Plot Vastu, Land Vastu: Simple Tips for Selecting A Plot

Best Plot Vastu, Land Vastu3

We make every effort to construct the best house in the neighbourhood. However, before making other important preparations for building a house, it is imperative to buy land ot plot that complies with vastu shastra.

The article “Plot Vastu, Land Vastu: Simple Tips for Selecting A Plot” is a handy resource for learning about various plot types, dos and don’ts while purchasing a plot, veethi shools, locations, soil, etc.

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Plot Vastu, Land Vastu: Simple Tips for Selecting A Plot

The Vastu of the plot will have great influence on the overall well-being and happiness of your family. 

Here are a few factors to take into account when choosing a plot:

Vastu for plot shape & Its Effect

Cardinal Plots & Vidisha Plots

  • Plots facing main directions (cardinal directions) – North, East, West and South are Called Cardinal Plots
    • In this kind of a plot, the magnetic axis of the plot is parallel to the earth’s magnetic axis
  • When main directions (cardinal directions) – North, East, West and comes in a corner of the plot, then it is called Vidisha Plots
    •  In this kind of plot the magnetic axis of the plot makes an angle with the earth’s magnetic axis

Square Plots & Rectangle Plots

  • Plots with all four sides are equal and at 90 degrees are called Square plots
    • Square plots are supposed to be the best plots
    • The Vastupurusha fits best in square plots and brings prosperity and happiness
  • Plots where opposite sides are equal and at 90 degrees are called rectangle plots
    • Rectangle plots are supposed to be the good plots
    • Ideally, the ratio of width to length should not be more than 1:2
    • If the East-West axis (sides) is longer than the North-South axis (sides), it is considered very auspicious

Gaumukhi Plots & Shermukhi Plots

  • Plots that are narrow in front and broad in the rear are called Gau-mukhi plots
    • Gaumukhi plots are suitable for houses or residence,
      • If the broad part is in the North-East
      • And roads are on the Southern or Western sides.
    • Gaumukhi plots are inauspicious, If the narrow part of the plot is the North-East
  • Plots that are broad in front and bnarrow in the rear are called Sher-mukhi Plots or Vyaghra Plots or Simha-mukhi Plots
    • These plots are suitable for commercial purposes
      • if the broader part is in the North, thereby extending the North-East
      • And the road is on the Eastern or Northern side

TriangulaPlots & Irregular Plots

  • Irregular shaped plots are inauspicious because they emit negative energy
    • In case you wish to buy such plot they have to make the necessary Vastu corrections by making the plot into a square or rectangle
  • The Triangle shaped plot is not good
    • Occupants will always be in shadow of fear of fire
  • Circular / Elliptical/ Oval Plots are not considered auspicious for construction of houses
    • Such plots may bring bad luck to the owners
  • Plots with more than four sides such as Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon shaped plots should be avoided for construction of house
    • Occupants will always live in fear

Plots with corners cut 

  • Plots with a missing corner should not be purchased
    • Plots with cut corners are considered unclucky
    • In case you wish to buy such plot they have to make the necessary Vastu corrections with the help of Vastu Shastra experts

Vastu Tips: Extension Vs Reduction in Plot

  • Sometime we get plots which have extended or reduced corners or directions
    • These extensions or reductions may have a positive or negative impact on the occupant
    • Extensions are favorable and auspicious only if they are in the following directions:
      • North-North-East, East-North-East, North East
    • Reductions in these directions are unlucky for occupants

Vithi shoola effects according to vastu (Poison Arrow)

Vithi Shool

  • Vithi Shool – Vithi means road and Shool means arrow
    • Some plots have a road or lane that comes right into the plot, this is called Vithi Shool (Eg Plots facing a T or Y intersection)
    • This kind of a road may bring intensive energy to the plot
    • This particular energy can be positive or negative depending on the direction from which it is coming
    • It is positive only when road is coming from the
      • North-North-East
      • or East-North-East

Remedies for Vithi Shool

  • One can use the corner of the plot that faces the intersection as a garage or car porch etc so that the main house is not facing the intersection
  • Or One can fence off that part and use it for some other purpose like a garden or outhouse etc

Various road positions and their vastu effects

Plots with roads on all four sides

  • A plot with roads on all 4 sides is most auspicious for residential and commercial purposes
  • And doors can be fixed on all 4 sides in the auspicious grids

Plots with roads on three sides

  • In case of roads in 3 side, we get many possibilities such as
    • A plot with roads in the North, East and West is good for residence and commercial purposes
    • A plot with roads in the North, South and East is good for for commercial purposes only
    • A plot with roads in the East, West and South is good for residence and for commercial ventures run by women
    • A plot with roads in the North, South and West is good for commercial purposes mainly but not bad for residence too

Plots with roads on two sides

  • The roads on 2 sides can be corner plots or plots with roads on opposite sides
Corner Plots
  • We get many possibilities in Corner plots such as
    • Eshanya plots: A corner plot with roads in the North and East are excellent and auspicious plots. These are known as Eshanya plots
    • Vavaya plots: A corner plot having roads in the North and West are known as Vavaya plots
      • Important to note that South-West corner of the plot should be higher than the North-East and construction is done only after proper vastu consultation
    • Agneya plots: A corner plot with roads in the South and East are known as Agneya plots
      • These are not good plots
      • Agneya corner represent fire. The excess of fire element in this plot leads to financial and other mental problems and is especially bad for women.
    • Nairutya plots: A corner plot with roads in the South and West are known as Nairutya plots
      • This should also be avoided.
Roads on opposite sides
  • Road on East and West side
    • Plot is OK to purchase if roads in the East and West with the level of the road and plot lower in the East. However these are not excellent plots
    • Plot should be avoided if road and plot is lower on the Western side
  • Road on North and South side
    • Plot is OK to purchase if roads in the North and South with the level of the road lower in the North. However these are not excellent plots
    • Plot should be avoided if road is lower in the South

Plots with roads on one side

  • Plot is OK to purchase if road in the North and the plot and road sloping toward North-East. However these are not excellent plots
  • Plot is OK to purchase if road in the East with plot and road sloping towards North-East. However these are not excellent plots
  • A plot with a road in the South is good for business run by a woman and for any entertainment business
  • Avoid – if plot with a road in the West

Colour of Soil

  • It is imperative to understand the purpose for which the land is being purchased
  • Normally the soil which is good for cultivation like red, brick red, brown, yellow soil etc is also good for the foundation of a building
    • Red Soil – Good for people such as Government employees. admin executives, armed forces personnel or legal services professionals
    • Yellow or green soil – Good for people such as commercial activities like bankers, businessmen, shareholders
    • White soil – Good for people such as doctors, engineers teachers, performing arts
  • Avoid – Black Soil or Clay color soil
    • Since it as it retains water and can cause dampness to the foundation
    • Even building may retain water and can be seen on walls
  • Avoid – Rocky piece of land
    • Not easy to build foundation
    • Gives additional expenses
  • Avoid plot with lot of worms
    • This type of soil normally is very loose and will not support the foundation well.

Best Plot Vastu Direction

  • Some vastu expert claim only east and north facing plots are good however all directions plots are good and each has its own unique advantages
    • Vastu for plot facing east: East facing Plot is good for scholars, philosophers, priests, professors, teachers etc.
    • Vastu for plot facing north: North facing plot is good for those in power, administration and those who work for government.
    • Vastu for plot facing south: South facing plot is good for business class and for those who work in business organizations at management level
    • Vastu for plot facing west: West facing plot is more suitable for those who provide supporting services to the society
    • One of the reason for such classification is – in ancient time, India was divided in 4 castes and there was very less interaction between castes and each class people wanted to stay together

Where to avoid buying plot or land

  • Avoid buying a plot near to any religious building or public places such as temple, gurudwara, church etc
    • Since such places will constantly be crowded and noisy
    • If you have to buy, it should be atleast 100 meters away
  • Avoid buying a plot near to any cemetery or hospital
    • Since such places are full of negative energy
  • Avoid buying a small plot between two large plots
    • Reason is more psychological – In such cases one can construct only smaller house compared to large plot houses, hence one may subconsciously feel ‘small’ with respect to the neighbors. This can create a feeling of inferiority in the owner
  • Avoid buying a plot facing a T or Y intersection of roads (Vithi Shools)
    • Since one can see oncoming traffic and this may give you the nervousness feeling or lack of privacy
  • Plots near water bodies:
    • Avoid – A water body in the south and west is not lucky
    • Best – Water body such as a well, bore-well, river etc in the north and east
  • Big tree such as Banyan or Peepal should be avoid near plot (unless plot is too big and construction is 100 meters away)
    • Since these trees have larger roots, not easy to construct house without cutting roots
    • By cutting roots tree may become unstable
  • Plots under High Tension wires
    • Electromagnetic radiation emanating from high tension wires in large amounts can be dangerous to biological systems, including human bodies. Hence one should avoid such plots

Since all these aspects could be over bearing for a normal person; therefore, it is essential to consult a qualified Vastu Shastra expert before choosing a plot and beginning construction.

To seek the advice of best vastu consultant , Call or WhatsApp on + 91 9538602626 or email on [email protected]

For additional information: see the page plot vastu of applied vastu

plot vastu, land vastu, vastu shastra for plot shapes, vastu for plot shape, vastu for plot size, plot vastu direction, vastu for plot facing west,

vastu for plot facing south, vastu for plot facing north, vastu for plot facing east, vastu tips for plot

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Aadishakti's writing team includes seasoned spiritual industry experts with over 23 years of expertise. Their competence in Vedic Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, and Tarot Card Reading distinguishes them as acknowledged specialists in the industry. They are noted for their accuracy and depth of knowledge. They excel in identifying clients' pain points and recommending the best possible practical solution.