Upanayana Muhurat 2024

Upanayana is a hindu ceremony of initiation that is exclusive to the three upper varnas, or social classes, and it signifies the male child’s admission as a complete member of his religious community and his entry into the life of a student (brahmacharin).

The vast age range between which the ceremony is done represents the varying educational requirements of the three higher classes: the Vaishyas (merchants and traders), the Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), and the Brahmans (priests and instructors).

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Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024

Janeu is the tenth of sixteen rituals. List of the best dates for Upanayana sanskar 2024 (or जनेऊ / यज्ञोपवीत):

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 January

Month Date Day
Jan 21-Jan-24 Sun
Jan 22-Jan-24 Mon
Jan 26-Jan-24 Fri
Jan 31-Jan-24 Wed

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 February

Month Date Day
Feb 11-Feb-24 Sun
Feb 12-Feb-24 Mon
Feb 14-Feb-24 Wed
Feb 18-Feb-24 Sun
Feb 19-Feb-24 Mon
Feb 25-Feb-24 Sun
Feb 26-Feb-24 Mon
Feb 28-Feb-24 Wed
Feb 29-Feb-24 Thu

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 March

Month Date Day
Mar 21-Mar-24 Thu
Mar 22-Mar-24 Fri
Mar 27-Mar-24 Wed
Mar 29-Mar-24 Fri

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Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 April

Month Date Day
Apr 12-Apr-24 Fri
Apr 17-Apr-24 Wed
Apr 18-Apr-24 Thu
Apr 25-Apr-24 Thu
Apr 26-Apr-24 Fri
Apr 28-Apr-24 Sun
Apr 29-Apr-24 Mon

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 May

Month Date Day
May 09-May-24 Thu
May 10-May-24 Fri
May 12-May-24 Sun
May 17-May-24 Fri
May 18-May-24 Sat
May 19-May-24 Sun
May 20-May-24 Mon
May 24-May-24 Fri
May 25-May-24 Sat

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 June

Month Date Day
Jun 08-Jun-24 Sat
Jun 09-Jun-24 Sun
Jun 10-Jun-24 Mon
Jun 16-Jun-24 Sun
Jun 17-Jun-24 Mon
Jun 22-Jun-24 Sat
Jun 23-Jun-24 Sun
Jun 26-Jun-24 Wed


Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 July

Month Date Day
Jul 07-Jul-24 Sun
Jul 08-Jul-24 Mon
Jul 10-Jul-24 Wed
Jul 11-Jul-24 Thu
Jul 17-Jul-24 Wed
Jul 21-Jul-24 Sun
Jul 22-Jul-24 Mon
Jul 25-Jul-24 Thu

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 August

Month Date Day
Aug 07-Aug-24 Wed
Aug 09-Aug-24 Fri
Aug 14-Aug-24 Wed
Aug 15-Aug-24 Thu
Aug 16-Aug-24 Fri
Aug 21-Aug-24 Wed
Aug 23-Aug-24 Fri
Aug 24-Aug-24 Sat

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 September

Month Date Day
Sept 04-Sep-24 Wed
Sept 05-Sep-24 Thu
Sept 06-Sep-24 Fri
Sept 08-Sep-24 Sun
Sept 13-Sep-24 Fri
Sept 14-Sep-24 Sat
Sept 15-Sep-24 Sun

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 October

Month Date Day
Oct 04-Oct-24 Fri
Oct 07-Oct-24 Mon
Oct 12-Oct-24 Sat
Oct 13-Oct-24 Sun
Oct 14-Oct-24 Mon
Oct 18-Oct-24 Fri
Oct 21-Oct-24 Mon

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 November

Month Date Day
Nov 03-Nov-24 Sun
Nov 04-Nov-24 Mon
Nov 06-Nov-24 Wed
Nov 11-Nov-24 Mon
Nov 13-Nov-24 Wed
Nov 17-Nov-24 Sun
Nov 20-Nov-24 Wed

Best Upanayana Muhurat 2024 December

Month Date Day
Dec 04-Dec-24 Wed
Dec 05-Dec-24 Thu
Dec 06-Dec-24 Fri
Dec 11-Dec-24 Wed
Dec 12-Dec-24 Thu
Dec 15-Dec-24 Sun
Dec 16-Dec-24 Mon
Dec 19-Dec-24 Thu

Kindly Note:

  • These suggested dates are based on the Hindu Panchangam (hindu almanac)
  • The dates listed above are only suggestions based on our calculations. Different astrologers may recommend different dates
  • The astrologer may suggest a date that isn’t on this list based on the specifics of your birth details/ horoscope
  • Even on good days, Rahu Kaal should be avoided because they are considered inauspicious


What is Janeu sanskar or Upanayana ?

This ceremony signifies the completion of one phase of a boy’s life and the start of another.

It represents the boy’s transition from childhood to adulthood, a stage of life when he is more mature.

When Janeu sanskar is performed?

The Janeu Thread Ceremony is carried out when a boy is between the ages of 7 & 14.

If the ceremony is not carried out within these years for some reason, it is carried out before the person is married.

A Hindu man must go through the Janeu Thread procedure before getting married.

What are the Upanayana function procedures in North India?

The groom’s parents worship Lord Ganesh the day before the Janeu Thread Ceremony.

In a Brahmin family, the bridegroom and his mother eat the same meal on the wedding day.

Then, as a priest recites Vedic mantras, the bridegroom is forced to wear the Yognopavit, a sacred thread.

The next list of commitments includes those that we previously covered in this holy scripture.

These oaths include a commitment to their parents, a promise to honour society, a promise to appreciate knowledge and wisdom.

The bridegroom must chant Vedic mantras while offering fuel sticks to the sacred fire.

As part of the Upanayana Ceremony in the North, the groom begs his mother and the older women in his family for food. After offering the food to his Guru, he eats it himself.

What are the Upanayana function procedures in South India?

The significance of the sacred thread ceremony, known as Vrutham in the South, for a groom is the same as it is in the North.

The Vrutham rite is carried out in the groom’s home the morning before the wedding.

On this day, a youngster ends the Brahmacharya stage of his life and begins the next adventure, the Grihastha stage.

A groom is required to complete Vrutham before being hitched.

The father of the bridegroom, the Guru or Acharya, gives his son permission to embark on a new phase of his life.

Puja is finished when a holy thread that has been coloured with turmeric is wrapped around the groom’s wrist.

This wedding also takes place at the bride’s house in the South. To protect the newlyweds from evil’s sight is the aim.

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