee of god
DenadayalHumble and merciful
DenishHappy; Joyful
DenzilVariant of Denzel - a place in Cornwall.
DeshakOne who directs; Guide; One who governs; Ruler; Showing; Pointing out
DeshvaLord Shiva; Lord of the World; Leader
DevGod; King; Light; Heavenly; Cloud
Dev KumarSon of God
Dev NarenLord Shiva; Lord of men
DevaGod; King; Light; Heavenly; Cloud
Deva NandanaGod
DevaanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
DevachandraMoon among the God
DevadarsWorshipper of God
DevadarshanFamiliar with the God
DevadasServant of God; Follower of God
DevadathanGift of God
DevadattGift of the God
DevadattaGiven by God
DevadevaLord of all lords
DevadhipaLord of the god
DevadidevGod of Gods
DevadityaGod of The Sun
DevadutGiven by devas
DevaduttKing; Gift of God
DevadyumnaThe glory of the god
DevagyaWith knowledge of God
DevajFrom God, Born of Gods
DevajithOne who conquered Devas
DevajutaThe one with the good
DevajyotiThe brightness of the Lord
DevakanthaBeloved to god
DevakinandanName of Lord Krishna
DevalName of a saint; Divine; Holy; Dedicated to Gods
DevamGod; Part of God
DevamadanaGladdening to god
DevamaniLord Ayyappa; Jewel of Gods
DevamshPart of God
DevanLike a God; Food offered to Gods; Holy
DevanandThe joy of God; the Son of God
DevanandanThe joy of God; The Son of God
DevandraGod Indra
DevaneshPart of God / Divine
DevangDivine; Part of God; Like a God
DevanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
DevanshaPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
DevanshuA Part of God
DevantakanashakarinDestroyer of evils and asuras
DevapadDivine feet
DevapiAn ancient king
DevappaFather of king
DevapriyanDarling to God
DevarajKing among Gods; Name of Lord Indra
DevarajaluKing of Gods; Buddha
DevarajanName of Lord Perumal
DevarajuKing of God
DevarishiRishi among Gods
DevarpanaOfferings to the God
DevarshGod's gift
DevarshiTeacher of the God; Sage of the Devas
DevarsiTeacher of the God; Sage of the Devas
DevaryaDivine belief
DevasenapatiLord Murugan; Consort of Devasena; The army chief of heavenly Gods, Lord Murugan
DevashDivine Power
DevashishBenediction of God; Pleased by Gods
DevavratOath of God; Another name of Bhishma
DevavrataOne who accepts all penances
DevavrathOath of God; Another name of Bhishma
DevayanNeeding to Gods
DevdanThe gift of Gods
DevdarshWorshipper of God
DevdasServant of God; Follower of God
DevdathGod has given
DevdattaGiven by God
DevdeepWorshipper of God
DevdharshWorshipper of God
DevduttaKing; Gift of God
DevenKing of Gods, Another name for Lord Indra
DevendraKing of Gods, Lord Indra
DevendranKing of Gods; Lord Indra
DevendranathLord of the King of Gods
DevendrashikaProtector of all Gods
DeveshKing of Gods; Another name for Indra; God of the Gods
DeveshwarLord Shiva, Lord of the Devas
DevguruTeacher of Gods (Brihaspati)
Devi DyalKind hearted
DevidasServant; A devotee of Goddess
DevikanthSon of Devi
DevilalSon of Goddess
DevinderFostered by God
DeviprasadGift of Goddess
DevishChief of Gods, King of the Gods; Another name for Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Indra
DevjiBelonging to Gods
DevjyotiGift of goddess
Devki NandanLord Krishna, Son of Devki
DevkinandanSon of Devki or Lord Krishna
DevkumarSon of God
DevnathKing of Gods
DevpadDivine feet
DevrajKing among Gods, Name of Lord Indra
DevratSpiritual; Name of an ancient king
DevsenaArmy of gods
DevusumOne who gives blessings
DevvrataSpiritual; Name of an ancient king
DevyamA part of the divine
DevyanServing the God; Chariot of the God
DevyanshPart of God; Part of the divine light
DewanshPart of God; Eternal part of God; Demigod
DeweshKing of Gods; Another name for Indra; God of the Gods
DeyvayanakantanLord Murugan, Consort of Devayani
DhaaranKeeping; Protecting
DhaavakSwift; A poet in the Harsha dynasty; Runner
DhaavitCleaned; Purified
DhadhichiWell known sage
DhaeryePatience; Patient; Courage
DhairyaPatience; Patient; Courage
DhairyashilStatue of courage and patience
DhaivikGood strength
DhakshEshwar (God)
DhaksheshLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
DhakshithLord Shiva
DhamStrength; Light; Power; Place of pilgrimage
DhamanRay; Light; Majesty; Glory; Splendor; Strength; Power; Home
DhamendraDharm Dev (God of righteousness)
DhaminResponsible. Guarantor
DhamodharRope tied around Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Krishna
DhanMoney; Wealth
DhanaMoney; Wealth
DhanadeepLight of meditation
DhanadeepaLord of wealth
DhanajayanLord Murugan; Conquering booty; Victorious in battle
DhananadThe pleasure of having a wealth
DhananjayOne who wins wealth
DhananjayaPartha; Arjun; Agni God; Fire
DhanapatiLord of wealth
DhanarjanMoney earner
DhaneeshLord of wealth; Star or name of a Nakshatra; Good little boy
DhaneshLord of wealth; Star or name of a Nakshatra; Good little boy
DhaneshvarGod of wealth
DhaneshwarGod of money
DhaneswarGod of wealth
DhanisLord of wealth; Clever and wisdom
DhanishLord of wealth; Star or name of a Nakshatra; Good little boy
DhanisthDhanvan (Wealthy)
DhanjayLord Krishna; Winning wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over worldly objects
DhanpalPreserver of wealth
DhanrajLord Kuber
DhansukhWealthy; Happy
DhanuName of a Hindu Rashi Sagittarius
Dhanu PriyaThe bow
DhanunjayOne of the names of Arjuna
DhanunjayaPartha; Arjun; Agni God; Fire
DhanurdharaOne with a bow in hand
DhanusA bow in hand
DhanushA bow in hand
DhanvantariDoctor of Gods
DhanvinLord Shiva; A name of Lord Rama
DhanvineLord Shiva; A name of Lord Rama
DhanvithLord Shiva
DharMountain; Holding; Sustaining; The Earth
DharamReligion; Law religious
DharamaDharm (Religion)
DharamnishthOne who has faith in religion
DharamveerOne who gets a victory on religion
DharamvirOne who gets a victory on religion
DharanPreserving; Sustaining; Keeping in Remembrance; Bearing; Holding;
DharanidharShesh; The cosmic serpent
DharanishwarLord of earth
DharendraKing of the earth
DhareshLord of land
DharinanA supporter of Dharma; Observer of the right path
DharitreeThe earth
DharmHighest Dharma
Dharm DuttGift of the God of religion
Dharm MitraFriend of religion
DharmaReligion; Law religious
DharmachandraMoon of Dharma
DharmadasOne who serves his religion
DharmadevLord of law
DharmadhyakshaThe Lord of Dharma
DharmadityaSon of Dharma
DharmaketuWho upholds the right way
DharmakirtiFame of religion
DharmanandOne who takes pleasure in his religion
DharmanshPart of religious
DharmapalProtector of his religion
DharmarajKing of religion
DharmaveerProtector of religion
DharmendraKing of religion
DharmenduLight of religion
DharmeshMaster of religion
DharmikOne who gives charity; A name of Lord Ganesh
DharmilGood religeonist
DharmishthaLord of Dharma; Wants religion
DharmistaLord of Dharma; Wants religion
DharmpalProtector of religion
DharmrajKing of Religion
DharmveerProtector of religion
DharneeshOne who rules the earth
DharnendraYaksha of Lord Parshwnath
DharsaSee; Perceive; Vision
DharsanVision; Knowledge; Observation; Doctrine; Philosophy
DharshanVision; Knowledge; Observation; Doctrine; Philosophy
DharshikLord Ganesha
DharshithDisplay; Signs
DharunSupporting; Another name for Brahma; Upholding
DharveshLord of truth; Holy man
DharvinBlend of Daryl and Marvin
DhavalFair complexion; Pure; Dazzling; White; Handsome
DhavalachandraWhite Moon
DhaveshBright; Lustrous
DhawalFair complexion; Pure; Dazzling; White; Handsome
DheekshitFair complexion
DheekshithFair complexion
DheemanIntelligent; Wise; Prudent; Learned
DheemantWise; Intelligent; Prudent; Learned
DheematWise; Learned; Prudent
DheerGentle; Wise; Calm; Clever; Resolute; Firm; Patient
DheerajPatience; Consolation; Born of tolerance; Clever; Calm; Resolute; Firm
DheeranAchiever; Devoted
DheerandraGod of courage; Lord of the brave
DheerendraGod of courage; Lord of the brave
DheerkhabaahuOne of the Kauravas
Dheerodhata GunotharaKind hearted valiant
DheeshithanLord Murugan name
DheetikConsiderate; Clever
DheivamaniBlessed Gem
DhilanSon of the waves
DhilenName of thilai
DhillonFaithful; Sea
DhimantWise; Intelligent; Prudent; Learned
DhinakThe Sun
DhinakarThe Sun
DhinakaranThe Sun
DhirGentle; Wise; Calm; Clever; Resolute; Firm; Patient
DhiranAchiever; Devoted
DhirenOne who is strong
DhirendraGod of courage; Lord of the brave
DhireshLord of Courage / Patience / Energy
DhishanThe intelligent one; Name of Brihaspati; Planet Jupiter; Spiritual preceptor
DhivakarThe Sun
DhoomravarnaSmoke; Hued Lord
DhridhPersevring; Firm; Resolute; Solid; Strong
DhridhakarmaavuOne of the Kauravas
DhridharathaasrayaOne of the Kauravas
DhrishatBold; Courageous
DhrishayBold courageous and visionary
DhrishnuBold; Courageous
DhristadhyumnaSon of king Drupada, Brother of Draupadi
DhritBorne; Pledged
DhritarastraFrom Gandhara (Wife of Dhritarastra, she blindfold herself after the marriage)
DhritilMan with patience
DhronaTeacher of Arjun in Hindu epic 'Mahabharata'
DhroneshwarDronacharya & Lord Shiva
DhrubaThe polar star; Firm; Unshakable
DhruddavratStrongly willed meditator
DhruddavrataDetermined meditator
DhrupadA king; Firm footed
DhrupalProsperity with greenery; A area with full of greenery
DhrushyaGood eyes
DhrutavThe Immovable; Constant; Pole Star; A derivative of name Dhruva
DhruvPole star; Immovable; Eternal; Firm; Steady
DhruvakStable; Firm; Eternal; A tone in music
DhruvalA Star
DhruvamThe enduring sound; Heaven; Certainly; Eternally
DhruvanshA part of the polar star
DhruvanthName of a Star; Lord of Universe; Creator; Gift of God
DhruvavThe immovable
DhruvenIt is derived from Dhruv meaning constant or polestar
DhruveshAtut Lakshya
DhruvinGreat person
DhruvishDerived from Dhruv pole
DhruvitTo observe; Happy
DhruvpadThe oldest style of north Indian classical
DhulaName of a God
DhuminiName of Lord Shiva
DhurvStar with glow every time
DhusyantDestroyer of evil
Dhutit ArjavBright straight forward person
DhvanilSound of wind
DhwanilSound of wind
DhwnitGod is my judge
DhyaanReflection; Meditation
DhyanReflection; Meditation
DhyanadeepIcon of meditation and concentration
DhyaneshwarLord of meditation
DhyutidharaLord of brilliance
DibasGood day
DibenduDivyendu, Dibyendu the Moon
DibyanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
DibyenduLight of Moon
DigambarNaked; Unencumbered
DigambaraOne who has the skies as his clothes
DigamberNaked; Unencumbered
DigeshMaster of Directions
DigneshLord of Direction
DigvastraSky clad
DigvijayWho is victorious over everyone
DijeshOne who rules by the day
DikshantA boy whose all kind of education is completed successfully; Gift of Guru
DikshithPrepared; Initiated
DileepKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
DilipKing of the solar race; Defender; Protector; Big-hearted; A generous king
DilkashFascinating; Attractive
DinaanshBright light
DinakarThe Sun
DinamaniThe Sun
DinanathLord of the poor; Protector
DinanthLord of the poor; Protector
DinapatiThe Sun
DindayalOne who has mercy for poor; Kind to the poor
DinendraLord of the day; The Sun
DineshThe Sun; Day-lord
DineshaRashi (Zodiac)
DinkarThe Sun
DinpalThe protector of the helpless; The Sun
DinrajThe Sun
DipakLampe; Kindle; Brilliance
DipanLighting up; Brilliant; Invigorating; Passion; One who lights lamps
DipanjanEye of lamp
DipankarOne who lights lamps; Light; Brightness; Flame
DipanshuThe Sun
DipansuRelated to god
DipayanLight of a lamp
DipenLord of the lamp; Name of poet
DipendraLord of lights
DipenduBright Moon, The Moon
DipeshLord of light
DipjyotiThe light of the lamp
DipraBright; Brilliant
DiptanshuThe Sun
DishaanA species of gazelle; A thresher
DishantHorizon; Sky
DishanthHorizon; Sky
DishenSuryadev, The Sun
DishtSettled; Ordered; Shown; Appointed
DivPleasant; Gentle; Sky; Heaven; Day; Light
DivaanRoyal court
DivakarThe Sun
DivanshSun's particle; Similar to Diwakar - Sun's Ansh
DivaymDivine; Spiritual; Superhuman; Unique; Pure
DivenduDivyendu, Dibyendu the Moon
DiveshLord of Gods
DivijName of Lord Datta; Born in heaven; Came from heaven; Divine
DivikGod's Rays
DivinanthanLord Murugan
DivishPart of divine
DiviyanshPeace of God and divine light
DivjotDivine light
DivneshThe Sun
DivojDescended from heaven; Heaven born
DivyVery bright; Sun like glow
Divya DeepDivine; Divine luster; Heavenly
DivyaanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
DivyamDivine; Spiritual; Superhuman; Unique; Pure
DivyangDivine body
DivyangaDivine body
DivyankPant of light (Path of light)
DivyanshPart of the God; Part of the divine light; God's own divine
DivyanshuDivine light; The Sun
DivyarajBrilliant; Extraordinary
DivyatejaSpiritual lighting
DivyathaDivine lights; White
DivyenduLight of Moon
DivyeshThe Sun
DiwakarThe Sun; Lord of light
DiwakerThe Sun; Lord of light
DiweshLord of Gods
DixitFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sun Ray; Celebrity Name: Madhuri Dixit
DiyanBright light
DnyandeepA lamp of knowledge
DnyaneshKing; Person Having power of knowledge
DnyaneshwarName of a saint
DolonScent of a beautiful white flower
DoondiLord Shiva
DooshanatrishirohantreSlayer of Dooshanatrishira
DravidWealthy; Landlord
DravinWealth; Any Valuable Possession; Strength; Name of a Mountain
DrayFabric markar; A cloth merchant; Play; Sport; Essence; Practical; Wealthy
DreshalSon of Lord
DridhahasthaOne of the Kauravas
DridhakshathraOne of the Kauravas
DridhasandhaOne of the Kauravas
DridhavarmaOne of the Kauravas
DrishaanOne who fulfils all dreams
DrishnuBold; Courageous
DrishteeEye sight
DronProminent Mahabharata character; Guide; Saviour
DronaThe teacher Drona
Drona The teacher Drona; Guide; Savior
DronacharyaDhroneshwar means Dronacharya and Shiva
DroneshwarDronacharya & Lord Shiva
DrupadA king; Firm footed
Drupada Column; Pillar
DruvPole star; Immovable; Eternal; Firm; Steady
DruvaThe polar star; Constant; Faithful; Firm
DruvamThe enduring sound; Heaven; Certainly; Eternally
DugantDirection; Endless; Horizon end of sky
DuguCute; Lovely son
DulalLovable; Young; Dear one
DuminiName of Lord Shiva
DuraadharaOne of the Kauravas
DuraiChief; Leader
DuraimuruganLord Murugan, Murugan; The king; Head
DuranjayaA heroic son
DurdharshaOne of the Kauravas
DurgDifficult to approch; Fort; Inpenetrable
DurgacharanSon of Goddess
DurgadasA devotee of Goddess Durga
DurgaduttGift from Goddess Durga
DurgeshLord of forts
DurijeshThe Moon
DurjaThe invincible
DurjaneeyaDifficult to be known
DurjayJiska koi prabhav nahi kar sakta (One who cannot be influenced)
DurjayaDifficult to conquer; Unvanquished
DurkeshFrom Goddess Durga
DurmadaThe false pride
DurmarshanaOne of the Kauravas
DurmukhaOne of the Kauravas
DurvankGifted friend
DurvanshOne who lives far
DurvasaA powerful Rishi, who was famous for his quick temper
DurvashaA powerful rishi famous for his quick temper
DurveshShehnai (Clarinet)
DurvigaahaOne of the Kauravas
DurvimochaOne of the Kauravas
DurvishWho cannot be affected by poison
DurwankGifted friend
DuryodhanaOne of the Kauravas
DushalResolute; Funs
DushasanaOne of the Kauravas
DushkarnaOne of the Kauravas
DushparaajaOne of the Kauravas
DushpradharshaOne of the Kauravas
DushtarIrresistible; Inpenetrable; Unconquerable; Excellent
DushyantA king from the epic Mahabharata
DushyantaA king from the epic Mahabharata
DussahanaOne of the Kauravas
DussalanOne of the Kauravas
DvaimaturaOne who has two mothers
Dvaraka-NayakayaLord Krishna, Lord of Dwaraka
DvimidhaOne who knows present as well as future
DwaipayanThe sage Vyasa
DwarakaThe capital of Lord Krishna's kingdom
DwarakadasServant of dwarka (Attendant of Dwarka)
DwarakanathLord of dwarka
DwarakapathiLord Krishna, Master of Dwaraka
DwarakeshLord Krishna
DwarikaThe capital of Lord Krishna's kingdom
DwarkapatiLord of dwarka
DwijainThe Moon
DwijarajKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DwijendraKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DyanshTo give mercy
Dyu ManiLord Shiva; Sky Jewel; Another name for Shiva and Sun
DyumaniLord Shiva; Sky Jewel; Another name for Shiva and Sun

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Baby Boy Names with A Hindu

“baby boy names with d hindu – name start with d for boy” have a proclivity for overworking themselves and even finding success in their endeavours.

And it is because of this strong feeling of purpose that they are natural leaders.

They have a strong set of ideals, are capable of handling duties, and even like taking on new difficulties

Baby Boy Names by Letter


Baby Girl Names by Letter


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Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir,

Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,

West Bengal, Aalo, Adilabad, Adoni, Agar, Agar Malwa, Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Ahmednagar, Ahwa, Aizawl, Ajmer, Akbarpur, Akola, Alappuzha, Alibag, Aligarh, Alipore, Alipurduar, Alirajpur, Allahabad, Alluri Sitharama Raju, Almora,

Alwar, Amalapuram, Amaravati, Amarpatan, Ambala, Ambarnath, Ambassa, Ambattur, Ambedkar Nagar, Ambikapur, Amethi, Amingaon, Ampati, Amravati, Amreli, Amritsar, Amroha, Anakapalli, Anand, Anantapur, Ananthapuramu, Anantnag,

Angul, Anini, Anjaw, Annamayya, Anuppur, Araria, Aravalli, Ariyalur, Arrah, Arwal, Asansol, Ashoknagar, Asifabad, Auraiya, Aurangabad, Avadi, Ayodhya, Azamgarh, Bagalakote, Bageshwar, Baghmara, Baghpat, Bagpat,

Baharampur, Bahraich, Baikunthpur, Bajali, Baksa, Balaghat, Balangir, Balasore, Ballari, Ballia, Bally, Balod, Baloda Bazar, Balrampur, Balrampur-Ramanujganj, Balurghat, Banaskantha, Banda, Bandipore, Bandra (East), Bangalore,

Banka, Bankura, Banswara, Bapatla, Barabanki, Baramulla, Baran, Baranagar, Barasat, Bardhaman, Bareilly, Bargarh, Bargarh Baragarh, Baripada, Barmer, Barnala, Barpeta, Barwani, Basar, Basirhat, Bastar, Basti, Bathinda, Beed, Begusarai,

Belagavi, Belgaum, Bellary, Belonia, Bemetara, Bengaluru, Berhampore, Berhampur, Bettiah, Betul, Bhabua, Bhadohi, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Bhadrak, Bhagalpur, Bhalswa Jahangir Pur, Bhandara, Bharatpur, Bharuch, Bhatpara, Bhavnagar,

Bhawanipatna, Bhilai, Bhilwara, Bhimavaram, Bhind, Bhiwandi, Bhiwani, Bhojpur, Bhongir, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Bhuj, Bhupalpally, Bhusawal, Bidar, Bidhannagar, Bihar Sharif, Bijapur, Bijnor, Bikaner, Bilaspur, Birbhum, Bishnupur,

Bishramganj, Biswanath, Biswanath Chariali, Bokaro, Boleng, Bomdila, Bongaigaon, Bongaon, Botad, Boudh, Boudh (Bauda), Budaun, Budgam, Bulandshahr, Buldhana, Bundi, Burhanpur, Buxar, Cachar, Car Nicobar, Chachaura,

Chaibasa, Chamarajanagara, Chamba, Chamoli, Champawat, Champhai, Chandauli, Chandel, Chandigarh, Chandrapur, Changlang, Charaideo, Charkhi Dadri, Chatra, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Chhapra, Chhatarpur, Chhatrapur,

Chhindwara, Chhota Udaipur, Chikkaballapura, Chikkamagaluru, Chinsurah, Chirang, Chitradurga, Chitrakoot, Chittoor, Chittorgarh, Chümoukedima, Churachandpur, Churu, Coimbatore, Connaught Place, Cooch Behar, Cuddalore,

Cuttack, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Dahod, Dakshin Dinajpur, Dakshina Kannada, Daltonganj, Daman, Damoh, Danapur, Dang, Dantewada, Daporijo, Darbhanga, Darjeeling, Darrang, Daryaganj, Datia, Dausa,

Davanagere, Davangere, Debagarh, Debagarh (Deogarh), Defence Colony, Dehradun, Dehri, Delhi, Deoghar, Deoria, Devbhumi Dwarka, Dewas, Dhalai, Dhamtari, Dhanbad, Dhar, Dharamshala, Dharashiv, Dharmanagar, Dharmapuri,

Dharmavaram, Dharwada, Dhemaji, Dhenkanal, Dholpur, Dhubri, Dhule, Dibrugarh, Didihat, Dima Hasao, Dimapur, Dindigul, Dindori, Diphu, Dispur, Diu, Doda, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Konaseema, Dumka, Dungarpur, Durg, Durgapur,

East Champaran, East Delhi, East Garo Hills, East Godavari, East Jaintia Hills, East Kameng, East Khasi Hills, East Siang, East Sikkim, East Singhbhum, Eastern West Khasi Hills, Eluru, English Bazar, Ernakulam, Erode, Etah, Etawah,

Faridabad, Faridkot, Farrukhabad, Fatehabad, Fatehgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib, Fatehpur, Fazilka, Firozabad, Firozpur, Gadaga, Gadag-Betageri, Gadchiroli, Gadwal, Gajapati, Ganderbal, Gandhidham, Gandhinagar, Gangtok, Ganjam, Garamur,

Garhwa, Gariaband, Gaurela, Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi, Gauriganj, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Gaya, Ghaziabad, Ghazipur, Gir Somnath, Giridih, Goalpara, Godda, Godhra, Golaghat, Gomati, Gonda, Gondia, Gopalganj, Gopalpur, Gopeshwar, Gorakhpur,

Gudivada, Gumla, Guna, Guntakal, Guntur, Gurdaspur, Gurugram, Guwahati, Gwalior, Gyalshing, Gyanpur, Haflong, Hailakandi, Hajipur, Haldia, Hamirpur, Hamren, Hanamkonda, Hanumangarh, Hapur, Harda, Hardoi, Haridwar,

Hassan, Hathras, Hatsingimari, Haveri, Hawai, Hazaribag, Hazaribagh, Himatnagar, Hindupur, Hingoli, Hisar, Hnahthial, Hojai, Hooghly, Hoshangabad, Hoshiarpur, Hospet, Hospete, Hosur, Howrah, Hubli–Dharwad, Hyderabad, Ichalkaranji,

Ichamati, Idukki, Imphal, Imphal East, Imphal West, India, Indore, Itanagar, Itanagar City Complex, Jabalpur, Jagatsinghpur, Jagdalpur, Jagtial, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jajpur, Jalandhar, Jalaun, Jalgaon, Jalna, Jalore, Jalpaiguri, Jammu,

Jamnagar, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur Mango, Jamtara, Jamui, Jangaon, Janjgir, Janjgir-Champa, Jashpur, Jashpur Nagar, Jaunpur, Jayashankar Bhupalpally, Jehanabad, Jhabua, Jhajjar, Jhalawar, Jhansi, Jhargram, Jharsuguda, Jhunjhunu,

Jind, Jiribam, Jodhpur, Jogulamba Gadwal, Jorhat, Jowai, Junagadh, Kabirdham, Kadapa, Kailashahar, Kaimur, Kaithal, Kajalgaon, Kakching, Kakinada, Kakkanad, Kalaburagi, Kalaburagi Gulbarga, Kalahandi, Kalimpong, Kallakurichi,

Kalpetta, Kalyan-Dombivli, Kamareddy, Kamarhati, Kamjong, Kamle, Kamrup, Kamrup Metropolitan, Kanchipuram, Kandhamal, Kandi, Kangpokpi, Kangra, Kanjhawala, Kanker, Kannauj, Kannur, Kanpur, Kanpur Dehat, Kanpur Nagar,

Kanyakumari, Kapurthala, Karaikal, Karauli, Karawal Nagar, Karbi Anglong, Kargil, Karimganj, Karimnagar, Karnal, Karur, Karwar, Karwi, Kasaragod, Kasganj, Kathua, Katihar, Katni, Kaushambi, Kavaratti, Kawardha,

Kendrapara, Kendujhar, Keylong, Khagaria, Khalilabad, Khambhalia, Khammam, Khandwa, Khandwa (East Nimar), Kharagpur, Khargone, Khargone (West Nimar), Khawzawl, Kheda, Khliehriat, Khonsa, Khora, Ghaziabad,

Khordha, Khowai, Khunti, Kinnaur, Kiphire, Kirari Suleman Nagar, Kishanganj, Kishtwar, Kochi, Kodagu, Koderma, Kohima, Kokrajhar, Kolar, Kolasib, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Kollam, Koloriang, Kondagaon, Koppala, Koraput, Korba, Korea, Kota,

Kotdwar, Kothagudem, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Kra Daadi, Krishna, Krishnagiri, Krishnanagar, Kulgam, Kullu, Kulti, Kumbakonam, Kumuram Bheem Asifabad, Kupwara, Kurnool, Kurukshetra, Kurung Kumey, Kushinagar, Kutch,

Lahaul and Spiti, Lakhimpur, Lakhimpur Kheri, Lakhisarai, Lakshadweep, Lalitpur, Lamphelpat, Latehar, Latur, Lawngtlai, Leh, Lemmi, Lepa Rada, Likabali, Lohardaga, Lohit, Longding, Longleng, Loni, Lower Dibang Valley, Lower Siang,

Lower Subansiri, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Lunavada, Lunglei, Machilipatnam, Madanapalle, Madhepura, Madhubani, Madhyamgram, Madikeri, Madurai, Mahabubabad, Maharajganj, Mahasamund, Mahbubnagar, Mahé, Mahendragarh,

Maheshtala, Mahisagar, Mahoba, Maihar, Mainpuri, Mairang, Majuli, Malappuram, Malda, Maldah, Malegaon, Malerkotla, Malkangiri, Mamit, Mancherial, Mandi, Mandla, Mandsaur, Mandya, Mangaldoi, Mangalore, Mangan, Manjhanpur, Mansa,

Margao, Marigaon, Mathura, Mau, Mawkyrwat, Mayabunder, Mayiladuthurai, Mayurbhanj, Medak, Medchal–Malkajgiri, Medininagar, Meerut, Mehsana, Midnapore, Mira-Bhayandar, Mirzapur, Modasa, Moga, Mokokchung, Mon, Moradabad,

Morbi, Morena, Morigaon, Motihari, Mulugu, Mumbai, Mungeli, Munger, Murshidabad, Mushalpur, Muzaffarnagar, Muzaffarpur, Mysore, Mysuru, Nabarangpur, Nadia, Nadiad, Nagaon, Nagapattinam, Nagarkurnool, Nagaur, Nagda, Nagercoil,

Nagpur, Nahan, Naihati, Nainital, Nalanda, Nalbari, Nalgonda, Namakkal, Namchi, Namsai, Nand Nagri, Nanded, Nandurbar, Nandyal, Nangloi Jat, Narasaraopet, Narayanpet, Narayanpur, Narmada, Narnaul, Narsinghpur, Nashik, Naugarh,

Navi Mumbai, Navsari, Nawada, Nawanshehr, Nayagarh, Neemuch, Nellore, New Tehri, Nicobar, Nilgiris, Nirmal, Niuland, Niwari, Nizamabad, Noida, Noklak, Noney, Noney (Longmai), Nongpoh, Nongstoin, North 24 Parganas,

North and Middle Andaman, North Dumdum, North Garo Hills, North Goa, North Lakhimpur, North Sikkim, North Tripura, NTR, Nuapada, Nuh, Ongole, Ooty, Orai, Oros, Paderu, Padrauna, Painavu, Pakke-Kessang, Pakur, Pakyong,

Palakkad, Palamu, Palanpur, Palghar, Pali, Palin, Pallavaram, Palnadu, Palwal, Panaji, Panchkula, Panchmahal, Panihati, Panikoili, Panipat, Panna, Panvel, Papum Pare, Paralakhemundi, Parbhani, Parvathipuram, Parvathipuram Manyam,

Paschim Bardhaman, Paschim Medinipur, Pasighat, Patan, Pathanamthitta, Pathankot, Pathsala, Patiala, Patna, Pauri, Pauri Garhwal, Peddapalli, Perambalur, Peren, Phagwara, Phek, Pherzawl, Phulbani, Phusro, Pilibhit, Pimpri-Chinchwad,

Pithoragarh, Pondicherry, Poonch, Porbandar, Porompat, Port Blair, Prakasam, Pratapgarh, Prayagraj, Preet Vihar, Proddatur, Puducherry, Pudukkottai, Pulwama, Pune, Purba Bardhaman, Purba Medinipur, Puri, Purnia, Purulia, Puttaparthi,

Raebareli, Raga, Raichur, Raichuru, Raigad, Raiganj, Raigarh, Raipur, Raisen, Rajahmundry, Rajamahendravaram, Rajanna Sircilla, Rajgarh, Rajkot, Rajnandgaon, Rajouri, Rajouri Garden, Rajpipla, Rajpur Sonarpur,

Rajsamand, Ramagundam, Ramanagara, Ramanathapuram, Ramban, Ramgarh, Rampur, Ranaghat, Ranchi, Ranga Reddy, Ranikhet, Ranipet, Ranipettai, Ratlam, Ratnagiri, Rayachoti, Rayagada, Reasi, Reckong Peo, Resubelpara,

Rewa, Rewari, Ri Bhoi, Robertsganj, Rohtak, Rohtas, Roing, Rourkela, Rudraprayag, Rudrapur, Rupnagar, Sabarkantha, Sadar Bazaar, Sagar, Saharanpur, Saharsa, Sahebganj, Sahibganj, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Saiha,

Saitual, Saket, Salem, Samastipur, Samba, Sambalpur, Sambhajinagar, Sambhal, Sangareddy, Sangli, Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad, Sangrur, Sant Kabir Nagar, Saran, Sasaram, Satara, Satna, Sawai Madhopur, Secunderabad, Seelampur,

Sehore, Senapati, Seoni, Sepahijala, Seppa, Seraikela, Seraikela-Kharsawan, Serampore, Serchhip, Shahdara district, Shahdol, Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar, Shahjahanpur, Shajapur, Shamator, Shamirpet, Shamli, Sheikhpura, Sheohar,

Sheopur, Shi Yomi, Shillong, Shimla, Shimoga, Shivamogga, Shivpuri, Shopian, Shravasti, Siang, Sibsagar, Siddharthnagar, Siddipet, Sidhi, Sikar, Silchar, Siliguri, Silvassa, Simdega, Sindhudurg, Singrauli, Sircilla, Sirmaur, Sirohi, Sirsa,

Sitamarhi, Sitapur, Sivaganga, Sivagangai, Sivasagar, Siwan, Solan, Solapur, Sonari, Sonbhadra, Sonipat, Sonitpur, South 24 Parganas, South Andaman, South Dumdum, South Garo Hills, South Goa, South Salmara Mankachar,

South Sikkim, South Tripura, South West Garo Hills, South West Khasi Hills, Sri Ganganagar, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore, Sri Sathya Sai, Srikakulam, Srinagar, Subarnapur, Subarnapur (Sonepur), Sukma,

Sultan Pur Majra, Sultanpur, Sundarbans, Sundargarh, Sundergarh, Supaul, Surajpur, Surat, Surendranagar, Surendranagar Dudhrej, Surguja, Suri, Suryapet, Tamenglong, Tamluk, Tamulpur, Tapi, Tarn Taran, Tarn Taran Sahib,

Tawang, Tehri Garhwal, Tenali, Tengnoupal, Tenkasi, Teto, Tezpur, Tezu, Thane, Thanjavur, Theni, Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvarur, Thoothukudi, Thoubal, Thrissur, Tikamgarh, Tinsukia, Tirap, Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli,

Tirupati, Tirupattur, Tiruppur, Tiruvallur, Tiruvannaamalai, Tiruvannamalai, Tiruvarur, Tiruvottiyur, Tonk, Tseminyü, Tuensang, Tumakuru, Tumkur, Tura, Udaipur, Udalguri, Udham Singh Nagar, Udhampur, Udupi, Ujjain, Ukhrul,

Ulhasnagar, Uluberia, Umaria, Una, Unakoti, Unnao, Upper Dibang Valley, Upper Siang, Upper Subansiri, Uttar Dinajpur, Uttara Kannada, Uttarkashi, Uzhavarkarai, Vadodara, Vaishali, Valsad, Varanasi, Vasai-Virar, Vasant Vihar,

Vellore, Veraval, Vidisha, Vijayanagara, Vijayanagaram, Vijayapura, Vijayawada, Vikarabad, Viluppuram, Virudhunagar, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Vyara, Waidhan, Wanaparthy, Warangal, Wardha, Washim, Wayanad,

West Champaran, West Garo Hills, West Godavari, West Jaintia Hills, West Kameng, West Karbi Anglong, West Khasi Hills, West Siang, West Sikkim, West Singhbhum, West Tripura, Williamnagar, Wokha, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Yadgiri,

Yamunanagar, Yamunotri, Yanam, Yavatmal, Yingkiong, YSR, Yupia, Ziro, Zunheboto,

new york, newark, jersey city,  ny, nj, pa, chicago, naperville, elgin, il, in, wi, washington, arlington, alexandria,

dc, va, md, wv, los angeles, long beach, anaheim, ca, san francisco, oakland, hayward, ca, san jose, sunnyvale, santa clara, ca, dallas, fort worth, arlington, tx, houston, the woodlands, sugar land, tx, philadelphia, camden, wilmington, pa, nj, de, md, atlanta, sandy springs, roswell, ga,

 boston, cambridge, newton, ma, nh, detroit, warren, livonia, mi, seattle, tacoma, bellevue, wa, miami, fort lauderdale, west palm beach, fl, baltimore, columbia, towson, md, phoenix, mesa, glendale, az, minneapolis, st. paul, bloomington, mn, wi, orlando, kissimmee, sanford,

fl, san diego, carlsbad, ca, riverside, san bernardino, ontario, ca, tampa, st. petersburg, clearwater, fl, austin, round rock, tx, raleigh, nc, columbus, oh, hartford, east hartford, middletown, ct, st. louis, mo, il, fresno, ca, bridgeport, stamford, norwalk, ct, trenton, nj,

portland, vancouver, hillsboro, or, wa, cincinnati, oh, ky, in, pittsburgh, pa, cleveland, elyria, oh, stockton, ca, denver, aurora, lakewood, co, richmond, va, indianapolis, carmel, anderson, in, milwaukee, waukesha, west allis, wi, kansas city, mo, ks, fayetteville, springdale, rogers, ar, mo,

usa, london, leicester, birmingham, sandwell, wolverhampton, england, uk, scotland, edinburgh, dubai, sharjah, abu dhabi, uae, muscat, oman, manama, bahrain, kuwait, kuwait city, riyad, jeddah, dammam, saudi arabia, doha, qatar, singapore, hong kong, tehran, iran, sydney,

melbourne, brisbane, perth, adelaide, gold coast, newcastle, canberra, victoria, nsw, western australia, queensland, south australia, act, northern territory, tasmania, bangkok, pattaya, phuket, thailand,  kuala, lumpur, malaysia, taiwan, beijing, shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen,

china,  dhaka, chittagong, gopalganj, bangladesh, sri lanka, colombo, kathmandu, Nepal, auckland, wellington, christchurch, new zealand, california, new jersey, myanmar, yangon, south korea, seoul, busan, japan, tokyo,  vietnam, cambodia, indonesia, philippines, jakarta,

 manila, hague, kenya, nairobi, south africa, johannesburg, cape town, durban, dublin, ireland, germany, berlin, munich, hamburg, frankfurt, rome, milan, italy, paris, france, brussels, belgium, moscow, st. petersburg, astrakhan, russia, denmark, austria, vienna, copenhagen, amsterdam,

amstelveen, rotterdam, eindhoven, utrecht, almere, delft, haarlemmermeer, zoetermeer, netherlands, holland,

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